sparklecomet Member


  • Same I'm also starting over. Hopefully I can get back to where I was before a few years ago :)
  • I want to make sure I'm thinner than my twin sister on my wedding day!
  • Hi! I'm 5'4 and currently at my highest weight of 177lbs. I want to get back to my lowest weight of 136lbs and then hopefully get to about 120 - 125lbs. I have a goal of getting back to a health BMI of 145lbs by the end of december when I'm going to a friends wedding. I'm eating at a calorie deficit but trying to make it…
  • Hi guys! I'm 25 and would love to lose 30lbs altogether. Hoping to meet the 20lb mark by my 26th birthday. I've only lost 5lbs so far but I want to get committed and start working hard for a healthy body! Add me so we can motivate each other! =D
  • I live out in Kilmainham so pretty close to the city center =)
  • Have a good time at the gym Connie!
  • I live in Dublin, Ireland. Around April/May we get very strange weather. On Thursday it was 20'C and on Friday it snowed.
  • Good morning everyone! The weather has changed here. Still sunny (yay) but really cold! It was -2'C this morning when I was walking into yoga. hopefully the sun shining will warm the place up a little bit. I've gotten used to walking up at 6am every morning to walk into the city for my 7am yoga class but now I need to try…
  • Ah I'd love to be able to have a small vegetable patch. Someday I'll be able to have one, when I actually have a garden instead of living in an apartment!
  • Thanks Stephanie I really do need to focus on upping my protein in general. I'm a vegetarian and when I transitioned over I was very careful with my protein intake but over the years I've gotten pretty lax!
  • Ah thank you both that's a really great idea! Sadly I live in an apartment so I can't physically close the kitchen but brushing my teeth after dinner is a great idea!
  • Congrats Becky you're doing great! Does anyone have any tips to help prevent overeating during the evening time? I can be good all day and then when I get home from work I'll overeat. It's not even junk food!
  • I had never heard of The Walk before. Sounds like an interesting app! We should do a quest where we get xp and stuff! Do a real gamification of fitness! =) I know fitocracy kind of does that and nerd fitness a bit as well? I dunno it could make it a bit of fun!
  • @FitGeekery Obviously if you love the class it's important to go to it but if you need something to tide you over in the mean time Cassey is your girl!
  • Have you tried blogilates? I can't afford both a pilates and a yoga studio so I do the blogilates workouts at home. Cassey is so positive and lovely that she makes you want to work hard, even if it's just a video
  • I tried to do archery in university because I always thought it was so cool. I went it and found out that I have hyper extended elbows and no matter how hard I tried to fix them and use guards I would graze them with the bow! So I gave up haha! At the moment I'm getting really into yoga right now, secretly because I feel…
  • Hi fellow geeks! Mind if I join in? I'd love to make some new friends who have similar interests as me and are also looking to live a healthy lifestyle! I'm a big reader of all kinds of books, including fantasy and sci-fi, love boardgames, rpgs and video games alike! Please add me if you like =)
  • I really like the way this group is so focused oh healthy eating and just working our way towards a healthy lifestyle. Don't get me wrong I would love to look banging in a bikini in August but it's more important to make it a full lifestyle change than a quick fix. I think the whole yoga manta is starting to click with me.…
  • Woop woop! I like the idea of this thread being a bit easier to follow! While browsing through a yoga group this morning I found out that as well as sun salutation poses there also also moon salutation poses, which are supposed to focus more on hip openers are less on getting your heart rate going. I might give them a go…
  • I'm going to use the same log as you Marie! How many days did you log in? 31 days How many days did you plan and complete your food plan? about 20 days I'd say How many days did you move your body in some form or fashion? Walked to work and back every day (1h 30 minutes walking a day) and in the last week I've started yoga…
  • Happy April Fools day everyone (hopefully no one gets caught with something silly!). I went to yoga again this morning. It was much more relaxed than yesterdays one, which was really nice. My current goal is to learn how to do crow pose! Still stuck on my current weight but I haven't been making the best choices soooooo I…
  • Good morning everyone! Of course my scales would run out of battery right before the end of the challenge so I have to pick up new batteries this afternoon. I went to hot yoga this morning, which was really challenging but very enjoyable! Definitely a great way to start the morning though and doing something healthy in the…
  • Hi everyone and happy monday! The clocks went forward here on Saturday night so I'm still feeling the effects of that today. Even though I'm pretty tired I still got up and went to my new yoga class this morning so I'm feeling pretty accomplished today already and it's only 9.30. I hope everyone has a great monday! Sophie
  • I really need to get some good smoothie recipes! A friend got me a magic bullet for Christmas (which is amazing) but I'm not getting as much use from it as I like. I'm continuing to work towards a vegan diet but it's hard work! I hope everyone has a great Wednesday! The weather has taken a turn for the sunny here so I'm…
  • Thank you Connie for the lovely message checking up on me! <3 I've been having a crazy few weeks at work since I moved positions to something I'm much happier with. Weight loss to a bit of a nose dive with being so busy but it's back on the bike now and back to work!! I hope everyone is doing great today! Happy Monday!!
  • Good morning everyone! =) I'm back from Kerry and getting ready to work super hard from today on to bounce back from the horrible overeating I've been doing over the weekend! I'm not going to weight in this week so I don't feel too discouraged. Back to healthy eating from today on! Hope everyone has a great Tuesday! Sophie
  • Oh you must come visit at somepoint. I would recommend the summer time since the weather would be nicer. I've never been to Kerry before so I'm very excited. I can give you plenty of must-see's and must-stay's though. The west coast of Ireland is amazing and Galway city is super cute! I'm proud to say we have some pretty…
  • Woohoo have fun in Utah Barbie! I'm going to be having a similar weekend this weekend! I'm going to stay in these wonderful old irish thatch cottages in old Killarney town with a large group of friends and my boyfriend. Should be a lot of fun but also will have to do a lot to try and keep up with my currently weight loss!…
  • Wow congrats to all of you who have reached 20lbs or are so very close!! Belinda what a beautiful quilt! I can't wait to hit the 20lb mark myself. Hopefully by the end of this month! Then I'll be well on my way to my 120lb goal =)
  • Happy belated birthday!! Congrats so far! Wonderful that you had to exchange your bday clothes!!