justsayinisall Member


  • congrats on the 30 days!!!! you can do it! take it one day at a time. I quit over 7 years ago so it CAN be done. quitsmokingmessageboard.com was a great help to me during my early quit, check it out, maybe they can help you too.
  • @heybales Energy is a little less I think. Not sleeping well for the last few weeks. The days I don't gym I am out walking, 40-90 mins. It's very humid here in Florida and height of the HOT months. On gym days I ride my bike in the heat too. okaaaaaay duuhhh WHY don't I ever recognize this stuff until I am typing it…
  • Week 34 average calories 2055 starting weight 202.8 ending weight 202.9 Total calories eaten 14,386, Fit Bit burned 17,941 -3555 Weight is going up a bit. I was good all week, only ate out last night, numbers were trending up before that. Not too worried. I do know that I spent a ton of time right around this weight. My…
  • Wow you guys are harsh to heybales, he was the only one around here helping people for a long time, maybe his style of help doesn't groove with yours but no need to bash him ... just sayin'. Now back to our regularly scheduled program...@toki18 one thing that caught my eye was your plan to work your way up to TDEE, which…
  • Yes to the eating out, twice last weekend! Funny you should say that about eating at maintenance for a week, I was just mulling that one over. Part of me doesn't want to do it because, you know, I haven't gotten this stupid weight off yet but then the part that has come here and learned...well THAT part of me is smarter…
  • Weekly update Week 33 average calories 1966 starting weight 202.7 ending weight 202.8 Total calories eaten 13,762, Fit Bit burned 17,731 -3969 The weight was right around the 202.7 for about three days. Then it jumped up to over 203. Yesterday it dropped down around 201 and something. Same ole' Same ole. I went back and…
  • Congrats!! Totally exciting...One word: VEGAS (totally less stress and much cheaper lol) Goals? Hmmm. Well I guess I don't really have goals. I mean I want to eat as healthy as I can, work out as best I can...but it's all for THAT day. Just get through each day doing the best you can. I think setting any "long" term goals…
  • For me I added 100 calories per day and stayed there for one week. So if you are averaging 1565 per day. Next week go to 1665 per day and stay there for one week, the week after that go to 1765 per day and stay there for a week. So on and so forth until you get to your TDEE. I recommend you use Heybales spreadsheet to get…
  • :) I just want to hug you! I'm so glad you found us. I was like you, in tears when I started reading here...everything started to make sense right?? I know it seems like you will never be able to get your calories up there but you will. I did the "add 100 extra calories per day for one week" route. Slowly upping till I got…
  • you have my permission to share. And thank you for the compliment. I've never done a side by side comparison of my pictures before and I don't measure really so it was interesting to see.
  • Week 32 average calories 1926 starting weight 203.6 ending weight 202.7 Total calories eaten 13488, Fit Bit burned 17399 -3911 Here is some pics. I don't have any from when I started this journey, I erased those years ago. The first pic I had lost about 20 pounds already. I think progress is SLOWWWW but it is progress! I…
  • excellent! Now for me I NEEEEEED my scale, not to see how much weight I lose, that number doesn't matter. I need my scale to keep myself in check. To make sure I don't gain weight. I know my logging is pretty tight but if I see a scale increase (more than my normal 3-4 pound increase because of salt...or wind...or whatever…
  • I only worry about fats if they are coming from unhealthy choices. Sounds like yours are coming from mostly healthy choices (nuts, coconut oil, avocado, etc). Those are good fats and in my mind...well, they just don't count! lol
  • Week 31 average calories 1953 starting weight 204.3 ending weight 203.6 Total calories eaten 13654, Fit Bit burned 16783 -3129 Just plugging along here. Slow but steady. I really wish I could do vacation without a weight gain but, alas, I can't. Usually gain about 5-7 pounds. Though this last vacation was a cruise lol. I…
  • Some people jump right up to their approximate TDEE from day one. Some, like me, add in 100-200 calories per day, eat at that for a week, increase again, eat at that a week etc. It's up to you. I preferred the slowly adding calories in so I could see what happened to my weight, get a better handle on it so to speak. It's…
