Just How Sedentary is "Sedentary," Anyway?



  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Thanks, everyone! To answer some questions:

    1. I have been "dieting" for about nine weeks now and have lost 19 lbs. That is including two very off-plan weeks where I actually gained. Afterward, I lost the gained weight. I haven't even thought of updating (or for that matter, playing around at all with) my ticker; sorry about that.
    2. I do have a very significant amount of weight to lose, and am wondering whether that figures in. People who are closer to goal seem to lose more slowly overall. I am 201 pounds currently I started at 220.
    3. I do weigh and measure. I am really quite fanatical about that because I'm not sure I trust simply "eyeballing" anything. I do have a food scale. And I have my liquid measurement cups and spoons as well.
    4. I may be underestimating activity calories, because I don't fully trust MFP's calculations on that. For example, I hiked for an hour and a half the other day. MFP had that at something like 700 burned calories. Not sure I believe that, so no, I didn't eat all that back. That hike was a very unusual day. If I get "exercise," it's generally Pilates, which I do count and eat back, or a 20- or 30-minute walk; I also count that. And as I said, the other day I did some serious heavy lifting and carrying for a solid hour cleaning out closets. I counted that as Housework, Light to Moderate Effort. Maybe I'm actually under-counting my activity.
    5. Yes. I do have a thyroid condition. I have an underactive thyroid; Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, the most common form of hypothyroidism. I have spoken to others on here who have Hashi's. :)
    6. I agree that I feel my day is sedentary. That is why I had my stats set that way.
    7. My calories currently (with no added activity) are 1360. This is generally pretty do-able, though I do have my days where I feel very hungry. It all depends.

    Thank you, everyone! I may just keep going with this for a while. Christmas was a real bust and I did gain some weight during that time (have lost that gained weight now but the net result is no loss for the past week). Not such a big deal, have gotten right back on that horse and so on. But I can generally stick to this, my loss may slow down at some point...I guess I'll just roll with it.
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    Abby2205 wrote: »
    there must be people out there who have a faster metabolism, and as you say, they aren't likely to complain.
    Yup, I can say from personal experience this is true.

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    sedentary is closer to nothing than something.

    do you have a few months behind you where you are already working out hard at least once a week? put lightly active.

    Not doing that much yet?

    Stick with sedentary til you are.

    Okay, see, now, this is what's confusing me. It shouldn't be. I'm a grownup. I really should be able to figure this out. :D However, yes, the lightly active and soforth settings include workouts. I figured if I chose one of those, given doing Pilates about every other day (and/or a walk), then I shouldn't also add in exercise when I do it...isn't that correct? Therefore, I opted for sedentary but I add in when I exercise.

    Putting in a setting that includes exercise, then also listing the exercise each time I see it seems redundant. It seems as if I'd be counting workouts "twice" on those days, so to speak. That just wouldn't make much sense to me.

    If I were to go to Lightly Active, I would then exclude my exercise, and the net result would be (should be) more or less the same.

    I really do feel dumb as a stump that that is just not making sense to me.

  • I am truly sedentary. I work 12 hrs at a desk with no break on a graveyard shift. I sleep 8 and other 4 I am catching up on life or other times being plain too exhausted to move. I am drained on this schedule.

    I need to find time to exercise as my BMR is 1100s and TDEE is 1400s. Long term that sets me up for gain.

    Maybe the sedentary setting is for people like me? I find it match my loss plan pretty accurately?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    you know what, put sedentary in for a month and then change it to lightly active and you'll ruin nothing.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I've changed mine a few times from sedentary to lightly active as I was never sure, then I realised that despite me having a desk job I workout 60 mins a day (Running/strength) and average 17000 steps/8 miles a day...so no, I am not one bit sedentary!

    I don't log my exercise as I have a Fitbit and am currently set at lightly active here...
    but, that's all by the way as I use the TDEE method. My TDEE is 2100 so I eat anywhere from 1700 to 2000 cals a day and I maintain my weight (gives me margin for error) If I wanted to lose I'd eat 1600.
    Its about finding that sweet point you can eat at and still lose ☺
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I have also chosen sedentary and count everything that I do as extra. I have a step counter that shows the days I have been lazy and the days I have put in that extra effort.

    I do think sites like this are and estimate and each of us is different so for some the numbers may be right on and other need to make adjustments. Then there is the "how well do you measure" issue. It sounds like you are being very accurate. Does MFP also assume that or do they expect that we might fudge a bit?

    I know for me if I follow everything and measure well, I can do quite well. Of course that has not been what I have been doing the last few months...

