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Ability to set the Diary tab as my default "home" screen

bikrrr Posts: 7 Member
Currently, the app seems to default to the Dashboard tab. If I switch to Diary, then go to another app and come back, it won't change. But if I leave MyFitnessPal for a while and come back, it'll open to the Dashboard tab.

I'd like to be able to set the Diary tab as my default. I prefer the day view because seeing what I already logged helps me remember what things I still need to log.

Plus, it's easier to make sure my entries get tagged with the right meal types (breakfast, lunch, etc.) from Diary than Dashboard. Though you can ignore this point if you implement my other suggestion about automatic meal names.
14 votes

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  • bikrrr
    bikrrr Posts: 7 Member
    edited August 2022
    To make matters worse, sometimes it'll briefly open to the Diary tab and when I quickly try to tap something, the screen will change to the Dashboard tab and I end up tapping something I didn't want! 🤦