  • Weekly Update (btw I can't believe how much this helps me. I can go back through and see, at a glance, what is happening with the average calories and the weight) Week 30 average calories 1813 starting weight 205.7 ending weight 204.3 Total calories eaten 12696, Fit Bit burned 17907 -5211 Totally didn't mean to go so low…
  • Hubs and I go out to eat a few times a month and this usually ends up in my belly! Not the whole thing, 1/4 of it though :) That is the amount of calories I burn at the gym in one day. TOTALLY worth the gym time lol
  • Week 29 average calories 2130 starting weight 206.2 ending weight 205.7 Total calories eaten 14914, Fit Bit burned 18860 -3946 All week the scale goes up, the scale goes down. I see 1 pound jumps up at least twice a week, never 1 pound drops though lol. Almost a 3000 calorie day yesterday. Note to self "do not skip lunch…
  • Here is the weekly update, as I figured the ending weight is higher than I'm seeing on the scale in the last 3 days, all because of the 2 higher weight days at the beginning of the week. This journey is really amazing. The mind roller coaster alone is crazy. I knew this was what I needed to do; eat at TDEE, gain some…
  • Had a total WHOOSH! I never have a whoosh weight LOSS, only a gain lol. At the beginning of this week, after my last update, the scale actually creeped up a bit to 208.6 On Friday it was 205.1 and this morning 204.4 so it looks like my body was just hanging on to the water weight for a LONG time! Normal weekly update will…
  • Week 27 average calories 2028. starting weight 207.3 ending weight 207.2 Total calories eaten 14196, Fit Bit burned 17824 so -3628 Hmm well I did have a day that was over 2700 calories but I was also moving all day. Yesterday was a higher salt day. Not going to worry really. I can see that my average daily calories are…
  • Cottage cheese and baked beans, those next to some of your deli meat and a few chips make a good lunch. You could take refried beans, spread on a tortilla, add a little cheese, top with another tortilla and pan fry for a quesadilla. Yogurt also for protein. Buy some protein powder and you can add it to the yogurt for some…
  • I'm sure heybales will be along to give you his take on your calorie intake. One thing you said that made me go "wait, what?" is when you said; " I will need to eat less as I lose weight. Part of my plan for this is switching back to lower fat dairy, going back to spray butter etc." You do realize once you find your TDEE…
  • Welcome! I'd say that you haven't found your TDEE yet. First thing, you REALLY need to start weighing and measuring EVERYTHING. You won't know how much you are actually eating unless you are keeping track-no "best" guess! So eat at 5100 calories for a few weeks and see what the weight does. If it stabilizes then add 250…
  • THAT is why I will always need to weigh and measure. I also think that the feeling of hunger can be combated by making good food choices-picking food that makes you feel fuller longer vs eating "empty" calories. And there is also just a whole lot of willpower. Though I'll consider it knowledge. I KNOW how to eat, I KNOW…
  • Week 26 2063 average calories per day. starting weight 207.8 ending weight 207.3 Total calories eaten 14081, Fit Bit burned 18492 so -4411 Finally got a chance to watch the above video. The body is an amazing machine. Though seems a bit faulty. I just can't believe that it wants you to be at a heavier, unhealthier weight.…
  • Yes that is the story. It's everywhere now, or some variation of the story. What is scary to me is this; "What shocked the researchers was what happened next: As the years went by and the numbers on the scale climbed, the contestants’ metabolisms did not recover. They became even slower, and the pounds kept piling on. It…
  • Here is the damage: Week 25 2063 average calories per day. starting weight 202.1 (well that's what I started at prior to vacation lol) ending weight 207.8 Looks like I gained 5-7 pounds while on vacation. Don't know what the actual number is, as I stayed off the scale for the first week back on the program. Don't know,…
  • TOTALLY jealous! I have to laugh because we all start out; "OMG how am I going to be able to eat that much?!?!?!" and by the time the reset is over we wonder how the heck we are going to be able to cut out 500 calories per day bwwhahaha
  • Sea legs were no problem! I was a little worried about her but the seas were calm as could be and the boat felt like it hardly moved. Of course, once we got back to land, we both felt a little swaying in the shower for a day or two lol. I was pleasantly surprised by my mom. She is one tough old lady! Always up for anything…