Learning to Live With Hating Exercise



  • Peanutmanak47
    Peanutmanak47 Posts: 75 Member
    Try combining it with something you really like. For me personally I go for a 30-60 minute walk during my lunch break at work. I don't ever feel like walking but I couple it with listening to something from ESPN radio's podcast center so it makes it much more enjoyable for me. I honestly don't even think about the walking because I'm paying more attention to the sports I'm listening to.

    Another thing I've done in the past, and had no shame about it, was go to the gym and go on the treadmill or elliptical machine, bust out some netflix and watch a TV show or half of a movie.
  • MTDDS18
    MTDDS18 Posts: 62 Member
    Have you tried a group exercise class? Some people find that working out in a group can keep them accountable (to both showing up and putting in REAL effort), but a lot of people like the interaction aspect with an instructor. There's a huge variety in classes you could take, like Zumba, bootcamps, cycling, water aerobics, etc. Check out what your local gym offers, you may be pleasantly surprised.
  • Laura732
    Laura732 Posts: 244 Member
    Find a gym. Look at the class schedule. Start at the top of the list and work your way down :) Most gyms have ways to try out classes or different ways to exercise.

    You realize you need to do it, so just go do it. The reality of it is that you have to keep trying something until you find what you like. Expose yourself to as many new things as you can.

    Of course there are the simple things, like walking. Walking counts. Take the steps instead of the elevator! Little things add up. The more little things you do, the more likely that you won't have to worry about burning a ton of calories in one exercise session.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Have you considered serious weightlifting ("lifting heavy")? It sounds like you're a great candidate for that, as someone who enjoys strength training and won't feel like you're "giving up" cardio. ;) Check out programs like New Rules of Lifting for Women, Strong Curves, or Stronglifts 5x5.

    MFP is full of women who have seen *great* success lifting heavy with no or very limited cardio. I bet you'd do awesome alternating lifting days with yoga?

    Other stuff to do--join a roller derby league, take up hiking, get thee outside on a bike (when weather permits), volunteer to walk dogs at the Humane Society, cardio kickbox (the only fitness class I can stand, and I am a DIE HARD cardio enthusiast), mountain biking, soccer league, adult beginner dance lessons (EVERYONE sucks, trust me), tennis lessons, find a pool with evening lap swim, handball...
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    like others have said, just do some walking. make it regular, 4-5x a week for 20 min or more. thats it. and count your calories properly and be at a deficit and the weight will come off.
  • leahmstoffel
    leahmstoffel Posts: 18 Member
    edited February 2015
    Like a few other people have said, kickboxing might be a good option. I have always HATED exercise but when I got serious about losing weight I signed up for a 3 class trial and I'm obsessed now (I go at least 5 days a week). It's a great work out and the best part is getting to punch the bag to work out your frustrations on actually having to exercise :) I thought it would be intimidating too when I first started because I've done group exercise in the past and felt extremely uncomfortable but everyone in my classes are sooooooo into punching their own bag that they are totally not paying attention to anyone else. Definitely something to look into!

    I also recently joined an adult social sports league here in NYC (ZogSports) and I love it. It's basically like intramural sports in college, but way more fun! I play dodgeball once a week and it sounds kind of silly but it's actually been an amazing workout. I love it!

    Good luck finding something that works for you! It took me a few years out of college to find what works for me but it's definitely worth it when you do :)
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    Have you tried something like hula-hooping or playing staff? I play staff myself, and burn about 300 calories in a half-hour or so, and come out of it with the time having flown by and a big smile on my face. It's exercise, but it really doesn't feel like it.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I hate working out before I do it and during, but I love the way cardio makes me feel afterwards.

    Its also good just to keep in mind that exercise is like taxes or going to work. You don't have to love it, you just have to do it. Maybe do HIIT. That only last like 30 minutes but is supposed to be a great workout.
  • Athos282
    Athos282 Posts: 405 Member
    You need to find something active that you think of as 'fun' rather than as 'exercise.' I'm a numbers nerd. The fun for me isn't going to the gym, it's seeing better numbers from the workouts I do there. I like seeing higher weights, farther distances in the same time, and the like. You need to find a way to make it fun for you.

    Sometimes just having somebody to go with turns the chore into fun. You get some social interaction and do something good for yourself at the same time.

