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  • vhiarose
    vhiarose Posts: 13 Member
    Hey I've come back to MFP to start up again with my toning process just before I hit the Greek islands in July! Just need to lose those last few kgs and I'm finding it hard to stick to my calorie goals without exercise. Am planning to do the 30 Day Shred from scratch this week so if anyone from Aus would like to add me so we can keep motivated together feel free cause it would be nice to have some support! Thanks, Vhia.
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    Hello everyone -add me too - born in the UK, emigrated to Perth, lived in Adelaide and then moved to Canberra 20 years ago - have 8-18 kgs left to lose -would love lots of support -just had a lovely week in the Blue Mountains but despite lots of walking have put on 2 kgs!!
    Back on the straight and narrow again today.
    I love my FITBIT too - best motivator!
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Looking for more highly active people to keep me motivated and to motivate back!

    I've dropped 20kg since the start of the year and have also recently started lifting weights at least 3 times a week on top of 3+ basketball sessions a week.

    Age, gender, location doesn't matter as long as you're active!
  • DavidOfOz
    DavidOfOz Posts: 225
    Hi all. 42 y.o. from Vic. Getting a little sick of having too many overseas friends on here. Noone ever seems to be on at the same time as me!
  • GlitterMonstar
    GlitterMonstar Posts: 9 Member
    Hey 21 yo from Sydney south west. Feel free to add me :)
  • Hello Fellow Aussies, im new here and looking for other fellow aussies to add as friends, im 21 and in NSW! feel free to add me :)
  • Generalle
    Generalle Posts: 201 Member
    I everyone, feel free to add me. Kiwi living in Melbourne, am on here most days (when I'm not at the gym of course). Got a little bit of fat to get off, looking to get body fat % down, am happy to encourage with general weight loss :happy:
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Just realised I hadn't posted in here yet. Always happy to add new friends on here, especially more Aussies.

    I'm a 32yo guy, about 25kgs down from my heaviest and a few more to go.

    I basically follow the rule of not doing anything you can't/don't want to sustain long term. Basically an IIFYM approach to my diet. Happy to offer any support or advise to others along the way - but no judgement (unless you ask for it of course). :glasses:
  • marnob86
    marnob86 Posts: 5
    Hi Guys,
    I'm from the Central Coast/Newcastle area.
    I have lost 20kg on another program but have struggled to get past the next hurdle. 15kg to go and I know MFP can help to get me there.
    Feel free to add me! :-)
  • rachborg
    rachborg Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me ... I need to be held accountable, and I find when I don't login daily on MFP my weight suffers!

    I'm 31 from Melbourne - my favourite way to exercise is kickboxing, and body combat classes. I'm trying to lose 10kg to get back to my pre wedding weight :/
  • Hi guys, definitely will add people!

    I'm 23 from Melbourne hoping to shed about 25-30kg's and just become more fit in general!
  • sal82
    sal82 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm always looking for new friends. I'm 29, almost the big 3 0 :noway: I have a 14 month old baby boy and I work part time at an animal pound. I have a bunch of dogs and my friends and I compete in dogs sports pretty often. I have lost around 15kg since having my son and around 25kg from my highest ever weight. I'm still attempting to lose another 15-20kg. I've been a bit stuck lately so I'm attempting to lower my carbs but I still have big splurges with friends and stuff on the weekend so my diary can be all over the place :laugh:
  • Hi there Sal82, well done so far on the current weight loss! best of luck with the rest which I reakon you can smash easily! especially with this great site.. it offers such great support.
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    add me, 31 female brisbane, 5 kilos to go, problems with drinking too much on the weekend :drinker:
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Hey there, I'm 31 and friends with the gorgeous Sal82 ^^ IRL, so all those things too, dog sports, big weekend eating and I have a 2yo son!

    I've gotten to my goal weight and have been on maintenance for about 5-6 weeks now, and am very scared about putting it all back on! (which I know I wont do all of a sudden, but it crept on to me once, I need to make sure I dont let it creep back on again in the future!)

    Feel free to add me, anyone who thinks I can help them or they can help me lol!
  • NanoBear
    NanoBear Posts: 67
    Hi all, I'm 26, from Perth, WA.
    Started at 145 kg last December, currently at 106 kg, working towards my first goal of 95 kg. I'll reassess where I am from there.
    Looking to start playing baseball again later this year, and rugby next year, after having to give up both because of weight-related joint injuries.

    I was obese for a lot years, losing a little and then putting it back on over and over again. Tried various diets and programs with limited success. I took a different approach this time. Did a huge amount of research into weight loss, diet, nutrition, etc, and combined bits and pieces of it all into something that works for me. I've developed my own ideas of what I need, so you might notice my caloric intake doesn't quite match up with what MFP recommends for me.

    I'd like to have a few more friends on here that speak in kg and not pounds!
  • g_jelly
    g_jelly Posts: 36 Member
    What a great idea!
    I'm Geraldine 29 from Melbourne. I really never thought I could loose weight but have lost almost 6 kg this year. I could always do with some more supportive friends, just pop me a message with your friend request :)
  • SusyQ59
    SusyQ59 Posts: 6
    Hi Everyone, I have just joined and I am a mother of two adult children who have now left home "empty nesters!" I need to loose around 50kg. I have a long way to go but I am determined to get there this time. My husband and I still have so many things on our to do list but I know to get the most of of the experiences, I need to loose weight and get fitter. I would love to add a few friends to share with. Please feel free to add me as a friend for like support and sharing. Hope to hear from you. Good luck!
  • stacester
    stacester Posts: 7
    Im new to MFP but have been up & down with my weight my entire life. Have manged to put back on the 10 kilos I lost last year and now want to get it off again. Im 33 and live in country NSW. Looking for friends. Please add me if you think we can help each other. :-)
  • Soni82
    Soni82 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there, I am 30, live in Adelaide and I'm here looking for support and motivation (and to give some too).
    I have about 8kg to lose and have been struggling with these for the past 5yrs! I have tried every possible diet for about 2wks then usually cave in and give it up.
    Now that I am 30, i have realised that dieting isnt the key, healthy living is! I try to eat clean for at least 80% of the time and allow myself a few treats. I use MFP for tracking and support however I dont focus too much on the numbers.
    If you are similar or just looking for support please feel free to add me :)