

  • I used to work out first thing in the morning before consuming any food and the results were a lot more noticeable quicker. I read somewhere that when on "empty stomach" (i.e haven't eaten in 10-12 hours) you are burning fat and not carbs. I have no idea if this is true but I felt for sure something different was happening…
  • My fitness pal will not recommend less than 1200. It is not the number needed for 1lb week, just the lowest setting it will offer. It is confusing though that it shows 1200 for the 1 and 2 lb loss settings so I understand the question. The reason 1 lbs a week when already at a mid level BMI is considered too aggressive is…
  • I know its not great long term solution but sometimes when you first start dieting it is easier to eat things you are sure you know the calories on (or as close as listed anyway.) Sure it may be from can, box or package but it really gives you an idea just what amount of calories are in food. After two weeks you will start…
  • I will roast cauliflower with red pepper and sea salt if I really need something. It taste yummy. The salt and little crisp reminds me of potato chips. Very filing and lets me eat a lot for low calories. It will hold you until dinner. I think its called popcorn cauliflower or crispy cauliflower. Not much I can do except…
  • Your metabolism isn't damaged. Calories in and calories out still applies. What is different is that when heavy restricting you some lose muscle. That muscle burned more calories. Even then it is only the difference of a few more calories than original maintenance. My advice would to be actually eat more so and begin…
  • Seldom poster but after reviewing this forum for past month I would have to say no...just no is the top of my list.
  • You an lose 5 pounds a month for next 2 months (or more importantly lose the desired inches.) I think you will do it and feel fantastic. It does call for calorie deficit but you won't be starving. It is not too aggressive for a short term goal. Just keep in mind, no matter what you weigh on wedding will be…
  • I am truly sedentary. I work 12 hrs at a desk with no break on a graveyard shift. I sleep 8 and other 4 I am catching up on life or other times being plain too exhausted to move. I am drained on this schedule. I need to find time to exercise as my BMR is 1100s and TDEE is 1400s. Long term that sets me up for gain. Maybe…
  • If you truly are a night time eater and you can't get it under control just yet, perhaps until you do, try calorie shifting. Eat lighter in the day and save some calories for night. You can slowly work way out of this later by increasing day time and reducing night time calories but for can go with it as long as…
  • I don't know why people get all worked up by a crash diet or "kickstart." If it works for the person to do something drastic to switch their mentality where is the harm? A 3-5 day crash diet will result in real loss. Probably a pound of fat. The rest is water but so what? It still motivates you to find a true diet plan…
  • I am sure you did not eat enough calories to gain 9 pounds of fat in a weekend. In the same line of thought, you did not have a deficit enough to lose 10 lbs of fat in a week. I would think there is a lot of water/food weight fluctuations showing on the scale. I am guessing you have a total loss though of one pound so that…
  • Pregnancy, no more teenage metabolism, less activity, coupled with consuming more food changed your weight. Not rocking. Sure the extra motion helps burn more calories but what are we talking about? Maybe 70 day max with maybe?
  • I work on a weekly average instead of daily. If I have a cheat day I just burn it off/eat less the next. It keeps me sane but lets me lose. My TDEE score is low, only 1440. I would go crazy trying to lose or maintain weight without having higher calorie intake days sometimes. It sucks I have to sacrifice other days to…
  • Maybe you learned a lot about portions and serving sizes when counting and it stayed with you? It is really up to you to decide when you want to track again. Just monitor weight and measurements and if you notice a stall or gain start back up? I can maintain a long time without tracking but losing is hard me without.…
  • OP, make sure to track everything. Even one bite off someone plate can be 20-40 calories depending. Set a quick calories under "my foods" even to keep track to make it simple. Losing weight the first the first month will show the greatest loss. The 15 lbs initial could have been 7.5 lbs of fat and 7.5 lbs of water and…
  • This is a perfect answer. You will hear all kind of feel good myths like "you are gaining muscle and it weighs more than fat so you are probably still losing, starvation mode is causing your body to cling to the calories so eat more, food eaten after dark stores as fat etc etc" and all these answers do is keep you further…
  • Do you eat your exercise calories? That can lead to issues. For instance, if MFP says you burned 100 calories walking for 30 min, you cannot just eat 100 and be even. If you sat on the couch and surfed the internet you still would have burned about 35 calories anyway. In reality you have to factor the walk as 65 calories…
  • I had my most success, mentally and physically doing EOD. I am strongly considering going back to it. I did not count calories on eating day and had 300-400 cal the second day, 300 of which was burned off thru exercise. I went down 20 lbs rather quickly (didn't track back then so maybe 2-2.5 months) Once you get past the…