

  • pecantan53
    pecantan53 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Happy Monday to everyone! I know I've been MIA for a minute...but I've been soooo busy this past week I barely had time to think. We had Vacation Bible School all last week and I taught the 6 & 7 year olds so you can imagine how drained I was by the time Friday rolled around. I wasn't able to get my workouts in, with the exception of walking my dog every morning, but I was able to stick to my diet, for the most part (I did bend at the end and had a slice of pizza) but I think that slice as well deserved. Nevertheless, I bombed this weekend! Yeah, my hubby took me to a new Mexican restaurant and I had the most delicious enchiladas rancheras, beans & rice & tortilla chips & cheese dip! I checked the scale this morning and thank goodness I didn't gain anything but...I didn't lose either. So now, I know I've gotta put in extra work this week. But I'm ready!

    Anyway, I just wanted to drop in and let you all know I'm still here :wink: I hope everyone has a great week! :flowerforyou: TTYL!
  • savedchild8
    savedchild8 Posts: 148 Member
  • LReneeWalker
    LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
    For those following NANY exclusively: I know women need 1500-1800 calories a day. Does that mean with or without exercise or do we add for exercise calories?
  • tlamarch
    tlamarch Posts: 105
    Hello all
    I just wanted to say I'm pretty toked about this group, My body seems to do better on high protein and low carbs
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Welcome Tiamarch, to the group. You will get all the support/motivation you need with the ladies here.

    LRenee: That can be a tricky question for sure. I believe anything from 1700- up in calories is for someone who is heavily into exercise.

    Save A Child 8: Thanks for the motivational quotes you put up, it is truly inspiring. How is it going with you?

    Pecatan: Yes, You do have a challenging job, but then when you are reading the Bible and the children asks questions, you really have to ponder on them. Children are so intuitive and asks questions you never really thought of. Great job! Well the good thing is that you are back on track and that is the main thing.

    Bailey: Great job on that run. With the way you are exercising now, I doubt that it will really affect you at all. You will definitely be ready for your 5K in no time.

    As for me, I am battling the 1 lb demon that won't seem to let me go, but I am not getting discouraged, I am going to hang in there and stay focused, because I intend to win this battle.

    To All Others: Have a great day and I will check back in later to see how everyone is doing. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi everyone! My first 5k is this Saturday and I'm pretty NERVOUS about it. Ran a mile in 9 minutes and 16 seconds yesterday! Whoo hoo! That's a huge accomplishment for me! I started at a 12 minute mile a few weeks ago. Cannot run today, pulled a muscle in my hamstring last night and it feels like I'm having a growth spurt. Weird feeling...

    I'm thinking about adding greek yogurt back into my diet. I really miss it and it's such a great source of protein. I'm so close to goal and feel like a few times a week of it won't hurt. I guess all I can do is experiment and see if it hinders with my weight loss.

    Well, gotta get back to work. Welcome to all the new people!
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    Hi All!
    Walked into the house last night to hear the worst phrase your kids can say…”OH NO! MOMS HOME! Quick!” The last time I heard it, I entered a kitchen that had just gone through the explosion of 3-2 liters of Diet Coke with Mentos. I went to investigate and found my boys running to fire pit where a huge fire had been set by my hubby. They were throwing clothes in and laughing hysterically. Took me a minute to realize they were throwing my clothes in. My hubby came up and told me they were all tired of seeing me in big baggy clothing “for the love of God, buy some new clothes.” Guess I better, was just waiting for more to drop. Hate wasting money on clothes I won’t wear for too long (hopefully). I do feel like I am really going to get this done this time. Have a great evening everyone!
  • tlamarch
    tlamarch Posts: 105
    Hi everyone! My first 5k is this Saturday and I'm pretty NERVOUS about it. Ran a mile in 9 minutes and 16 seconds yesterday! Whoo hoo! That's a huge accomplishment for me! I started at a 12 minute mile a few weeks ago. Cannot run today, pulled a muscle in my hamstring last night and it feels like I'm having a growth spurt. Weird feeling...

    I'm thinking about adding greek yogurt back into my diet. I really miss it and it's such a great source of protein. I'm so close to goal and feel like a few times a week of it won't hurt. I guess all I can do is experiment and see if it hinders with my weight loss.

    Well, gotta get back to work. Welcome to all the new people!
    good luck with the 5 k,
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member

    What a great family u have! That story cracked me up!:laugh:
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Morning!

    Well today is very, very hot....97 degrees. So I am staying in the house today. Well the scale is still not budging from 199, but that's ok, it will be by next Tuesday. So how are you doing?

    Bailey: You should do fine on your 5K Run. Just take it easy, the main thing is to get to the finish line.

    Mi3: That story is hilarious! I can imagine the expression on your face when you saw them burning up your clothes. At least you have everyone on your team...and that is a good thing. Your family stands behind you in your decision to lose weight. Can't help but love them!

