20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi gang. Now that I have blown back. We had a doozy of a storm here. We had sustained 50 mph winds. And I heard on the radio we had gusts of 100+. We had a few trees fall and most places had power out but all is normal again. I had to put of going swimming until after physical therapy because school was canceled due to high winds and the pool had no power. But it has been restored so I went swimming.

    We have 4 to 5 days of nice weather coming up be nice after all of these storms we been having. Went to Walmart today wearing my rain jacket again.
    tomorrow going to make Chicken in my crock pot with a can of diet Rootbeer to make pulled BBQ chicken.
    I bet it would be good with a shot of moon shine in it will be very little sodium in it. just what is in the chicken breasts
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    smiley-happy110.gif One of the most exciting experiences I had on my weight loss journey before I got to my goal weight was to go shopping for clothes and not cry in the changing room. That happened several sizes before I reached the size I am now. There are so many happy milestones along the journey. Each of us has some that are very personal and may not happen to others. It has been important to me to enjoy the journey and not just look to the goal as my source of happiness.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    Good morning everyone! The weather has changed here. Still sunny (yay) but really cold! It was -2'C this morning when I was walking into yoga. hopefully the sun shining will warm the place up a little bit. I've gotten used to walking up at 6am every morning to walk into the city for my 7am yoga class but now I need to try and do some more exercise when I get home from work as well.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning everyone! The weather has changed here. Still sunny (yay) but really cold! It was -2'C this morning when I was walking into yoga. hopefully the sun shining will warm the place up a little bit. I've gotten used to walking up at 6am every morning to walk into the city for my 7am yoga class but now I need to try and do some more exercise when I get home from work as well.

    Where do you live?
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    I live in Dublin, Ireland. Around April/May we get very strange weather. On Thursday it was 20'C and on Friday it snowed.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Wednesday!

    Cloudy and rainy here today. I've been sleeping later, so I don't have as much time in the morning before hitting the gym. I guess my body is just tired because I have not been staying up later. Anyway...I'll check back later.

    Stay strong!
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    Have a good time at the gym Connie!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Connie and sparkle and Vickie
    lovely day here in Texas. sun is shining brightly and suppose to the rest of the week and week end too.
    I am testing out the 5/2 Fast diet today. black coffee with my PC this morning. no creamer will have a nice stroll around the block. Get washing started Will have breakfast around 11 AM of 1.2 cup of greek yogurt 1 1/2 cup of fresh strawberries. Black coffee again.: Dinner will be Small serving BBQ chicken which I am cooking in the slow cooker, and.green beans and Salad lots of black coffee, tea and water thru out the day. of anything I want. This will be my fasting day. tomorrow I can eat all I want. that's my plan now to see if I can follow it out. Only have 2 meals on my fasting day. of 500 calories.for the whole day. my weight is up 2 lobs this morning. I know I am retaining water so got to drink that water real good today.
    So lets the day begain I am ready for it. Wow just did my food dairy need more calories only had 253 for the whole day. Seems I need to double my meals to get 500 calories Back to the book for me.


  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    Beautiful morning at my house. Cool and crisp!!
    Hope it is a good day for you.
    Marie, Good luck on your fast day. Hope it works
    for you.
    Nancy <3
  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member
    Well hello everyone!!

    I'm about to get off work and prepare for my trip. I leave in the morning. So I have 3 days of guaranteed walking all day. I have a Fitbit so I'm curious how many steps a day I will average.

    I have been debating bringing my blender with me (I have a NutriBullet), so I can at least have one green smoothie a day but I'm undecided as of now. I have also debated on just grabbing some SlimFast meal replacement shakes since I'm used to having a smoothie every morning and not anything heavy.

    No sure what I'm going to but I do hope to make good food choices while I'm there and only treat myself occasionally.

    @rayw89 That Dole Whip sounds like a good idea!
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Because weather was so nasty yesterday I wasn't able to go for a walk with my dogs. Today the lake is flooded :'( but we walked downtown. We ended up walking 2.4 miles. I really prefer the lake. Ground is softer than pavement. But I did well. I'm at 5400 steps so far. Lets see how far I make it today

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Now that I have gotten home from my walk. I read the newspaper. We clocked 104 mph winds at our airport a mile away from my house. Like I said it was a little windy yesterday. B)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Here is another Joke
    I know there is not many of you are not seniors But this is what you got to look forward too Believed me I know


    Most seniors never get enough exercise. So, in His wisdom, God decreed seniors would become forgetful so they would have to search for their glasses, keys and other misplaced items and move around more. And God looked down and saw this was good. ( We had to look for Jerry keys today)

    Then God saw there was yet another need. So God, in his wisdom, made seniors lose coordination so they would drop things, which would require them to bend and reach and stretch. And God looked down and saw this was good.

    Then God considered the functioning of senior bladders and decided, in His wisdom there should be calls of nature more frequently, requiring more walking to the relief station, which would burn calories. And God looked down and saw this was good.

    Seniors were obliged to exercise more from these senior shortcomings and, as a result, did become more active. So if you find you are required to get up and down more as you age, remember it is God's will and in your best interest, even though you mutter under your breath.

    _ posted by Sandy on The Golden Sneakers group today

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Hello, friends! Another busy week at work so far. Nervous about weigh in on Friday, but we'll see...

    Great job to all who are seeing losses this week! :-)

    Our veggie gardens now have many varieties of lettuce, cheddar and white cauliflower (never tried cheddar before), cabbage, beets, carrots, rainbow swiss chard, tomatoes, peppers, okra, several varieties of potatoes, sweet potatoes, rosemary, sage, parsley, and basil! We are growing all the potatoes in our straw bales surrounding our raised bed garden! In the fall, you simply knock over the bale and all the potatoes fall right out for you! Can't wait for little Joseph to help us this summer with harvesting veggies. We will soon put our three lemon trees back outside. The grapes are growing nicely already and the blueberry bushes have buds. We let the birds have the blueberries, simply because we love the birds in our yard and they get to them long before we would pick them for ripeness. We enjoy watching them.

