ClaudiaMessenger Member


  • Maybe try to write down the 3 main reasons why you want to lose the weight and re-read them everyday to motivate you. See each day as as seperate goal and don't stress about days ahead. Yes plan ahead but again write that down if if helps. But don't worry about achieving goals those days, just concentrate on today. Then…
  • As other people have said in this thread, calorie counting works for some people but it's not for everyone. To be honest from what you've said about the selective-vegetarianism and her negative attitude, it sounds like she isn't really ready to change herself and doesn't want other people to change and succeed around her.…
  • Jennifer Lawrence motivates me, we're the same height, she has a great healthy body and she appears to be a very strong person. Plus I like her movies which helps!
  • True wise words :smiley: reading things like this is what keeps me going! X
  • My parents are exactly the same! I unfortunately have to leave food each time they cook (usually a quarter or third of the meal). But I'm losing weight so it's worth the sacrifice!! X
    in LOL Comment by ClaudiaMessenger May 2015
  • You look stunning :smiley: well done you!
  • My weight loss has never been consistant in my opinion. I've been on my weight loss journey for over 2 years, I've lost around 60 lbs in that time and I want to lose about 20 more. When I first started the first 15 lbs came off very quickly, then since that time some months it seems to not shift at all, then come off…
  • I've found that reminding myself that food won't solve my problems and making myself face that problem always makes me feel so much better. A couple of years ago before I started my weight loss journey I used to turn to food for every emotion, both positive and negative. When I realised how much of an emotional eater I was…
  • I also like a glass of two or wine and I used to look forward to some drinks every weekend. I chose for my diet I'd be better off only drinking every 2 weeks but now I'm in the right frame of mind I'm only drinking on special occassions because transforming into the person I want to me is more important to me. Plus my…
  • I recently went to my finace's grandparent's house for a birthday meal and as we were leaving his grandma said "goodbye little one" I'm a 5 ft 9 woman so she couldn't have been referring to my height! :)
  • Thank you this message makes me feel more motivated (which I didn't think was possible because I am deadset on losing this damn weight!) 140 - 145lbs is my goal weight, I'm at 163lbs at the moment so I feel it's attainable :)
  • I can relate to this too, I'm either 5ft 8 or 9 and it is so disheartening working so hard to lose weight and feeling like there's hardly any difference. Over the last couple of years I've lost around 50lbs which is great but I've only gone down 2 to 3 dress sizes. It feels like I've been stuck in a UK size 14 (US size 10)…
  • Hello! I want to lose about 20lbs and I have been getting back into jogging the past couple of weeks, my problem is love my love of carbs and sugar!! I wanna be at my goal weight by August, I'll send a friend request and hopefully we can help each other on this journey! X
  • Friend request sent! I am in need of more positive people on a health journey as everyone around me seems to be eating badly recently!
  • I find myself doing this as well! I decided 2 weeks ago that for the next few months I just need to suck it up and not drink alcohol or binge eat for the next few months at weekends, then all I have to worry about is maintaining my weight. I know it will have an impact on my social life but then feeling fat is having an…
  • Hey I'm trying to do similar things to you, drink more water, exercise more (as you say at least 30mins a day even if it's just a walk) and try my hardest to stick to my calorie intake! I've decided to weigh myself every 5 weeks so I can see a bigger difference, try and keep myself more motivated that way :) x
  • Don't give up keep going, you can do it :D
  • Same I want to lose 20lbs too!
  • This is exactly how I feel! I'm fed up of always starting and quitting diets!
  • Hey, I want to lose about 20lbs but none of my friends or family are dieting at the moment so I need some support! I've lost around 50lbs over 2 years but I want to get off this last bit of weight I defo think we can reach our goals if we put our minds to it :D
  • I've lost 50lbs and have another 20lbs to go, it sucks at the time but you can't imagine how much better it has made me feel! If I can do it you can do it! I still need support to lose this last bit of weight so feel free to add me :)
  • I'm in need of encouragement too ! I want to lose 20lbs in about 4 months so I can finally be my goal weight and have a bikini body I can be proud of, feel free to add me :)
  • You and anyone else who needs support can add me :) I want to lose 20lbs too in about 4 months. I lost 50lbs over 2 years and I want to finally lose the last 20lbs!!