    It's not even 11 AM and you can just feel the humidity already... going to get myself another glass of water:drinker: . Have a great day and will check back in later.
  • tlamarch
    tlamarch Posts: 105
    Hello all
    I kinda feel out of place and never know what to say. I never got into the tweet, or facebook thing.......so If I'm doing it wrong just let me know.
    For those crazy hot days I like to keep Protein ice cream in the freezer, this one is my fav
    Strawberry Cheesecake Protein Ice Cream

    1/2 cup mashed Strawberries
    2 Tablespoons Whipped Cream Cheese
    1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Vanilla)
    1 cup Vanilla almond milk
    2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
    1/4 cup chopped Strawberries

    Mash strawberries, SF Syrup and cream cheese together. Mix together milk, protein, & strawberry cream cheese mixture. I used this gadget to mix it up. It makes it airy and lump free. Pour into ice cream maker. Follow your machine's instructions for freezing. 5 minutes before done add chopped strawberries. I put it in the freezer to set for an hour. Top with an optional squirt of Land o'Lakes Sugar Free Whipped Cream.

    If you haven't tried Protein Ice Cream yet... do it now! I promise you will very, very happy you did.

    Basically you can just throw your favorite protein shake recipe in an ice cream maker and viola in 20 minutes or so you have an AWESOME UNBELIEVABLY YUMMY weight loss surgery friendly summer treat!
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    Hi All!
    Walked into the house last night to hear the worst phrase your kids can say…”OH NO! MOMS HOME! Quick!” The last time I heard it, I entered a kitchen that had just gone through the explosion of 3-2 liters of Diet Coke with Mentos. I went to investigate and found my boys running to fire pit where a huge fire had been set by my hubby. They were throwing clothes in and laughing hysterically. Took me a minute to realize they were throwing my clothes in. My hubby came up and told me they were all tired of seeing me in big baggy clothing “for the love of God, buy some new clothes.” Guess I better, was just waiting for more to drop. Hate wasting money on clothes I won’t wear for too long (hopefully). I do feel like I am really going to get this done this time. Have a great evening everyone!

    What a wonderful story!!
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Tia--You are doing fine :smile: We love to have you here!

    As for me, my pulled muscle is still a little sore, so that's kind of concerning since I'm doing a 5k tomorrow! :grumble: Ugh, hopefully I wake up with it recovered tomorrow! Went and got new running capris last night. Had my 3 year old with me and didn't feel like trying them on. There was a medium that was a 8/10 and a large that was a 12/14. Hmmmm....what to do, what to do.... I knew I wouldn't have time to go back before tomorrow morning, and I knew my last pair I bought was an XL. I decided to buy them both and try them on at home. Tried em on, the MEDIUMS fit!! Whoo freakin hoo!!! So happy! I was having such a fat feeling day, too. My legs just are so gross and I had a knee length dress on yesterday. Talk about a baaaaaad mood all day! :angry: That made it a little better though!

    Well, I don't really have a very busy day today. Fridays are my slow days here at work, as I have usually done everything for the week. Blarg, I hate slow days, they go by like a snail!

    Oh, I forgot to tell you....I added greek yogurt back into my diet and the scale dropped today! Not to my lowest, but I've added my beloved yogurt back in and it's still dropping. GREAT feeling! Still having a fat feeling day again, though. I'm not sure what my problem is. Been in such a bad mood the past few days. I even have a pair of pants on that I wore after I had my first baby and was feeling pretty good and they're huge. Still feel gross today. Maybe I need a good run? I haven't been able to go for 3 days now. So ready for tomorrow!! My goal is 45 minutes. I'm SURE I'll be able to do that. I run a mile in 9 minutes, and can normally do 2 in 20, but have never run more than 2 and a quarter miles at once without stopping. Should be interesting :laugh:

    I'll let ya'll know how it went Monday! I will def update my status after I get through tomorrow!! See ya'll and have a fabulous week!!
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Just wanted to say hi and say tell ya I have met my 21 loss goal plus some (22.2) so psyched! I am under 200 (198.8)!:noway: I am really tring to b faithful with my walking and keeping carbs 50 and below. I have tried so many exercise tapes, and think I can do them, try to convince myself I like them but.::frown: ..walking is great. I will have to tone, I know, but for now whatever keeps the numbers going down is fine with me.

    Sounds like the usual here - some struggling, some not, hang in there u can do it! I hope u all have a really great weekend and stay safe from the heat!:flowerforyou:
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Tia: Thank you for that recipe, sound delicious! You are doing fine on the blog, say what you feel. :happy:

    Pam: That is wonderful! Wow, that is truly an inspiration for sure. You can do anything you put your mind to. I am like you with the exercise. It is really hard for me to find a tape that I really like, found one about 10 years ago, wore it out and today can't even find it on the market. So walking will be my exercise, when I am able to get back out there and do it (hip injuiry) - still recuperating.

    Bailey, you crack me up! :laugh: R.I.C.E. Rest, Ice, Compress & Elevate when you get home. Don't try to run on it tonight, save everything for tomorrow. Do what you can whether it is jogging, walking or a full run. But you main goal is to finish the race without doing any more damage to your leg. P.S. If you got some Sportscream, rub it on your legs before you go jogging. It helps keeps the muscle warm.