    The Day out with Thomas the Tank Engine could not have been more perfect. Even though it was in downtown Baltimore near Camden Yards! Fortunately, there were no protests on Sunday afternoon because the young man's viewing was closer to Towson that afternoon. Joseph LOVED everything about the day and kept saying "I am so happy to be in Thomas" during the train ride. And "this is such a fun day!" The weather was perfect and both babies were good as gold. It was a very special family day together! Here is Joseph saying "Amazing Day!"


    Becky in MD

  • BellaGettinFit
    BellaGettinFit Posts: 113 Member
    i forgot i was in this challenge. lol
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    I had a horrible day, my first dog I got died while we were waiting at the vets office, he was almost 14 years old, but seemed fine until last night, I am so sad, he was a great dog and so smart and sweet. His name was Rocky, and he was a black lab.


    I was so sad to hear about your loss! And while waiting to be seen, no less! :-(

    In our 34 years of marriage thus far, David and I have rescued and loved 29 dogs and cats and have had to say goodbye to 22 as they crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Most enjoyed fairly long lives here in the country with a family who absolutely adored each and every one of them! Our pets are family and losing any one of them has been tremendously difficult. However, we continue to have them in our lives and while we enrich theirs with healthy food, good training, stability, love and affection... they always give us ten-fold what we could ever give to them! <3 Our last loss was 7 year old Tilly (a beautiful female white cat, sister to our Tucker) last year when she went in for her first dental cleaning and died under anesthesia. It was a horrific shock to say the least!

    My heart hurts for you. Jeremiah, a golden retriever was my first ever dog at the age of 30. Losing him was extremely hard. Cried for weeks it seemed. May time pass quickly for you to heal.

    Becky <3

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Esther, CONGRATULATIONS on your 7 lb loss!!! You are doing a great job. Your homemade moonshine sounds fun! You never cease to amaze me with your talent and your northern living experiences! LOL

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @CALICAT love, love, love the joke! :)
    @tenpets Hi Becky! Your grandson looks soooo happy! I'm glad your family time was a good one and not marred by any unfortunate event! :)

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member

    I have been debating bringing my blender with me (I have a NutriBullet), so I can at least have one green smoothie a day but I'm undecided as of now. I have also debated on just grabbing some SlimFast meal replacement shakes since I'm used to having a smoothie every morning and not anything heavy.

    No sure what I'm going to but I do hope to make good food choices while I'm there and only treat myself occasionally.

    My hubby and I are going on a week long trip starting next week and will be bringing our blender (similar to a Bullet) along with Isagenix shake powder so we can stay out of restaurants for a meal or two each day. We have done this before and find that it has been worth the effort.

    <3 Barbie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I tried to post a old record book of my weight since 6/7/2007. But it rurn out big so not posting it
    Will start another one in the morning. hoping this time I have success at losing weight I started out as 197 first entry on the first page last entry was 191.9 So less than 6 lbs for 7 years.Oh well I am trying will be starting out on a new book in the morning.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i forgot i was in this challenge. lol

    Welcome back Bella We have a 4th of July group going now


    Click on the link and come join us


  • eileenjez
    eileenjez Posts: 38 Member
    Hey Sparkle what part of Dublin do you live in? I have cousins in Raheny.
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    hope it has been a good day!! so I have been busy on developing a "healthy" cookie. I think I did too much sampling today, I don't even know how to log it!! oh well, maybe I will just do a quick add of 400-500 calories.

    @barbiecat I bought the gnc travel blender it was only $15, works great! have a great trip:)


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    <3 Becky sounds like you have a big garden. how do you plant potaoes in a bale of hay.
    Your little grandson is so cute

    <3 Hi Connie. How are you doing

    <3 Barbie Where are you going? is it a vacation or business? poor doggies going to miss you

    Its about bed time for me

    see you all tomorrow
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    <3 Marie, we're going to northern California where we lived until 10 years ago. It's about 700 miles south of where we live now. We'll take two days to drive down, stay there a few days, and drive back. Jake's son and daughter and some grandkids live there and I have three good friends that I'll see. I've planned visits with my three friends that don't include eating meals. We will miss the dogs as much as they will miss us. :'( I'll miss three line dance classes :'(
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Becky-sounds like you have done wonderful things caring for animals, my heart still is aching, but I'm trying to walk and take a couple of my dogs with me, he was my first dog and I will never forget him, I had just got him 2 days befor 911, he was an adorable puppy in such a sad time. Thank you. Janice
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    eileenjez wrote: »
    Hey Sparkle what part of Dublin do you live in? I have cousins in Raheny.

    I live out in Kilmainham so pretty close to the city center =)

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Thursday!

    Marie..I'm doing okay..I can't complain. God is good.
    Stephanie..keep working on working on that healthy cookie!
    Barbie and Cristina..enjoy your trips!

    It's cloudy here and a lot cooler. Not much planned for today..shopping, walking, housework.

    Make it a great day and stay strong!

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Good Morning from sunny Georgia,

    Yesterday was raining and cooler so I did a exercise video at home. Today is beautiful yet cool. Thinking I might play some tennis later today.

    Hope everyone that is traveling has safe trips.

    Happy Thursday!!
  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    @ Cristina
    I pack everything INCLUDING the kitchen sink when I go away so packing a blender too wouldn't be hard for me :-)

    Public holiday tomorrow yippee

    I plan a long cycle ride and then a nice lunch out!

    Double dragon boating at the weekend too

    I really need to see a shift in the scales this week...I'm getting desperate!!
