3rd Trimester



  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Hello ladies!! I start my 3rd trimester today :) I’m so excited! But now I’m definitely feeling the pressure to get the nursery done for baby girl. I go to Hawaii next weekend for a week, but then when I get back it’s time to start saving for curtains, an area rug, crib mattress, shelving….*phewwww!* So far we’ve only got a crib and two dressers. I’d like to get a cosleeper as well for when I’m nursing at night. So much to do! I take my glucose test finally next week, so hopefully that goes well.

    Anyways, I hope everyone is doing great and feeling their best!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I'll have to catch up on everyone later, sorry! But here's a quick update...

    Did my glucose test yesterday and got the call today that I passed!
    Ultrasound yesterday went well & they said my placenta moved up a lot and I won't be needed that c-section because of it.

    I have only 2lbs under my max pregnancy weight & I still have 11 weeks to go, so my ob is setting me up with a nutritionist. I've been watching my food, calories, sodium, etc, so I'm actually excited about this because I want to know what's going on, and I want to learn a few things anyway.
    So far this pregnancy has been amazing. BUT because I had pre-eclampsia with my son and was put on bedrest in the hospital from 28wks until I needed an emergacy c-section at 32 weeks... I have to see my ob at 28,30,32wks, and then every week after that. And I'm suppose to start checking my blood pressure now just to keep an eye on it. She said she doesn't think I'll get sick this pregnancy because it's been doing so great, but you never know. At least if I get sick it will be more mild, and later in the pregnancy. This week last pregnancy i was put on bedrest, so at this point everything's kinda new to me this time around! =D
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    Passed my glucose test as well as thyroid and two others that I didn't know about, lol. Blood pressure, weight and her heartbeat are still on track. I'm measuring exactly as I should, so everything is going well. I go back in 2 weeks for an ultrasound which Nick won't be able to go to, but I'm gonna try and record it via phone and send it to him, or skype on my phone at that time.

    Speaking of, he'll be here around 4am Sunday morning, but leaves Monday morning. I don't care, it's one extra day <3

    Have a fabulous weekend all!
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Question for you ladies who've already had children:

    I've had some cramping pains (a lot like painful ovulation cramps) on my left side all morning. My belly just feels really sore and tender, too. The pains haven't been consistent really. They were in the morning (even durning my 2 mile walk) but then they quit at around noon. Are these contractions or something different? Also, maybe TMI, I've had really loose stool for the last 2 days and a LOT of discharge. How do I know if these are productive pains or just randomness-? Hubby won't be home for another week so I'm hoping LO will stay put until then. Should I be concerned? Should I be packing my hospital bag?!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Oh man, last pregnancy I only had pain in my feet and back and butt... This pregnancy has been amazing, no pain except a little cramping but that was a few months ago and the ob said it could have been from stretching or growing.

    Yesterday was SO uncomfortable! While driving to the bank baby was positioned in my right hip, and then I had to get groceries right after, he was in my hip almost the whole time. Pretty uncomfortable!! Towards the end, almost at the checkout, he'd moved back into the right position. Later that night he did the same thing and moved back into my hip again but I was home so I was able to lay down and it didn't bother me so much.... It got worse. I woke up in the middle of the night and baby was all the way on my right side almost! My right side hurt SOOOOOO bad I wanted to cry because any little movement I made was a shooting pain. I'm surprised after about an hr I was able to go back to sleep because he was still on my right side very far over he was there for hrs. Thankfully this morning is much better. Lets hope the little guy doesn't get any more ideas!

    Seriously needed a day off from EVERYTHING after yesterday lol

    ... Also, I know I wont be sain or awake enough after having baby and being sleep deprived, that I know I wont be cooking any meals. So I've been making freezer meals. I have about 20 done, and way more to go =D Been pretty much making all of them actually, because they're all ones I found out Pinterest, always wanted to try but never have. Scary part is, I'm making meals I've never had before, so we're hoping we like them =P lol
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Morning ladies
    A bit of turbulence here lately - hubby was made redundant on Friday so the move to be nearer his work was all for nothing. Keeping everything crossed he finds something SOON but it's not a very good time to be finding a job these days!
    Needless to say Friday was extremely fraught and full of emotions then we had the 2nd attempt at the 4d scan and little one was so low down they couldn't see a thing so we're going back in an hour but if she's not budged then I think we'll leave her in peace. She's where she is for a reason (although she can just stay there for another 7 weeks yet!! It's way too early to be making an appearance!)
    Have a good Sunday one and all xxx
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    I'll jump in early this week. :)

    Jayln - Hope those crampy pains went away. I am a FTM so I couldn't comment on them really.

    Ice - Baby hangs out on my right hip all the time, I know your pain. It seriously made me really worried he's lying transverse, but I've gotten over worrying about that a little.

