Getting used to reduced calories



  • SteveEighty
    SteveEighty Posts: 21 Member
    edited December 2014
    rabbitjb wrote: »

    I don't snack on raw, plain vegetables ...that would not work for me's about finding ones own balance and tricks ...and learning to understand a real hunger cue and ignore the ones that are just appetite ...if you've just eaten you're probably not hungry ..if you leave it 30 mins it might go away

    They don't have to be raw, you can slightly cook them as well, they taste nicer if slightly cooked. Like I wrote, it is one of many alternative techniques between meals (not after you've just eaten no, but between meals), one that's worked for me during and after my big weight-loss prog (has worked for my wife too, she lost 50 lbs and is maintaining it well). I've found it's worked for other people, especially those who are home-based.

    I agree with you about the "30 mins" thing. Yes, losing a lot of weight or keeping it of is also about sacrifice, resilience, about suffering a lot at first (especially the first month when your body copes with the changes), then a little then not really after a good while (as your stomach adjusts to your new regime), it's about changing your mindset, no pain no gain as they say.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited December 2014
    No, it says 28 in the table (41 is for 150g): Calorie and Nutrition Values for 100g of Raw Carrot - Calories 28.


    What are you looking at? That's not true

    Here I screen grabbed it for you ...see the top where it says per 100g?


    Laughs at self for even pretending to care about 13 cals/ 100g difference

    One of those "can't come to bed dear, someone is wrong on the internet" moments ...:laughing:
  • Stargrace2
    Stargrace2 Posts: 48 Member
    What everyone here is basically telling you - find what works for you and play around with it until it does.

    Eating 3 meals a day leaves me feeling hungry all the dang time. So I make sure to have 5-6 "meals" a day (within my calories). I eat when bored, so I've found projects and "things" to do to keep me occupied. I like to snack when reading, so I've taken to drinking tea or warm water instead. After 4-5 days of eating protein and veggies my body REALLY wants carbs, so I have some pasta (within budget of course) for dinner, maybe some toast for breakfast, to take away that intense craving without binge eating. Don't do it all at once, just play around with one option or one meal or one idea until you come to a set of rules that work for you. Then stick with it.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    lol@ the cripplefight.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited December 2014
    1700 cals is a good amount to eat so you shouldn't feel starving, it must be more about WHAT you are eating for those cals. Your diary isn't open for us to see that.
    The thing is to be able to eat as much as possible and still lose - totally achievable by the way on 1700 cals :)

    I've sent you a FR :)

    ps in the evening is when I'm most hungry, I drink lots of water and cups of tea, it really helps! plus I leave an allotted 200 cals for a treat if I need it. If you're eating plenty of protein you really wont ever feel hungry. Sometimes its just a notion and one you can wean yourself off in a few short weeks.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    For me anyway, staying on the "cleaner" side helps. By "cleaner" I mean brown / multigrain breads, pasta etc, because they've got more fibre.

    I hate to say this, and perhaps this isn't true for everybody, but I have found the "brown" foods you describe to be just as calorically dense (overall) as the white, and they spike my blood sugar as much as the white versions. And or whatever reason (opinions and even studies vary on this), that translates to more hunger for me.

    Again, not trying to say this must be true for everybody. But I do know that I was on a TII Diabetes group for a while and many people said the same things. To be clear, I am technically not TII at this time, but my doctor tells me based on fasting levels that I am pre-TII. (Fasting of 103 and then 107 four weeks apart. Since minimizing my refined grains and starchy foods, yes, including starchy veggies, sadly, my numbers are much better.)

    If it works for you, though, then I'm glad for you! Keep it up and here's to a happy, healthy 2015. :) And of course a full and delicious one! :smiley:

    That's interesting! It does seem to fill me up better, but who knows.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    I'd really forgotten what an art it is, to balance macros within a budget. I hate having a smaller budget (can't rely on activity as in the past bc of injuries/arthritis). Not doing that well with the diet focus, is all I can say.

    Here's a basic thing about weight loss that I maybe once knew but don't remember: how is it that we cut calories during loss, but don't gain weight when we bring things back up to maintenance? I maintained on a really high number of calories for a long time, until I had to cut my activity back. I'm pretty sure I ate more than I burned, too.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    I'd really forgotten what an art it is, to balance macros within a budget. I hate having a smaller budget (can't rely on activity as in the past bc of injuries/arthritis). Not doing that well with the diet focus, is all I can say.

    Here's a basic thing about weight loss that I maybe once knew but don't remember: how is it that we cut calories during loss, but don't gain weight when we bring things back up to maintenance? I maintained on a really high number of calories for a long time, until I had to cut my activity back. I'm pretty sure I ate more than I burned, too.

    If you ate more than you burned you'd put on weight

    If you eat at the same level you burn you don't

    There's no complicated's just maths
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    The mental part - wanting yummier foods - took a few weeks. The physical part - hunger adjustments - took less than a week. :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    For me, I think the hunger part was largely mental--like I was used to eating at certain times so wanted to eat then, even though I wasn't really hungry. For some of those subbing raw veggies for a while did help, as I weaned myself away from thinking of those as times I had to eat. That part went away quickly, and since then hunger hasn't really been an issue. I do eat a pretty high volume of food, though--I pile my plate with extra vegetables so my meals have never seemed smaller (or less tasty, for that matter) than before.

    I do sometimes wish I could just eat whatever and in any quantity without thinking about it like I used to, though, but that was less of an issue early on and comes and goes if you just wait it out or think of all the positives.
  • kittkat100
    kittkat100 Posts: 19
    edited December 2014
    If you truly are a night time eater and you can't get it under control just yet, perhaps until you do, try calorie shifting. Eat lighter in the day and save some calories for night.

    You can slowly work way out of this later by increasing day time and reducing night time calories but for can go with it as long as what you do at night isn't binge eating.
    I say instead of fighting the night time urge just ensure you save some calories for night.
    I will say in night eating it is better to have a meal than snacks (at least for me.) Snacks make me want more snacks. When I am hungry at night I am wanting that fuller feeling so I sleep better. I would plan for night time calories so you can have this.

    I actually don't snack much. I just eat meals. Snacks feel like a waste for me. They do nothing more than appease a sense of taste (which only lights up my appetite.) I would rather feel satisfied. I skip "snack calories" and move them into meal calories. Would much rather have good meals that keep me full until next meal any day. I feel eating when not hungry (for me that is snacking) just re-enforces mindless eating.

    Another thing in planning my meals is knowing when I am hungry. I know in the morning I just need enough to get through..same with lunch, so those calories are less. In a 1200 cal day for instance I would do 200 cal breakfast (eggs or oatmeal fill me for the small cal amount) 300 lunch, 400 dinner, then a 300 cal night meal. If doing 1500 calories I would just add the extra calories to dinner (700 dinner is filling!) to really hold me. You could also do 600 cal dinner and 400 night meal if that holds you better personally. On 1700 cal plan, I would do same as 1500 cal day, plus a bonus 200 reserved for whenever I chose. This is where snacks would finally play in. There can be lots of flexibility in 1500-1700 calorie diets without feeling restricted at all.

    This type of eating isn't for everyone. It is just what works for me. If I want something for taste i will have a bite and log it..but I keep this to 100 cal a day max and I either exercise it off or subtract it elsewhere in food.