zenner22 Member


  • I thought the Jawbone Up 3 wasn't out yet. Have you received yours?
  • I have a Jawbone Up and I really like it. I picked the non-bluetooth one because I feel weird about wearing bluetooth 24/7 (yes, I know we are surrounded by wifi, but I still felt weird about it.) I believe they have stopped making those in favor of the new ones, so you can get my kind on clearance for about $40. The good…
  • This is what I do too. And I've lost 45lbs in 6 months. For me the extra calories is a big motivator to exercise (I know I should just want to do it for health reasons, but I don't.) If I did'nt eat some of the calories back I might not choose to be so active. For example, I'm going to Chipotle for dinner tonight…
  • I like the idea of adding coffee. Also, you could just mix it up with less water and drink it super fast like a medicine.
  • I have a Jawbone Up that is meant for the wrist, but I usually wear it in my pocket while I'm at work. I'll even stick it in my sock while I'm working out for a more accurate step count.
  • Well done! You look fantastic.
  • I'm sorry that happened. People are so rude. Seems like common sense to not ask that question. I have infertility issues and basically can't get pregnant and it's a major fear of mine that someone will ask me if I'm pregnant. I would definitely just break down and cry. Luckily (not really) I'm fat all over, so I think…
  • This was interesting. Thanks for posting it. :)
  • I've lost weight with WW in the past, but I always gained it back. It was expensive and the point systems have become more complicated and confusing. The points algorithm is proprietary and is the way they ensure customers will continue to pay monthly dues, because they have to pay for all the materials to figure out how…
  • I have a ton to lose and have yo yo dieted for years. While this time is not effortless it does feel distinctly easier than diets I've done in the past. I've lost 33lbs in 3 months (again I have much to lose, so I'm sure the weight loss rate will slow down.) Here are the habits I've started that I believe I can maintain…
  • I love freeze dried fruit (not just dry fruit, freeze dried) it's got a great crunchy texture and they are low cal (40cals per package.)
  • I'm not sure if anyone is reading this thread anymore, but I found it interesting. I've been following 5:2 now for 2 months and I love it. I am more alert on my fast days. Hunger pains are minimal. I don't over-eat on my non-fast days, but I do eat what I want. I've been yo-yo dieting for 20 years and I've never felt this…
  • Don't eat your first meal of the day until you are hungry. Regardless of what time it is. I dutifuly ate my "most important meal of the day" breakfast first thing in the morning for years and I'm fat. I no longer think its wise to eat at prescribed times.
  • I second the Orgain organic protein powder recommendation. It doesn't have aspartame, it doesn't have soy (the two things I avoid in protein powders) it mixes better than any protein powder I've ever tried (and I've tired many.) They have it at my Costco, but I've hard Costco doesn't sell it anymore, so you can get it on…
  • I have the Jawbone Up, it's really just for steps. I always log my work outs separate. Sometimes I will stick it in my sock if I am riding a bike or something. I don't eat the calories MFP allows me for the Up.
  • Loveswalking, that is my exact plan up to and including going to my sister's house for a few days ;). We can do it!
  • Don't be afraid of hunger, it comes in waves and if you just endure it for 15 minutes it will be gone. Of course, eat a healthy amount and don't starve yourself, but it's okay to feel hunger. I agree with those that recommend protein to make you feel full longer. Also, hot liquids like broth or tea or coffee are good to…
  • Amazing! You look wonderful. Good job! I wish I had taken some before pictures, but I always refused to get photographed. Now I've lost 20 lbs and I can't compare pics.
  • I love Graze! I was obsessed with subscription boxes for awhile. Now my obsession has dropped off and I've canceled most subscriptions, but I don't think I will ever cancel Graze. The snacks are so yummy, I mean truly delicious. Also, I think the fact that they are individually packaged is perfect for dieting. I will admit…
  • I love reading these. So motivating! My goals for November: 1. Lose 10 lbs 2. Strength train at the gym 2x/week 3. Average 10000 daily steps each week. (Using Jawbone Up to track.) 4. Average 8 hours of nightly sleep each week. 5. Allow myself to believe that this weight loss is really happening this time and that it will…
  • If the protein shake works well for your schedule and fills you up then it sounds like a good fit for your needs. Why not try it for a few days and see how it works.
  • Hi. I'm new to MFP too. How does one join a group? I'm not really keen on sharing my food diary and stats, but I'd love to discuss the 5:2 diet.
  • Hi, I know you posted this a while back. I hope you've had success on your plan. What I've been doing for he last few weeks is 2 fast days and then eating 200 calories more than MFP tell my to on non-fast days. I eat back half my exercise calories on regular days and none on fast days. Seems to be working pretty well for…
  • I think I read that the group just kind of disappeared and they are trying to figure out what happened.
  • I've tried calorie counting for weight loss and failed so many times. This time I'm looking at it as a weekly goal, rather than daily. If I overeat one day I eat fewer calories the next few days (or exercise more.) I've gone 1000 over on a day and 600 below on another day. I never felt dizzy (if I had I would have listened…
  • I don't know that I will succeed this time. But if I do it's because I'm not over thinking everything. Also, I'm looking at my diet as a weekly calorie goal instead of a daily one. This helps me to not feel trapped. Lastly, I started exercising the same day I started counting calories, usually I diet first and then slowly…
  • So he had PKU? Because it's people with PKU who shouldn't consume aspartame. Doc should have asked or inquired. Some people are sensitive to it, but like allergies to certain foods, etc., it's something THEY should be aware of. For the general public, aspartame is fine. A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer…
  • I do think our bodies all respond differently. I can totally understand your frustration with the conflicting answers. I over research things and I drive myself crazy until I just throw my hands up n the air and give up. This time dieting I'm trying to just figure out what works for me and not worry about what works for…
  • When I was on Weight Watchers I would allow myself a "cheat meal" the evening of my weigh in. Slowly that became a "cheat day" and eventually I just quit Weight Watchers and gained my weight back. For me I think I feel trapped when I think I can only have one meal or one day of freedom. So, this time around (it's early on…