djscavone Member


  • Thanks for the quick and helpful response. My town in CT does pretty well with the removal so I was thinking of some gators I saw online that were intended for trail runners to keep sand and other stuff out of their shoes. Thought it would work well on snow and slush.
  • MobyCarp, do you use any sort of "gator" to keep snow out of your running shoes? Don't want to run in boots but I haven't found anything light and comfortable that would work when the snow gets only a few inches deep.
  • Tide pod and hang dry and never had an odor problem (my friends and family would definitely say something).
  • I'm a brooks ghost fan and when I could no longer get GHOST 6 I got GHOST 7 and now they have GHOST 8. Like others said stick with what has been good for you. But if you want to change, GHOST is a relatively inexpensive neutral with decent reviews.
  • I like this advice. Build a base and then go from there. For me MobyCarp nailed it when he said it was a mental challenge more than physical. To me, once you get a solid base established unless you are going for some great PR or win your age group "physical" is not an issue as you can always "slow down" so you don't get…
  • Love it. Such common sense.
  • Today in Connecticut it is 68 degrees F. I am going to run outside in my summer gear not my winter gear! That is what I will accomplish.
  • For me it has been cut way back on the alcohol, portion control (I had to convince my wife her cooking was still great it was just my choice to no longer go back for thirds), and exercise. My motivation to exercise was signing up for a ton of 5K, 10K and half marathons. You pay out the cash and tell so many people you just…
  • Good luck Juliet3455.
  • Showing my age: Frampton comes alive, The Who, and NRBQ. Takes me back to a happier time.
  • I was there last year. On the worst day I did not nothing but sleep off the cold meds I had taken. Then I reverted back to just walking while all bundled up. In my head I was doing this just to keep mobile. I have no idea of any true physical benefits. In a few days the cold was gone and I was back to my routine like I…
  • I know! People who think they are too old for this stuff need to come out some day. I see so many shapes and sizes and ages at 5k or half marathons and they all do so well and some really kick butt!
  • By worth it do you mean the money or the results? Walking is free and that combined with awareness of what you eat will show results. If you really want to try something other than walking then yes a gym is worth it if you are committed to putting in the time.
  • new PR for a half marathon. 2 hours 5 minutes. 38th out of 57 in my age group. Won't say how many folks 70 or over beat me as that will ruin the moment…..
  • completed the half in 2 hours 5 minutes. new PR for me.
  • Ran a 5k Nov 7 and did it in 25.25. Then ran another Nov 21 and did it in 25.05. Never thought I would get less than 30 minutes. Never thought I could do 2 in one month (and not require an EMT at the finish!).
  • Set some new goals that are related. If your goal is weight loss set a goal exercise related. Work with your trainer for a new program and focus on that. By doing so you reach a goal you can celebrate and you are getting fit and losing weight (maybe) at the same time. If you run, sign up for a 5K or something. Working…
  • Jingle Bell Half in Atkinson NH Dec 12.
  • By she I meant moyer566 which from AVI I assumed was a she. My mistake. Also I commented on the quote that included the phrase "learn to enjoy it". My statement of jump in to it was my wording on how I felt the OP was approaching this. Sorry if I confused folks. I learned my lesson.
  • Started with the ZIP as I was cheap but then ended up hating the battery changes. I have had a ONE for a long time now and like at as it goes in my pocket or clips on my waist and holds a charge a very long time. I use it just for steps as I have a Garmin GPS watch for running for pace and tracking my progress. My wife had…
  • A key in what she said is "enjoy it". If you just jump in head first and don't set realistic goals you may get discouraged and give up.
  • Question for you: Is your breathing and heart rate fine and you find fatigue in legs hold you back or are your legs strong but your breathing gets labored and slows you down? In my 5K's for speed my legs are fine I run out of breath trying anything sub pace 7.5 ish. an average 8/mile pace is about it for me. When I go slow…
  • Larrewl - how did you do? Can you post a followup?
  • I find that I take it very easy for at least two days before a half marathon, eat a PBJ that morning and stick with water for a drink, and I am fine for the ~2 hours it can talk me to do the race. I stay away from fiber and coffee and gels as that would make me run to the nearest port-o-potty and not the finish line. I run…
  • The Jingle Bell Half Marathon in Atkinson NH on Dec 12. I did two 5k's this month and on a whim I figured why not another half as I had nothing else planned in Dec. Did the Wallis Sands half in Rye NH in May of this year and a 10k in Aug. Loved both as I am getting bored with 5K's (do at least one per month).
  • A lot of great advice here. I have to comment that I agree with the walk before you run advice and really ask yourself if you want to lose weight or run. When I started I walked for six months before I even attempted to jog one step down the block. As others said you can and will lose weight without running just as you can…
  • Welcome to the club as you are not alone. What you will read here on line will hopefully help you keep at it as so many others are going through the same thing. Go slow and steady and set realistic goals. When you can measure success - no matter how small - you will get the energy and desire to keep on target. Remember…
  • If the Dr says you will not harm yourself then go for it just to experience the "across the bridge and over the river" view. You can get an idea of the incline so when you are at 100% you know best what to expect. Set no goal but to finish it whether or not you run or walk.
  • I don't do a gym but my motivation to get outside and do something is remembering how I felt when I was doing nothing but sitting on a couch and eating and drinking. Also, it is the only time I have to myself to enjoy the peace and quiet of a nice run or some relaxing yoga. Really starts or completes a day for me.