    It's good to see many of you passing your glucose screenings. I've had two of the '3 hour' tests (they always take longer) and I joked with my Dr. that they just couldn't believe I wasn't diabetic. I was overweight when I started, but probably not by as much as they think since I am tall and have always been built like an amazon. (That's how I think about it to myself anyway.) A word to anyone else needing to take them - try the orange flavor, do not go for the fruit punch.
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Sarah – Glad you’re all settled in your new house, but I’m so sorry to hear about your hubby being made redundant. That seems like it was very sudden, I hope that he is able to find something else soon. Did you manage to get some good shots of Ava this time around?

    Dragon – The practice I go to delivers at two different locations of the same hospital, so I picked the one that is closest to me, which is 10 minutes away. If for some reason there isn’t someone from the practice on call at the hospital I chose to deliver at, then I do have the option of going to the other location.

    Amanda – I see baby Evie is here, congratulations! She is gorgeous! I hope that the delivery went smoothly and that you are both doing well.

    Kelley – Hopefully you’ll see more progress at your next appointment! We are still trying to decide which order to put the names we have picked out in. I joked with SO that if baby weighs more than 8 and a half pounds then we’ll use the order I like, and if he’s less we’ll use his!! I really like both, so I really don’t mind to be honest. I love Jonathan too, but I’m with you, people would have to call him Jonathan, not Jon, or Johnny, etc! DS just has a little 12 inch bike that we got him for his birthday and he loves it! He did have a tricycle for a couple of years before, although he couldn’t reach the pedals for the longest time, he would still scoot himself around on it using feet. I fell asleep on the couch the other night too and slept better than I did in days!

    Christina – How is Max? I hope that he is feeling better. I requested a female OB this time around, as at the last practice I went to they had about 6 or 7 doctors who you rotated appointments between to make sure you met them all in case your primary doctor wasn’t on call when you delivered, and the only one I had any issues with was the one male doctor in the practice!

    Yaya - Good luck with your C-section, I hope that everything goes well.

    Helen – Glad you to hear that you have more energy! My sister did live close by up until November when she moved 4 hours away due to her husband’s job. They are hoping that with any luck they will be back within a few years, as hopefully her hubby will get promoted and the regional office is based here, so fingers crossed! I still have two older sisters back in England though who I miss immensely! I cannot remember off the top of my head when we put DS in his own room, but I think it was maybe closer to 6 months?

    Melissa P. – A preggo massage sounds like heaven! I’ve been so achy lately, and my coccyx has been killing me! How did your 3D ultrasound go? Hope you were able to get some good shots of baby!

    Destiny – Sorry to hear about all the craziness and drama! How are you and Olivia feeling? So happy to hear you don’t have GD this time around! I hope you’re able to work out something with Olivia while you are in the hospital, I know that’s added stress that you don’t need at the moment.

    Jayln – Yay for hubby coming home in less than a week! Sounds like you have been a busy bee in the kitchen! I’m jealous of your garden, we never seem to have much luck when we plant one! This year OH just planted some peppers and they’re growing at the moment, but we’ll see if they sprout any actual peppers! How are the cramps?

    Sugarbabie – Welcome! Hope you have a great time in Hawaii! Very jealous! I hope your glucose test goes well.

    Myice – Glad to hear you passed your glucose test, let us know how it goes with the nutritionist! Babies do settle themselves in awkward/painful positions at times don’t they?! Don’t you love Pinterest!? I would love to freeze some meals, but I just have no room in my freezer! I think we’ll be eating quite a few crockpot meals once baby arrives though!

    Bru – Glad to hear everything went well at your appointment. Hope you had a lovely day with hubby.

    Melissa – How was your mom’s retirement party and your shower? Hope you had a great time.

    AFM - Had our mini shower on Saturday which was lovely! We mainly just hung out and ate WAY too much yummy food! We really don’t need much for baby boy, so he got some cute outfits and diapers, stuff like that, and my sis got us the co-sleeper that I wanted, which I am super excited about!! I had ordered some nursing bras online and they arrived the other day. Not sure how long they will fit for once my milk comes in, but at least I have something to start with and wear in the hospital. Also started picking stuff up for after delivery, maxi pads, witch hazel, and all that good stuff! How I look forward to the recovery again…………NOT! I’m hoping it won’t be so bad this time around being that body has already been through it before.
    I've been super achy lately too, and my coccyx has been really sore. I feel like my bump is huge, although I did manage to paint my toenails the other day! It wasn't exactly the most spectacular job, but oh well! Sleep isn't too great either, I can't seem to sleep longer than 6 hours. I guess it's just my body getting me ready for having a newborn again! Also baby is still breech, so I'm going to resort to trying the old wives tale tricks as I figure it can't hurt!? I tried taking a bath the other night and putting an ice pack on the top of my belly where baby's head is, but it didn't work. Baby was super active, but he definitely didn't move head down! I see the midwife on Tuesday so we'll see what she says and see if it's an option to try a version if baby doesn't move, because I'm really not keen on having a C-Section. Hopefully baby will move on his own.