    If you do get a step counter, you can join us in our monthly challenge here:
  • sdavies1984
    sdavies1984 Posts: 18 Member
    Why not leave it at sedentary just to play it safe?
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I am really old (63) and I was really sedentary. Until I got my fitbit in Feb 2013.(I love my fitbit, it is the single best motivator that I have). I struggled to get 5000 steps per day at first. My goal for 2014 was to get between 18,000 - 20,000 steps per day, and I have done very well with that goal. Between my fitbit and MFP, I am less than 1/2 the person I was on 3/12/12. I work in an office (very long hours). I get up very early to work out in the gym at work M-F before I begin my day. I go for long walks/hikes on the weekends (I live in Minnesota so I am out walking even in sub zero temperatures). My point is, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks, and you are never too old to get healthier. If I can do this, anyone can.
    Best of luck to you!
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Try one for 3-4 weeks. If you feel fine but are not losing as quickly as you want/can healthily....lower your calories. If you are losing but are hungry all the time and having a hard time concentrating, etc.....then up your calories.

    Everything is all about balance and tweaking as you go.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I have the same as you, sedentary. Work from home, so desk job. No children at home and we live not that big. The housework i even share with my husband who insist on helping. He vacuums i mob and the other way around etc etc. Shopping we always do together and he carries the stuff all in and out of the truck and house. So yes i did sedentary and my exercise i log on here.

    I keep track with my step counter and polar watch It gives me for excercise around 600 to 700 daily. Those i log and i estimate that it is to high for 50%. So 700 = really 350. From those 350 i eat half back .....when i need it ( read hungry or want something nice).

    With this system i lost 54 pounds since the first of October.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    If you want to know what really sedentary is, at the risk of a little bit too much TMI, I'll share my current situation with you. I'm 52 years old. I have Hashimoto's disease, my psoriatic arthritis is flaring, I have a bad migraine and am out of medication to treat it, and the body that I thought was finally menopausal is trying to have a period (I'm spotting).

    I got up this morning, showered, and sat in my chair that supports my back and knees. I only got up to use the bathroom and then again when we all decided to have lunch. Then I took a nap. I slept for 3 hours. I'm back in my chair again, where I'll probably stay until bed time.

    THAT'S sedentary. I normally am more active than this, but for now, it's slug city.
  • Sedentary

    If you’re sedentary, your daily activities include:
    Activities of daily living only, such as shopping, cleaning, watering plants, taking out the trash, walking the dog, mowing the lawn and gardening.
    No moderate of vigorous activities.
    Unless you do at least 30 minutes per day of intentional exercise, you are considered sedentary.
    Spending most of the day sitting (e.g. bank teller, desk job)
    The majority of people will be considered sedentary.
    Lightly Active

    If you’re lightly active, your daily activities include:
    Activities of daily living only, such as shopping, cleaning, watering plants, taking out the trash, walking the dog, mowing the lawn and gardening.
    Daily exercise that is equal to walking for 30 minutes at 4mph. For an adult of average weight, this amount of exercise will burn about 130-160 additional calories.
    More intense exercise can be performed for less time to achieve the same goal. For example, 15-20 minutes of vigorous activity, such as aerobics, skiing or jogging on a daily basis would put you in this category.
    Spending a good part of the day on your feet (e.g. teacher, salesman)
  • kcd1961
    kcd1961 Posts: 126 Member
    I have mine set at sedentary and log any exercise, and additional "housework" like gardening, maintenance, extended cooking (but not the basics like washing, normal cooking and quick cleaning). I eat back around half of my "exercise" calories and that seems to work for me (losing slightly faster than my target of .5kg per week). If that stops working, I will manually adjust as needed.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member

    If you’re sedentary, your daily activities include:
    Activities of daily living only, such as shopping, cleaning, watering plants, taking out the trash, walking the dog, mowing the lawn and gardening.
    No moderate of vigorous activities.
    Unless you do at least 30 minutes per day of intentional exercise, you are considered sedentary.
    Spending most of the day sitting (e.g. bank teller, desk job)
    The majority of people will be considered sedentary.
    Lightly Active

    If you’re lightly active, your daily activities include:
    Activities of daily living only, such as shopping, cleaning, watering plants, taking out the trash, walking the dog, mowing the lawn and gardening.
    Daily exercise that is equal to walking for 30 minutes at 4mph. For an adult of average weight, this amount of exercise will burn about 130-160 additional calories.
    More intense exercise can be performed for less time to achieve the same goal. For example, 15-20 minutes of vigorous activity, such as aerobics, skiing or jogging on a daily basis would put you in this category.
    Spending a good part of the day on your feet (e.g. teacher, salesman)

    Thanks for explanation. ..there's only one thing I wouldn't say should be under sedentary. ..lawn mowing! It takes me 1.25 hrs doing ours and it's flipping hard work, sweaty and dirty lol - but as I'm set to lightly active I don't log it anyway .....just had to have my say lol
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Thank you for the thoughts and good information, everyone.

    I am just going to stick with my settings as I have them and see what happens. Losing is the goal, after all...so I wasn't complaining...just wondering. I'll stick with this and go from here. :)