Your preferred date night...?



  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I like weekdays, if we meet up at a bar for a drink there aren't too many people there that would make it harder to recognize someone if you've never met them. And restaurants get busy around here on the weekends, there is usually a wait.

    Also, the fact that I have to work in the morning gives me (or her) a good out if we're not having a good time. And actually I kind of like hanging out with my friends on the weekends over somebody I barely know. If I ask someone out on a Saturday it's usually because I have nothing else to do or I really like that person.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I like weekdays, if we meet up at a bar for a drink there aren't too many people there that would make it harder to recognize someone if you've never met them. And restaurants get busy around here on the weekends, there is usually a wait.

    Also, the fact that I have to work in the morning gives me (or her) a good out if we're not having a good time. And actually I kind of like hanging out with my friends on the weekends over somebody I barely know. If I ask someone out on a Saturday it's usually because I have nothing else to do or I really like that person.

    Fair enough. If I'm not having a good time on a Thursday or a Saturday, I have no problem saying it and ending the night early. I guess I just don't have a specific day that is for dating vs friends. my friends and I hang out all the time, sometimes it could be a Tuesday, sometimes a Friday. All depends on schedules. But if I had a date, I would put that higher on the chain of importance, friends will always be there.

    If a girl says she's only available for your first date on a Fri night, do you go? or are you going to skip it b/c it's not a weeknight?
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.

    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.

    Who came up with that lol.

    This goes against everything I've ever done. All my first dates have like always been on a weekend and most usually after 6pm

    Don't worry, he did. It's his way of playing games.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Friday and Saturday nights are typically off limits for a first date. If there's temperate weather, there could be a weekend afternoon activity first date, but that usually won't be going past 6 PM.

    Usually anytime between Sunday night-Thursday night are acceptable first date nights. I like Wednesday or Thursday best.

    See I have a hard time making time on weekdays. They are usually full just with work and commuting (I leave for work at 6am and don't get home until 7pm, add in the gym not home until after 8pm in bed by 10) that Fri-Sat work much better for me. Sundays I have softball so that would depend on what time the game was.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    My available days change every week. My son's father is on a 4 on 2 off schedule, so for most of the month I can only go out on week nights. Personally speaking, the one weekend a month I get is dedicated to my friends. If I am dating someone he can go too but I would rather spend that Saturday night out with the girls.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I prefer weekends. I'd be more relaxed about it because I'd have more time to get ready, I wouldn't have to worry about being home by any certain time, etc. But I also don't go out with total strangers, so I'm rarely ever worried about the date not going well and needing an early exit strategy.

    I actually view the idea of "earning" a certain night from the opposite perspective of some of the people on this thread. Weekends are my free time. It's not difficult for me to make arrangements in my schedule for social activities. It is difficult on weeknights because of work, working out, and various domestic responsibilities. I'm a highly regimented person. I do certain things on certain nights every week. If I'm willing to rearrange all of that to go out with you on a weeknight, it means I like you a lot, and my "creature of habit" nonsense can take the backseat.

    But I have to say, about this "I won't go out with you on Friday or Saturday because you need to think I have other prospects" business ... all that says to me is that you're already dating someone who is obviously more important than I am, since she's got you locked down on weekends, while all I get is coffee on a Tuesday night. So yeah, ask her to have coffee with you. I'll move on to someone who is proud to be seen with me on a weekend.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member

    But I have to say, about this "I won't go out with you on Friday or Saturday because you need to think I have other prospects" business ... all that says to me is that you're already dating someone who is obviously more important than I am, since she's got you locked down on weekends, while all I get is coffee on a Tuesday night. So yeah, ask her to have coffee with you. I'll move on to someone who is proud to be seen with me on a weekend.