    Hope you all have a wonderful week!

  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hi Emily,
    Glad your mini shower went well and best of luck getting baby turned :)
    The scan went really well, I'll try and post a pic on here of the best shot - she definitely has her Fathers nose!
    Yeah the redundancy was VERY out of the blue, we're still in shock really but he's got an interview today so fingers crossed!
    Have a great week xxx
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Anyone else COMPLETELY exhausted? I even wake up exhausted. Yesterday all I did was make 3 loafs of bread (I was even sitting in a chair while mixing everything together etc).... And besides that I didn't do much of anything. I put stickers on my 2yrs power wheels, packed my hubby's clothes, and that's what about it.... By the end of the night my hubby was holding me while I was crying because I was just completely drained and exhausted and couldn't take it anymore. *sign* Anyone else feeling this way lately?
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Yes.......exhausted all the time! There are not enough hours in the day to get everything done and it seems like the work never stops....and I'm all alone with the dog right now! It's just us, why am i so busy, the baby isn't even here yet? I love my husband dearly but he's only home on the weekends and he's no help at all, counterproductive if anything :grumble:

    I got the nursery painted, decals up, carpet ripped out......old mysterious bowling ball looking tile underneath the carpet ripped out.....just waiting for new flooring and i'll have that crossed off my list.

    The 3d u/s was amazing. It was nice to have my parents in town to share in the experience. The baby was not cooperating, he hasn't for any of the u/s. Head down, facing my back and shy. The few good pictures we got were amazing. I'll try and get a pic on here too.

    Looks like everyone has a lot going on, wishing everyone a great week.
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Anyone else COMPLETELY exhausted? I even wake up exhausted. Yesterday all I did was make 3 loafs of bread (I was even sitting in a chair while mixing everything together etc).... And besides that I didn't do much of anything. I put stickers on my 2yrs power wheels, packed my hubby's clothes, and that's what about it.... By the end of the night my hubby was holding me while I was crying because I was just completely drained and exhausted and couldn't take it anymore. *sign* Anyone else feeling this way lately?

    Definately feeling your pain! I'm not sure how I'm going to get through the next 2 weeks and I wish I was able to take more time off work to get some rest, but there's just too much going on. I've also just started getting random shooting pains through my right hip and leg... to the point where my knee gives out. It comes and goes so I'm trying to ignore it and just chucked it up to being on my feet too long this weekend.
    Emily- Max is good now, thank-you for asking! He had the high fever then no symptoms the next day... so strange. He was pretty rough to deal w/ this weekend so I'm not sure if that was him not feeling good, or a 2 and a half year old's reaction to preparing for a new sibling... we'll see soon! I hope your little one cooperates on flipping for you.

    38 weeks
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope you all had a great weekend!

    Kelley- How are you enjoying being off work? Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately all of my friends here either have a house-full of kids, or are pregnant, or have a newborn so I don't really feel comfortable asking any of them to take on more then they already have going on. I'm just trying not to worry about it.

    Jayln- You're doing better then me! I think about doing something productive, but then I decide to relax or play with Olivia instead. Its terrible. How's the cramping?

    Emily- Your shower sounds great! Good luck getting baby to move. I've never heard of any old wives tales on that so I'm interested to hear what you're trying. How's the stocking up going? I need to get some witch hazel wipes. Luckily I stocked up on pads from Sam's Club right before we found I was pregnant so I think I'm good there. Your little bump looks great!

    AFM- Things here have been lazy! My mom offered to take Olivia overnight on Friday so the hubby and I went to a movie! The last movie we watched was back in November so that was a nice treat. Unfortunately I stayed up way too late, thinking I would have Saturday morning to sleep in. BUT Miss Olivia decided not to sleep at her Grandparent's house so at 6 a.m. my mom called and said she was on her way over because Olivia had been up since 2 a.m.!!!!?!??! So that was rough. On Sunday we had dinner with my parents and my mom asked if we wanted her to watch Olivia so the hubby and I could have a baby free weekend before #2 shows up. I asked her about it a while ago, but just kind of dropped it when I found out how busy she was going to be this summer. I told her I would have to think about it because where I wanted to go is about 4 hours away in a different state. And for some reason I have a feeling this little girl will come a bit early. Of course everyone rolled their eyes and thought I was crazy when I said that. And I probably am crazy. Has anyone else had feelings like this that turned out to be right? Oh, and anyone else feeling a lot of pressure in their pelvic bones? Next Monday we're getting the carpet replaced in the new baby's room so my main goal for this week is to try and get it cleaned out!