    If you like 'feeling it' the day after, try to find a good Crossfit box. It'll work you out well and you'll certainly feel it the next day. Just a word of caution that there are good and bad Crossfit boxes out there. Make sure you find one that takes the time to teach you the correct form before they make you go for speed.
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    Why no dance? Do you count belly dance? There are loads of videos on YouTube, and quite a few DVDs. I also use the dance game with the Wii Fit. I can't do half the moves, but at least I'm moving. :)
  • karmstg
    karmstg Posts: 15 Member
    Do you like kickboxing or shadow boxing? It's the only form of cardio that I've come to love...check out some Tae Bo videos, old but classic, not your typical cardio and it'll let out any pent up aggression.

    I second this. I hate cardio. Always have. It bores the **** out of me. But I do enjoy kickboxing etc. My latest one is an advanced tae bo workout. I don't want to link to a video, but if you search YouTube for "Tae Bo Advanced YouTube Exclusive," you'll find it. It's an authorized video (i.e. not pirated.) I do a modified 30 min version 5-6x a week.

    Also try the 7 minute workout. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/05/09/the-scientific-7-minute-workout/?_r=0 It's easy to fit a 2-3 rounds a day. If you get a free app for it, look for one with warmup/cool-down--adds a couple of minutes, but it's better for you.

    It really is a matter of finding the exercises you don't hate. Believe me, I know how tough that is. I was the only kid in 9th grade who successfully convinced the school to let me skip compulsory gym. I hated it THAT much. I was a skinny kid, but just not athletically inclined at all.
  • zaxx1953
    zaxx1953 Posts: 389 Member

    The best weight loss bang for the buck/err, minute.

    I hate it, but love the fact it's short, challenging and the results are superior to static nonsense on the machines.

    Just start with this:

    :30 seconds Jumping rope
    1 minute off.
    :30 seconds jump rope
    1 minute off

    Repeat like 10 times or for 10 total iterations (15M total.

    The key is going REALLY hard for those 30 secs, like so you are sweating, gasping and barely making it by the end.
  • buh_bye_flab
    buh_bye_flab Posts: 9 Member
    Hey there! I've been in your shoes. For me, walking and then power walking got me going! At first I walked alone because I was so dang slow. Then as my endurance picked up, I started walking with friends. Chit-chatting seemed to always make the walks go faster, and before you know it, we'd have gone 5 miles! After walking became a bit too routine for my weight loss goals, I added in hikes. I live in the Bay Area, so there are lots of trails and hills here. Now that the jiggles are jiggling less, I've started jogging. I hate jogging (mostly because I have a knee that is not so hot) but it's the next logical step for me.

    Just flashed on another thought - if walking/fast walking floats your boat, add in a weight vest! That makes you work a little harder!
  • fionalew
    fionalew Posts: 18 Member
    I so agree with this. I have not got too much to lose but do need to tone up. I am going to do the 30 day shred from you tube. Surely I can force myself to do 20 mins a day for only 30 days?? Set small challenges and achieve them to give yourself a boost? That's my current frame of mind as I am fed up with not liking how I look and think I can do this - it's only 30 days?? Good luck
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    I personally love to run, and am working on getting back to where I use to be. Currently most of my cardio is focused on training for the 12 k I am doing in May, I also do weights 3 days a week. I decided to add insanity max 30 in (I just ordered it today, so should be here by Monday of next week), just to get a more overall workout. If you don't like things like that (which it sounds like you don't) try
    walking, hiking, horseback riding, biking, since you like yoga pilaties (spelling?) maybe a good fit, you can also try a martial art (such as karate) . Take a look around at what is offered in your area and if something seems interesting give it a try.
  • HereLieWe
    HereLieWe Posts: 233 Member
    If you don't like cardio, try weight lifting. Trust me, I hate exercise to, but ever since I started to lift, I can't wait to go to the gym! I love to watch myself improve.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    If you like yoga, do yoga. Or lift. I personally hate most cardio and only started running because I wanted to prove that I could do it if I wanted to.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I lift and walk... occasionally I swim.

    I think yoga and strength training are awesome. What is wrong with that? Maybe add the occasional walk or something if you are really worried about it. If it annoys you less, add it in as part of your day rather than planned exercise. For example, my home is an hour walk from work. My gym is actually half way between both. I walk to the gym, then the rest of the way to work afterwards. I essentially use it as travel time.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You said you like strength stuff. Eat at a deficit, lift...lose fat and keep your muscle. You'll have amazing results. I did that and only got about an hour and a half of cardio in a week (hate it). I lost almost 30 pounds and body fat is down to about 20%
  • TiffsMethod
    TiffsMethod Posts: 5 Member
    Have you tried rowing? If your gym has a rower, give it a try. Great cardio, plus adjustable resistance. It's my favorite, though the gym at my apartment doesn't have one