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  • I ran across that article last night when I did a search trying to figure out if my dry eyes were related to keto. I couldn't tell how reputable the author was, and I couldn't find similar information from other sources. I've been in ketosis for almost 7 weeks, and the last couple weeks I've been suffering from very dry…
  • Lol, glad everyone got the bodyfat percentage worked out. I'm about 19 % too, and have some definition, but not what I would like. I am pretty sure for me it it is more about losing another percent or 2 bodyfat. At your size, I think you need to add muscle. I found a fantastic workout on that was the only…
  • As long as it doesn't feel like you've injured anything, then it is probably ok to lift tomorrow. Hopefully you will feel better by tomorrow after another night's rest. Light cardio, foam rolling, and lots of water might also help your recovery.
  • I just saw this. I'm a little late, but I'm in for losing 15 lbs in 2015. I think that will put me pretty close to my final goal weight and body fat percentage. I am hoping get down to about 20% body fat, whichI am guessing would be a weight somewhere in the low 140's since I think my lean mass is currently about 115. My…
  • If you tolerate dairy ok, whey protein is probably better than hemp. I have used MetRX, Body Fortress, Raley's Full Circle Whey, and Trutein. My favorite by far for flavor is Trutein, which also has casein and egg white protein. Body Fortress is the cheapest and tastes ok, but I feel like the MetRX and Trutein are higher…
  • Body Nutrition just came out with a new vegan, gluten free protein powder called Gardenia. They sell samples on their website. I buy their regular protein powders, but I tried a couple samples of this and thought they were good, better than the Orgain.
  • I went gluten free 1.5 years ago which reduced my carb intake some. About 5 months ago I took it a step further with 35/35/30 macros and low sugar. I just had my cholesterol tested and was really impressed by my results. I absolutely believe that cutting carbs can help reduce cholesterol.
  • wabmaster, my diet is closer to a bodybuilding/zone diet. I try to get at least 35-40 percent protein, and the rest is usually split equally between fats and carbs. I came here because I was curious about keto and if I would see further benefit from reducing my carbs even more. I think we all have to find out what works…
  • Costco sells Orgain Chocolate Protein Powder that is vegan and gluten free. I like to add a few scoops to a gluten free black bean brownie recipe to boost the protein.
  • I second the Greek Yogurt. Walden Farms makes a calorie free "Amazing Mayo" that isn't bad.
  • Trader Joes GF Brownie mix is really good too.
  • I just realized how much this was throwing off my calories estimates. I knew food lost weight when you cooked it, but I didn't realize it was so much. I have been weighing food before and after cooking the last couple of days so that I can figure out how much I should measure out for accurate calories. Ground Turkey (lean)…
  • I have had great success with a gluten free version of the cake recipe on the back of Hershey's cocoa.
  • Trader Joes offers gluten free rolled oats that are affordable. Chex started making gluten free quick oats that are also affordable. They go on sale frequently at my local Safeway.
  • I am borderline LC right now. My carbs are typically around 175g, but net carbs are considerably lower. JPW1990, did you notice steady improvement as your carbs went lower? It sounded like going LC has been a gradual process for you. I started avoiding gluten about 1 1/2 years ago and noticed a huge difference in…
  • Thanks. It seems like LCHF and Keto are very similar. Do you have specific macro goals for LCHF?
  • I'm not a big fan of straight protein shakes, but I love using whey protein powder in baking or protein pancakes. I also like it pretty well in oatmeal. Trutein Cinnabun flavor in oatmeal with a a banana makes a delicious breakfast. Also, Quest bars are very tasty. Greek yogurt, eggs cottage cheese, and all types of meat…
  • I modify these by adding orgain chocolate fudge protein powder( also vegan). You can make a substitute for eggs by mixing 1 tbsp flax with 3 tbsp water and letting it sit for 15 minutes. This trick is often enough to convert your recipe to vegan. Best vegan…
  • That lava cake sounds good. These are my two favorite recipes for satisfying my sweet tooth. So far my favorite variations are cocoa applesauce muffins and banana chocolate chip muffins.…
  • That one is really hard to estimate. I usually log 1/2 to 1 tbsp for a thin marinade like teriyaki sauce, but I'm not sure how accurate that is. It probably depends on the type of meat and how long it has marinated for.
  • I got my surge 2 days ago. So far I am really enjoying it. I had been using a polar ft7 to determine calories for workouts, but I really wanted the surge since it is integrated with MFP. I notice the polar recorded almost twice as many calories for weightlifting compared to the surge. It does seem like the heart rate…
  • IIFYM/Bodybuilding diet is working well for me, but everyone is different. I have been overweight my entire life. I finally realized in the last couple of years that my body is particularly carb sensitive. Flour and sugar stimulate my appetite and leave me always hungry. I aim for roughly 35/35/30 macros and try to get…
  • I love ginger in my green tea (especially with lemon juice and stevia). I love the anti-inflammatory effect it has and wish I could drink it all the time for that benefit. It has a very warming effect that actually seems to throw my body out of balance if I drink it every day. I know Chinese herbalists tend to mix it with…
  • I backed off of doing straight up strong lifts and focused on listening to my body after getting some hip pain a couple weeks ago. I continued with the exercises, but I did more warm ups at lower weight and higher reps, and maybe one or two high weight sets. I think it was very helpful. I went back to stronglifts format…
  • @DawnEmbers - Amazon has 1.25's and also fractional plate sets so that you can do even smaller increments. I just asked my husband for the fractional plates for Christmas.
  • I started strong lifts 1 month ago today :-) Wednesday Dec 10th Squat: 110 5x5 OHP: 60 5x5 ( I de-loaded from 70 to fix a problem with my form.) Deadlift: a single lift at 140 3@ 135 5@125 Friday December 12th Squats: 5x5@115 BP: 5x5@90 ( I de-load to 85 after 3 fails, but finally got my 5x5 @90!) BR: 5x5 @75 I have had…
  • How many calories do you tend to eat back for exercise calories? If you end up between 1600 and 1900 calories a day you might be ok. I wouldn't go below 1500, even on days when you don't exercise. If you want to maintain as much muscle as possible, you only want a slight calorie deficit and need to be patient enough to…
  • The Oly bars at my gym have changes in texture to help you keep them centered. I pay close attention to where I place my hands because it makes a huge difference on the lift.
  • I warmed up with Power Core class. Squats: 5x5 @ 95 Bench: 5,5,4,5,5 @ 90 ( 3rd fail so I de-load to 80 next time ) Rows: 5x5 @ 65 (These are starting to get hard.) And because I had time today... Leg Press: 5x5 @180 Assisted Pullups: 5x5 -50 pounds Dips: 3x5 -50 pounds Alternating Bicep Curls 3x10 @ 15lb I notice a lot of…