Important stuff will go here one day.
What went wrong in your heart?
My right coronary artery became blocked...requiring 2 stents.
Post heart attack drugs
Just started my drugs... what might I expect? • Lipitor 40mg for cholesterol… which is was 140 during Tuesday’s lab results. It’s working. • Brilinta 90mg 2X/day (new drug)… anticoagulant to keep clotting off the new stents. Take this for one year. • Corvedilol 25mg 2X/day Beta blocker blood pressure med. This one works on…
Heart Attack and Diet Change
I had a heart attack 5 weeks ago. I had a stent put in one of my arteries and that made a world of difference! Now I am trying to learn to eat different as well as exercise better. I will wrap up cardio rehab in mid April. What foods are you eating to help you feel satisfied as well as be heart healthy? Thanks I am working…
How do you keep your saturated fat and sodium low?
Hi, I am writing to see what some of you eat daily, weekly? I have to keep my saturated fat at 10 grams a day and my sodium can not be higher than 2300 mg per day. I am doing it with the fat, but boy it's hard. So many recipes I have looked at that are considered healthy have 8+ grams of fat. Others have 3-4+ grams. What…
Still working hard to prevent the next one?
My fear is that we fall back into our old routines. I'm still in rehab, but my neighbor who had a heart attack used to walk. Now I don't see him out anymore. Is this to be expected as the passion/fear wares off?
Help with Nutrient intakes
Question to any survivors, I'm supposed to watch my sodium intake.. but where should I go to find out how much I can have.. I have seen things that say 2000 is max 1500 is ideal. But how do I know for sure? I'm supposed to go see a Nutritionist but have yet to get an appointment. Also what else should I watch for? How much…
When and where did your heart attack occur?
I was at my office on Feb 27 (3:00 PM) giving a presentation to a team of executives and lawyers. I began to sweat profusely and pressure was building up in my chest. I also felt pain in both my arms. I made it out of the boardroom after the final Q&A session, went to the lobby's front desk and asked security to call 911.
Cardio Rehab Done
Well I have officially finished rehab and I am out there all on my own......kind of scary but I can do it. Still smoke free, watching what I eat and exercising. Just miss the nurses in rehab who I had to answer to 3 days a week....... Thanks for letting me whine - Have a great day!!
Things I do diffrently today
So this is very new to me. not even allowed much exercise yet till after I see the doc on 8/21. But I am doing things differently. I am looking at life differently that will definitely make a change for the better. So I had my last cigarette about 15 min before I had my heart attack. Never really thought I would quit. Now…