Search within recipes
Tracking is not super easy for me as I am creative in the kitchen and cook depending on ingredients I have on hand I would love to use mainly your recipes. That being said, it would be amazing if I could search within your recipe database ingredients, example recipes with broccoli, recipes with chicken, etc.. Overall I…
Grump por
A solid spot to blow off steam. No comments allowed. Others can read what your venting about but wont be able to make your day even worse. The positive side others may see your problems and realize they are not alone kind of community. Call it Scream
Fasting Timer. Countdown and End time.
My thoughts, besides counting up to the time for example 16hrs, could we have it cout down?16hrs to 0. Also since we use the current time to start it, can we have a time shown when it will be done. For example if a 16hr fast starts at 1:50pm on Tuesday the timer would show what time it will be 16hrs from then.
App for diabetes tracking
Contour glucose monitor
Medication tracker
it would be great to have a field for logging daily medications. Right now I log it in snacks or which ever meal is closest, but a designated area to keep track daily would be ideal. Thanks for your consideration!
Track and report on weight lifted
I've been using myfitnesspal off and on for a long time. The one thing I haven't found yet is a way to graph or report on my strength gains over time. For example - I had to take a long break from exercising and basically started out from 0 again. I'd like to see, over time, my weight lifted being tracked/charted for each…
Grocery list
Build a grocery list from prefilled days. Have options to build by day/s or full week/s.
MyFitnessPal should collaborate with Yuka, that would be a fantastic pairing of two great apps. If you don’t know what Yuka is go check it out. Some Doctor’s got together and put this app together to help people make better food choices, it scans barcodes and gives you a 0-100 Bad,Poor,Good,Excellent on additives and…
Food Scale
Etekcity Smart Food Kitchen Scale with Nutritional Calculator, Free App with 19 Nutrients Tracking, Calorie, Marco, Digital grams and ounces for weight loss, Premium Stainless Steel the app is VeSync. While I’m prepping for a physique show in November, I use this scale to weigh my food and it imports it to the VeSync app…
Make our recipes searchable
I wish I could search my saved recipes for logging purposes. I have pages and pages of saved recipes now and have to page through them to log! It would be so much easier if I could search them.
Recipe Serving Options
For recipes created by users, could there be an option for what a serving equates to? Right now you can only quantify how many servings a recipe makes, but I would like the option to also put how much a serving is (e.g. an ounce, a cup, etc) similarly to the options available when you create a food. There’s been many times…
Other integrations
I have used MyFitnessPal on and off for many years. I just recently started to use it again and subscribed to the Premium version. My suggestion is to add two additional app integrations: Apple Health and iFit (tied to NordicTrack equipment). Apple Health is pretty ubiquitous as it is on every iPhone and Apple Watch.…
Oura Ring Integration
The Oura ring tracks steps, HRV, stress, sleep, etc. It is used by thousands of people to track their health. I've had mine for over 5 years. I'd love to be able to connect the data on my ring to this app to accurately collect my heart rate, steps, exercise, and sleep . Would you consider adding an integration to the Oura…
20 hours fast and 4 hour eating window intermittent fasting
Myself and a lot of my friends do 20 hour fast - adding another intermittent fasting option of 20/4 will be really helpful.
Glucose app
My diabetes app didn't even ask about my work. So trying to adhere to a diet plan without that knowledge is not good,as where am I going to get the foods has to be taken in consideration for
Give us a way to force a sync with FitBit
I don't know how MFP decides when to get updates from Fitbit but it isn't good enough. The other day, MFP didn't get updates from FitBit after mid-afternoon. I know this because in Fitbit I had over 8000 steps but MFP only showed me having over 5000 by the end of the day. Could you add a way to tell MFP to sync up? I'm…
Been here since 2012
Where did my thread go?! I can't see my friends progress reports?! Their posts?! Weight losses.. diary completions.. yiiiikes.
Ability to put a bright green checkmark next to each food that is logged
I was thinking it would really be nice because I put all of my food for the day into MFP in advance that a bright green checkmark next to each listed and logged food item will be so nice to have so I can check off what I have eaten so far in the day at a glance. I think that would be very valuable.
Restore the "lbs lost" data on the homepage/app dashboard
I think this is the most disappointing removal and it doesn't have a positive benefit to it being removed. Previously you could easily see, at a glance, your weight lost but now you have to dig into the graph and do the maths in your head. I think MFP is a great tool but this removal makes no sense to me.
Nutrient Values of Food by-Nutrient on the Website
From the Dashboard in the App I can scroll over to "Marcros", and "Nutrients", and "Low Carb", and see the nutrients involved in those. Then I can click on the nutrients in any of those categories and drill down to see the top foods for I've logged for those nutrients to see which ones contributed the most to those…
Vitamin D totals added to Nutrition daily summary
MFP already collects vitamin D data for individual food items within the app. However there is no way to look at a glance and view the total vitamin D levels consumed by day. Adding Vitamin D to the nutrition summary page, with the currently displayed totals for macros, vitamin A, fiber, etc., would be a huge benefit and…
Sharing meals
Not sure if this is possible or talked about yet but I think it would be a great thing to be able to share a meal or recipe with a friend and make it alot easier to add to your diary
One meal (all ingredients added), spread over multiple meals
If I make a huge salad (942 g) to eat over the course of a few meals, I don't want to have to add the ingredients each time. Furthermore, maybe I'd like to add a little more of one or two of the ingredients to the overall meal. For example: today I made a 942 g "salad" that has 12 line items in it for a total of about 1500…
Fasted toggle button for certain meals
It would be beneficial to have an option next to each meal that indicates if you fasted through that particular meal. If you selected "fasted" it would be even more beneficial to reallocate those calories into the remaining meals.
Track caffine
Can you add caffeine as a tracked item?
Shopping list generator
It takes way too much time to screenshot ingredients lists for recipes and collate the correct quantities before going shopping. Please consider this feature or a collaboration with an App like Paprika.
Please make "Copy meal" in Android like IOS
In IOS you can copy a meal to the same day different meal or tomorrow any meal. Could you please add this to Android
Take a photo of nutrition value table
sometimes I just wanna track nutrients fast without creating a new food item. The nutrition tables printed on food containers are pretty standardised. It would be awesome if we can take a photo of that to track nutrient intake and/or when adding a new food.
Quantity Eater
Possibly add quantity eater to the start up choices and help with plans for people who eat alot but don't mind it being healthy food
I think a space to save and compare measurements, as a extra method of tracking progress. Some measurements change while weight doesn't always.this is the case if have witnessed with many whether it is gaining, losing or gaining muscle.