  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Hey Girls! I am still kickin!
    We got back from a beach vaca on Wed last week, but have been super busy...and I have been scheduling appts to interview pediatricians, finishing the nursery, and dealing with a Termite situation. yeah...fun!

    I try to stay active around the house and swim when I can...but other than that I have really been a lump. I haven't done a work out in a month and really miss it. I know it is only a few more weeks and then the stabbing vagina and back pains will subside and I can get back to it! Also, I really can't eat too much. It seems that the heartburn and nausea are getting worse...again...only a few more weeks! I am doing my best to eat veggies and fruits at every meal, but don't bother logging food anymore.

    What is the plan for post partum? Is there going to be a new mommy group or subdivide on the FF&P?
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi all

    myice - I was quite tired a few months ago but found out I was low on Iron so could have been the problem as feel much better now. Im managing to walk the dogs most days and do pilates DVD a few times per week.

    sas - sorry to hear about your hubby job - not ideal at all. How did his interview go?

    mpederson - wow your picci id brill - very clear.

    Destiny - Glad you got out with your hubby - not so good that you had to get up so early. Has Olivia slept ok since? I keep thinking baby might come early but only a week or so - but think its more wishful thinking than anything else!

    Mrsjax - Sorry about the pains, I cant eat as much at the moment either - I dont get heartburn (yet) but just feel full and uncomfortable. Im sure there is a post partum good set up but its a private group and think you need invited? Are you friends with any of the other new mums and can get them to add you?

    AFM: All good with me here, im in work the rest of the week and then off next week so that will be nice. Hoping the weather stays fine. My back was aching yest but was sat all day at work so hoping thats all it was as seems ok today.
    Hope you all have a good day.

    Helen 31 weeks
    up 25lb
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hi ladies...

    Still here just haven't checked in because lack of a laptop...my laptop works but none of the keys work so my son may have shorted out the keyboard...debating now on weather to get a new one or see if its fixable...otherwise I jump on bhhubbies laptop when hs hbome and not working...
    Sorry can't catch up on everyone but glad to here most of you are well.
    I have been really exhausted lately too...like Emily can't seem to sleep more than 5 or 6 hours at a time and then wake up and do things but I need a nap usually within 3 hours...which is tough with my active son. I have been enjoying not working but my work schedule was so light as it was otherwise I have been doing things around the house...cleaning out the pantry, washing clothes get all the baby stuff put away finding recipes to try and activites for my son...no rest for the wary I guess. Last night I got together with some moms and made some cloth wipes...so busy...

    Anyway...no progress in my last appoinment..another appointment tomorrow we will see how it goes.

    Some asked about after baby group and there is one called fit and fabulous after baby...its private but if you email one of the group organizers specifically heather and ask her to invite you it shouldn't be a problem...alright my fingers are tired from writing this on my cell...will check in at end of the week.

    Kelley 39 weeks
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hey Helen,
    Hubby wasn't successful at the interview but has another one lined up for Monday. Keeping everything crossed for him.
    Thanks for asking.
    Love your latest profile pic :) xxx
  • misslouisiana
    misslouisiana Posts: 37 Member
    Hey Ladies, I have been in the 3rd trimester for a couple weeks now but haven't posted yet. I have 10 weeks left. It's not many but feels like an eternity still. I've gotten to the point where being pregnant is not fun and I'm ready to be done. any of you feel this way?
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    Love the 3D pictures! So neat!!

    So my mom called this afternoon telling me my dad is in the hospital due to left tummy pains, problems urinating and running a fever, possible diverticulitis again (was in the hospital 11yrs ago for it the first time). No news yet other than they will keep him over night and are running tests on him. So hopefully it's not as serious as last time and he'll be released soon.

    Having our whole house a/c and furnace replaced throughout the week. Luckily, we aren't paying for it as we rent from Nick's uncle but it's stil been a pain in the *kitten*. Custom pieces needing to be made and things misplaced, etc..not been a fun week. He's actually here now trying to fit everything together. Our weather is mild thankfully right now.

    Planning on a trip to Indiana/Chicago area this weekend to be with Nick, but now it depends on my dad and how his recovery is going as my parents agreed to taking my dogs to their house Friday-Monday. The pup is a huge handful and I don't want my dad stressed out about him.

    Hope to catch up more with you all later!
  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Hey ladies, I hope that you're all well.

    I'll check in later, but wanted to ask you all if you would do me a huge favor? I have an assignment to do for my Pysch class and the topic I picked was "Do women change their health behaviors in pregnancy". I just have a quick survey that needs taking, it will only take a couple of minutes to do. It's anonymous and doesn't ask for any personal info that would identify you. I apologize in advance for the format, I didn't realize I only got 10 questions for free, so had to get creative in fitting them all in!

    Here's the link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GJZ8S92

    I really appreciate it ladies!

    Thanks in advance!
