kozinskey Member


  • Sorry for the late answer - hope this is still useful to you. I took a calorie number I tend to maintain at, 2000, and added 300 to it for a total of 2300. The 2000 was based on TDEE calculators and my own experience playing around with different goals on MFP -- if it seems high, it's because I'm tall and muscular and work…
  • Hey! I'm a former MFP junkie who works out a lot. I say former because I haven't been tracking regularly since getting pregnant (baby #1 is due at the end of October 2016) but I fully intend to get back on the tracking wagon once baby gets here. I still check in here once in a while to see how my diet is doing and I'll…
    in Welcome! Comment by kozinskey April 2016
  • I'll take acetaminophen as part of cold/sinus medication, and occasionally ibuprofen or aleve for a bad headache. I try to avoid NSAIDs for running injuries, though, because I buy into the theory that they (and ice!) can slow down recovery. I will ice a bad bruise or a twisted joint, though. Acetaminophen can be bad news…
  • Have you ever done any LT work? When I started doing those it was eye-opening to me how much faster I could go for short distances. I do 3-5 repeats of 5-10 minutes at a comfortably hard pace (10k pace-ish, hard to talk) with 2 min recovery in between. Add in a short warmup and cooldown and that is a solid mid-week run.…
  • The Girls Gone WOD ladies are starting an accountable eating challenge soon. I think they're renaming it and switching up the focus a little, so I'm not totally sure what's involved, but I'm given to understand the community with their challenge is awesome.
    in Challenges Comment by kozinskey May 2015
  • As a woman, I'm gonna say that it's really f.ing hard to not be embarrassed. If you've ever worked in healthcare you're taught that blood is a biohazard, so for me, it's hard not to see it that way. It's not that periods are shameful, it's that nobody wants to be around someone else's blood if they can avoid it. Also, once…
  • Holy god that WOD would scare anyone! We don't get a lot of repeat workouts at our box, but day we redid the one from the 2014 Open with thrusters and over-the-bar burpees is burned in my mind forever. I've never felt so defeated during a WOD.
  • For shorter races, I focus on good form, quick turnover, and my breathing. That's enough of a challenge to keep me going in a 5k or 10k. Longer than that, I totally find myself picking a "nemesis" and not letting them pass me. At my last 10m, there was a group of 4 girls that ran side by side and blocked everyone from…
  • Thanks!
  • How do you like the Paleo Restart program? I'm thinking about doing it but can't find a good review online. Is there any room for flexibility in it?
  • How do you like the Restart program? I'm thinking about buying it but can't find a good review online....
  • Thank you! This is what I was looking for. I do wish I could set my macros by gram, but I can get close enough with percentages that it's not worth the $10/month for me (at least not right now). Hope this helps other people too!
  • Bump!
  • My first impulse is to blame the shoes. Has she had a real fitting from a specialty running store lately? I had lots of ankle issues back when I was in stability shoes that I'd gotten fitted for by our local running store, and it turns out I'd just had a bad fitting and all I needed was a neutral shoe to fix those…
  • Totally normal. It's happened to me after both my marathons. I was a college athlete (not track) and felt crappy every year when the season ended and I wasn't at practice/competing all the time. It feels to me like I lose a major part of my identity whenever a training cycle ends. My best coping strategy is to switch focus…
  • Our box allows and sometimes encourages step-ups. This article was going around a while back and it scared me enough to decide to always do step-ups in an AMRAP, and I don't try bounding box jumps because not getting injured is priority #1. I still like to do box jumps because they're awesome for building power, but I'm…
  • Two weeks is maybe enough time to break them in. If the Asics are hurting your feet, then they will probably not feel very good during a marathon. My advice is that if you can go to a running store and get a proper fitting (ie, gait analysis, trying on 10 different pairs of shoes and running around the block in them), then…
  • I'm AWFUL at it, but I'm trying to get better so people don't think I'm That Girl who always "loses count." Our box has a stash of poker chips that I use, and that helps. I also met a girl from another box who had a counting bracelet made with plastic beads and a shoelace, I think. I thought that was super awesome and keep…
  • Whoa, that's way more miles than I'm comfortable with on my shoes. I've definitely heard 300-400, and I start to notice a difference around 300-350. Everyone's different and your weight can be a factor, but I think 500 miles is awfully high.
  • I track it as circuit training, and I only track the WOD + warmup. It's definitely on the low end, but I'd rather be low than high. I do make sure that any extra calories I get from Crossfit go towards more protein, both so I don't get snacky and so my baby muscles can grow. I think it really comes down to what kind of…
  • Two thoughts: - Maybe the new pair was exposed to heat and the midsole was damaged? Shoes are surprisingly fragile. - Manufacturers tend to skimp on the insole, so that can definitely vary shoe to shoe. Have you tried popping out the insole from the old shoes and putting them in the new ones? I had something similar happen…
  • I'm inclined to agree with this. The time it takes to deplete your glycogen stores almost definitely varies person to person, but I can definitely imagine someone who runs a 2:30 HM needing fuel a lot more than someone running a 1:30 HM. I also suspect that fitness level & body weight affect it too. I should probably know…
  • I love beans and legumes. Like any starchy food it's not a good idea to eat a huge portion of them, but I've never felt like they were too many calories to fit into my plan. What all do you put in your chili? I use lean ground beef (try venison if you have it!) and throw in a few cans of diced tomatoes and that helps lower…
  • Anorexia and/or disordered eating can affect anyone. It's shown in the media as being super-thin models, but the reality is that a LOT of people have disordered eating patterns, and they can be harmful at any weight. I agree that it might not be a bad idea to talk things out with someone. If going to a therapist is…
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who has this nightmare vision! It could totally happen. I'll stick to liquids. For HM fueling -- I think YMMV on this. My latest half was 2:15 and I do think a caffeinated gel midway through keeps me feeling good through the end. Maybe it's mental, maybe it's the caffeine. I agree that faster…
  • I use Crossfit as cross-training for other sports so it's really important to me that I can check beforehand. I don't cherrypick just because a certain WOD looks like fun or looks terrible, but I will choose to duck out of workouts that would double up on something I did the day before if I'm worried about injury. I see…
  • We do partner WOD Wenesdays and team WOD Saturdays. I generally like them but prefer to be the weak link (which is good, since that's most of the time). For me, as long as I'm working my hardest, I don't see a reason to apologize or comment on any difference between me and my partner. We're all working hard and we're not…
  • I used GU for half marathons but found it upsets my stomach for anything longer. I'm now a Clif Shot fan -- they go down super easy and taste less chemical. They're made with rice syrup, which is easily digested. Shot blocks are good too but I find they take longer to kick in. I've heard both good and bad things about…
  • Oh yeah, the sandpaper can be real! If you haven't gone 13 before you'll probably discover some new places you will chafe. That seems to happen for me right around HM distance so if you suspect it'll happen anywhere, definitely consider putting some BodyGlide on before you start. Good luck and have fun!
  • Yep, the "speedwork" I'm doing is all LT work. I admit I've never done strides -- can you tell me more about them? And fast finish is something I'm thinking about this cycle too. Do you do those on step-back weeks or just whatever run works? The hill work I've done is mostly hill repeats, but I think I'm going to alternate…