Introduce yourself here - I'll go first
Hello Everyone, My name is Richard Gaspa and I reside in Las Vegas, NV. My home is in the flight path for the aircraft landing and taking off from the Nellies Air Force base here in Las Vegas. As loud as it gets in my back yard I enjoy seeing the Air Force flying in formation over my home. I am a 61 year old male, Retired…
Get ready for the month of April challenge
The April Challenge... Walk, Jog, and/ or Run 30 minutes a day for three times a week during the month of April. (or maybe even longer if you are up for it ) Each time you finish your exercises log on here and let us know how it went. Tell us what you done and how long you worked out, Let us know how many calories you…
You are invited to join our group
The Veterans Weight Loss Support Group was created and designed for Veterans, active duty Servicemembers, their dependents, caregivers and friends of veterans. My HealtheVet helps you partner with your health care team. It provides you opportunities and tools to make informed decisions. The best way to manage your weight…
Tip of the day
Tip of the Day, 3/29/13 -- Color is not an indication of a whole grain. Bread can be brown because of molasses or other added ingredients. Read the ingredient list to see if it is a whole grain.
My problem is I love sweets and chocolate
Hi Everybody, My problem is that I love sweets and chocolate... my sweet cravings are so strong sometimes I can't resist... well like yesterday; I had a doughnut. UGG ! :blushing: I know it is bad and most of the time I cannot stop at one. I would like to know what you're eating instead. something healthy replacing the…
I'm here with a goal to get down to my best weight. I'm retired, and a graduate student in psychology. I hope to return to active duty after completing my doctorate. My user name is a combination of the goal (doctor of psychology) my Army nickname (Rock) and the year I expect to complete the degree (2025).
I have been bobbing up and down on the weight scale since my heart surgery. I am limited to 1500 mg of sodium, per day and am not allowed to eat sugar because of type 2 diabetes which I take metformin and glipizide for. I also have BPH and gout. I am limited to four ounces of meat per day. I decided that it was very…
We all would love to follow your progress
We all would love to follow your progress. Be sure to click the "APPS" tab and then look for the "Tickers" tab in the bottom tab row. Click the "update your weight data" and then the "Change the style of your tickler" link to a style of your linking. You can get an idea of what I am talking about under my post here. Be…
I grew up reading bodybuilding magazines. On page after page, they hammered home the importance of protein – how you need it to build muscle, how you should be consuming massive amounts of it, and how you should take X or Y supplement to make sure you’re getting enough of it. This debate rages today. Fitness types often…
VA disability benefits backlog
Did you see The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Wednesday? His segment on the VA disability benefits backlog was great. And everyone's talking about it. It drove the point home in a way that only Jon Stewart can do. Check out the segment: The Daily Show will continue to report on our push to #EndTheVABacklog over the next…
Why am I seeing Oreo cookies?
Why am I seeing Oreo cookies? I am sitting here on the kitchen table writing a few updated messages in the Veteran Weight Loss Support Group discussion area. You of course noticed there are ad's to the right of the discussion area. This is how makes it money and is able to operate this website. The problem…
Food suggestions
Eat raw or steamed veggies. Eat lean proteins. Eat whole fruits. Drink lots of water. Mix in any combination. Remember you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight. The key is to burn more calories each day, than you take in. So focus on that perhaps, instead of trying to starve yourself. Moderation is the key to…
Have you calculated your BMI yet?
Why Calculate Your BMI? Your BMI (Body Mass Index) can help you find a healthy target weight range. BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. BMI has several limitations: it's not accurate for pregnant women, people under 5 feet tall, and people with very muscular builds. It also does not account for age.…