MTDDS18 Member


  • As much as you'd probably hate to do it, in a pinch I'm sure you could add a corset back to the dress? That way it can be let out a little bit if you don't loose the inches, but brought back in if you do?
  • I love Fitness Blender's kickboxing videos on YouTube. I also really love cycling classes! I get such a good workout from them!
  • I use the build feature on Juice Recipes ( It works for me, but I don't juice that often.
  • I mean, I have a HRM and use it. But since you don't eat back your calories I just track it for information purposes and because I like data. A lot of the workouts I do are HIIT style, and I've heard that HRMs aren't particularly accurate for anything other than steady state.
  • I'm an Iowan here, so VERY familiar with the event. I believe RAGBRAI has a training program on their website, if you're interested.
    in RAGBRAI Comment by MTDDS18 August 2015
  • I'm loving Fitness Blenders Kickboxing workouts (found on Youtube). I get really sweaty and feel so empowered doing itl
  • Feel free to friend me! I also have my blog posted in my profile, in part which I blog about my health journey
  • I wore a HRM and plugged that in. But if you don't have one, I would log it under "circuit training" and eat back only 1/2 of the calories.
  • I would compare them to something like 30 Day Shred, maybe a little more challenging. I've done T25, but that was awhile ago and I don't really remember much about it. But it's probably a moderate-effort series (less than insanity, for sure). Just a mixture of strength and cardio moves. You need weights or a resistance…
  • I borrowed the 21 Day Fix dvds from a friend and I really enjoy the workouts, but I don't think it's necessary to purchase and do the whole eating program and shakeology. It's all about calories in, calories out. But in terms of the workout itself, 21 DF is a good video series. There's about 8 workouts that you rotate…
  • I start the day with a smoothie that typically has a green blend (kale, spinach, chard), almond milk, and whatever fruits I have in my fridge/freezer. I typically get 15g of fiber from this. Below is my smoothie from this morning, it gave me 293 calories and 15 grams of fiber. It's a great start to the day Fresh - Kiwi…
  • I type in my ingredients here and it gives you all the nutritional information.
  • C25K Sworkit Fitocracy
  • Ugh, I still hate to think of this moment. But it was at my grandfathers visitation and my great aunt comes up to me, in front of everyone, rubs my belly and asks when the baby is due. When I tell her there is no baby, she loudly protests and tells me I must be wrong. I had to basically run out of there to keep from crying…
  • Check out Fitness Blender, they have so many videos that range in length and difficulty. They have lots of no equipment videos, too.
  • I'm a D2 and have found that finding the time to work out and be healthy depends on you. Take one day a week and meal prep for the following week. Having your lunch pre-packed will help you avoid the temptation to make a visit to the school or hospital cafeteria. With the stress of classes, exams, patients, etc it is easy…
  • I'm 5'2 and eating around 1600. I decided to do the TDEE - 20% method and it works better for me. If it's something you're interested in you can calculate your TDEE at Just remember if you go this route, you don't eat back exercise calories.
  • They have 100lb down in the other lifting area. I would love to get down there, but it truly is too crowded, I tried to get down there and just go to the dumbbell once and it was a nightmare. I'm not sure if it's the time I go to the gym, but with classes/clinic from 8am-5pm I end up hitting the gym at the same time as the…
  • I go to the university gym, so I'm really hoping once summer hits and things clear out I'll get some time in the racks. (Un)luckily my program is year round, so I'm there when all the undergrads are not. Hopefully by that time I'll have my weight-load built up and will feel confident without a spotter Thanks for that…
  • Have you tried a group exercise class? Some people find that working out in a group can keep them accountable (to both showing up and putting in REAL effort), but a lot of people like the interaction aspect with an instructor. There's a huge variety in classes you could take, like Zumba, bootcamps, cycling, water aerobics,…
  • It depends. I track my activity with a HRM and usually get at around 400 calories for 45 minutes of cardio. I also usually do anywhere between 20-40 minutes of strength training, but don't track those as calories burned.
  • Curious if you know what splicing is? Scientists take a helpful gene that is within an organism and encode it into the crops DNA. A gene is literally a sequence of 4 differently arranged nucleotides that make a protein product in the cell. Guess what, your body uses those same 4 nucleotides to encode it's protein products.…
  • What's so horrible about GMO's exactly? Hopefully you don't ever need to take insulin, a genetically modified bacteria is used to make it. eta: I don't mean to come off as snarky, but having my BS in biology it often gets me riled up when people attack GMOs and generally have no solid evidence backing up their claims other…
  • Welcome! Good luck on your journey! I'm 5'2 also. I don't have a set goal in mind, I arbitrarily set my goal for 125. However, the last time I got down to 125 it was all through cardio and restrictive eating, it will be interesting to see how different my body looks now that I've been lifting. Feel free to add me as a…
    in I'm 5'2 Comment by MTDDS18 January 2015
  • I sometimes make a juice (with a juicer, not a blender) for a light breakfast or in addition to lunch, if you make it with mostly greens you can get at a 100 calorie mark. It's not by any means a good thing to juice exclusively, but as a supplement to meals can be a viable option.
  • You can check out mine, it's not necessarily completely fitness oriented, but I blog about my fitness!
    in Fitblrs Comment by MTDDS18 January 2015
  • At my school (which also has a brand new rec center - maybe same university?) students have discounted access to a personal trainer. It may be worthwhile to pay for a session or two just to get a routine mapped out and be shown how to work the equipment you aren't familiar with.
  • I love her channel!