    Wigtrose: Hope you find out how many calories it will take to get you moving again. But know this, you can do it!

    Well, I am wishing everyone a great weekend and also hope I hear about some great losses next week.:flowerforyou:
    "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal, nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong attitude" - Thomas Jefferson
  • tlamarch
    tlamarch Posts: 105
    I hope everyone has a great weekend, and gets a chance to get your burn on and have some fun
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi all--

    My 5k went GREAT! My goal was 40-45 minutes and I ran the entire thing (NO walking) and did it in 34 minutes! I was pretty happy with that! I also went to the track and ran yesterday. Did 2 miles in 19 minutes. Feeling great about running. I have finally found an exercise I enjoy. I love getting out there and just going. It's a great stress relief and just feels good to get out of the house and be by myself with my music. Really wanted to go after work today, but I have a very sick baby at home :( Hoping the other 2 don't end up with it, but I have a feeling that's not going to happen!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Oh~ Forgot to share my greatest accomplishment this weekend (other than the 5k) I took my son to a bday party and dropped him off. The mom told me to come back in 2 hours. I got there 15 minutes late and they were still doing presents...hadn't even done the cake. The cake was my mom's....she does wedding/party cakes. BEST cake ever! As they were cutting it, I knew I had just gone running and was debating.... The mom asked if I wanted chocolate or white. Before I could even think, I said none thanks. WHEW!! That would have defeated the purpose of my run. Went home and had some really yummy philly cheese steak. Atkins recipe of course. After I ate I was still craving something sweet, so I had a small chunk of my chocoperfection candy bar. PERFECT!! NSV for sure!!

    Have a great day, all!
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    Hello all
    I kinda feel out of place and never know what to say. I never got into the tweet, or facebook thing.......so If I'm doing it wrong just let me know.
    For those crazy hot days I like to keep Protein ice cream in the freezer, this one is my fav
    Strawberry Cheesecake Protein Ice Cream

    1/2 cup mashed Strawberries
    2 Tablespoons Whipped Cream Cheese
    1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Vanilla)
    1 cup Vanilla almond milk
    2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
    1/4 cup chopped Strawberries

    Mash strawberries, SF Syrup and cream cheese together. Mix together milk, protein, & strawberry cream cheese mixture. I used this gadget to mix it up. It makes it airy and lump free. Pour into ice cream maker. Follow your machine's instructions for freezing. 5 minutes before done add chopped strawberries. I put it in the freezer to set for an hour. Top with an optional squirt of Land o'Lakes Sugar Free Whipped Cream.

    If you haven't tried Protein Ice Cream yet... do it now! I promise you will very, very happy you did.

    Basically you can just throw your favorite protein shake recipe in an ice cream maker and viola in 20 minutes or so you have an AWESOME UNBELIEVABLY YUMMY weight loss surgery friendly summer treat!

    This sounds awesome thanks for posting!! Is it just one serving? Trying to figure out the carb count...
  • tlamarch
    tlamarch Posts: 105
    Hello all
    I kinda feel out of place and never know what to say. I never got into the tweet, or facebook thing.......so If I'm doing it wrong just let me know.
    For those crazy hot days I like to keep Protein ice cream in the freezer, this one is my fav
    Strawberry Cheesecake Protein Ice Cream

    1/2 cup mashed Strawberries
    2 Tablespoons Whipped Cream Cheese
    1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Vanilla)
    1 cup Vanilla almond milk
    2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
    1/4 cup chopped Strawberries

    Mash strawberries, SF Syrup and cream cheese together. Mix together milk, protein, & strawberry cream cheese mixture. I used this gadget to mix it up. It makes it airy and lump free. Pour into ice cream maker. Follow your machine's instructions for freezing. 5 minutes before done add chopped strawberries. I put it in the freezer to set for an hour. Top with an optional squirt of Land o'Lakes Sugar Free Whipped Cream.

    If you haven't tried Protein Ice Cream yet... do it now! I promise you will very, very happy you did.

    Basically you can just throw your favorite protein shake recipe in an ice cream maker and viola in 20 minutes or so you have an AWESOME UNBELIEVABLY YUMMY weight loss surgery friendly summer treat!

    This sounds awesome thanks for posting!! Is it just one serving? Trying to figure out the carb count...
    I normally split it by four, my friends split it my two.........I would at least split in by 2
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Morning All:

    Bailey: That is great, about passing on the sweets at the Birthday party. But what I am really blown away with is you did 2 miles in 19 minutes....WOW!!!! Glad that you finished the 5K without any major pain and glad you were able to run it like you wanted. That is great. You showed that we can do anything we put our minds to.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hope that everyone else had a great weekend, and that the scale/tape measurer is moving in the right direction. As for myself I had a .6 gain :ohwell:, which I am going to get off this week. So am looking forward to next Tuesday's weigh in with a loss of at least 1.5 lbs. -- wish me luck!

    Talk to you all later.

    What you have to do and the way you have to do it is incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter. - Peter F. Drucker