DeeDiddyGee's Couch to 10K - Starting January 4th

Whether you are just finishing the C25K program and would like to move on to Couch to 10K (Zen Labs version), or if you've never run/jogged before, please join us. We will be covering the Couch to 10k training schedule - from the very first step to being able to run a 10K (6.2 miles). If you just finished my C25K group (DeeDiddyGee's C25K Program), the first few weeks will be easy for you -- it's not about distance, it's about interval training - burning fat/toning muscle with run/jog combinations.

I started using this program a couple of years ago, and was doing great -- FELT GREAT, GOT TONED UP, AND REDUCED STRESS considerably...then, winter came, I got fat, and LAZY, and had to start over...ugghh..

Starting January 4th, please join me. I will post this 12-week training program, one session at a time. We will walk/jog/run 3X per week. Each week has three workouts -- I post Day 1 on Mondays, Day 2 on Wednesdays, and Day 3 on Fridays -- you can choose any 3 days per week you'd like, as long as you have a rest day between each workout.

Hope to see you here!
Owner: DeeDiddyGeeLeaders: DeeDiddyGeeCreated on December 11, 201513 membersPrivacy: Public


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