    Exactly! I actually find that idea pretty offensive and there is no way I would date a guy who couldn't make time for me on the weekends if that is what I could do. Also, knowing a guy has a full social calendar does not make me want him more, it actually makes me move on because I don't know how I would fit in that.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    My best 1st dates were both during the week.. not on purpose but that's when the guys and I were available.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i am severely limited in days of the week i'm available for dates, especially first dates.

    if the invite occurs close to my weekend without kids, i'll opt for that. if it doesn't, i'm limited to tues nights. i won't hire a baby sitter for first dates.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    Any day I don't have to get up at 4:30am the next morning. Because those days I am typically both busy trying to get everything in and extremely tired.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I actually view the idea of "earning" a certain night from the opposite perspective of some of the people on this thread. Weekends are my free time. It's not difficult for me to make arrangements in my schedule for social activities. It is difficult on weeknights because of work, working out, and various domestic responsibilities. I'm a highly regimented person. I do certain things on certain nights every week. If I'm willing to rearrange all of that to go out with you on a weeknight, it means I like you a lot, and my "creature of habit" nonsense can take the backseat.

    ^^^ This. It is much easier for me to rearrange my schedule on a Saturday to fit in a lunch, coffee or early night drinks. If I am doing something Saturday night it usually doesn't start until 8 and if I am doing something active due to the heat here in the summer it is usually done in the morning so I can easily meet someone at 3-5 for coffee or drinks, so mid-afternoon on a Saturday is perfect first date time for me.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I actually prefer weekday lunch, early dinner, or even coffee for a first date because:

    1. Don't have to pay for childcare
    2. Much shorter time to meet so if we aren't a good fit (usually we aren't, even if they're a nice guy), no big deal
    3. I'm pretty social, and my weekends are typically booked with friends/other guys well in advance
    4. My friends/peers are less likely to be out, so if the date goes sour or he's NOT what his profile said, no big deal
    5. Transparent to my son (he doesn't see Mommy with a different guy each Fri and Sat)
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I like weekdays, if we meet up at a bar for a drink there aren't too many people there that would make it harder to recognize someone if you've never met them. And restaurants get busy around here on the weekends, there is usually a wait.

    Also, the fact that I have to work in the morning gives me (or her) a good out if we're not having a good time. And actually I kind of like hanging out with my friends on the weekends over somebody I barely know. If I ask someone out on a Saturday it's usually because I have nothing else to do or I really like that person.

    Fair enough. If I'm not having a good time on a Thursday or a Saturday, I have no problem saying it and ending the night early. I guess I just don't have a specific day that is for dating vs friends. my friends and I hang out all the time, sometimes it could be a Tuesday, sometimes a Friday. All depends on schedules. But if I had a date, I would put that higher on the chain of importance, friends will always be there.

    If a girl says she's only available for your first date on a Fri night, do you go? or are you going to skip it b/c it's not a weeknight?
    I will go out any night if I'm available, it's not a rule it's just what I prefer. And this is usually just for a first date. If we've seen each other a few times then weekends are better because there's a better possibility for a sleepover.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I actually view the idea of "earning" a certain night from the opposite perspective of some of the people on this thread. Weekends are my free time. It's not difficult for me to make arrangements in my schedule for social activities. It is difficult on weeknights because of work, working out, and various domestic responsibilities. I'm a highly regimented person. I do certain things on certain nights every week. If I'm willing to rearrange all of that to go out with you on a weeknight, it means I like you a lot, and my "creature of habit" nonsense can take the backseat.

    Yup.. I hate messing up my weekday routine!

    But as of lately I've been spending one or two weeknights per week at SL's place. So I guess that means I like him a lot.. but most of the time he doesn't get home from work and unwound until I'm done with all the stuff I have to do anyway.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    I hate the typical date. Especially with all of the "who pays?" drama. I would love an active date (walking around somewhere, trail hike, etc) where you find things to do versus sitting across from someone feeling like you're on trial.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Depends on the girl I guess... if it's someone I have never met usually during the week, that way I have a hundred reasons to bail if it's not fun or whatever. If it's someone that I have met and have a good feeling about ASAP, don't care what night it is.
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    For me, it depends how interested I am and how much we've been talking/texting. I prefer weekends if I'm really interested. If it's just more of a get-to-know thing, Tuesday.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    weekends are offlimits - thats prime real estate. I prefer wednesday or thursday.
  • ejoy319
    ejoy319 Posts: 104

    Really??? Have you polled women and this is what they've told you? We like competition?? I think this idea is ridiculous!!!
  • BelMckenzie
    BelMckenzie Posts: 249
    My dates happen whatever day/night works into mine and their schedule. I tend to be very busy during the week and usually don't have as many advance plans for the weekend (unless I am going out of town).