20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I am also a lifetime member of ww, I kept it off 9years, till I had a big problem with my graves disease medication for my thyroid, I gained 5 lbs a months for several months, before it was caught.I lost weight so much faster, when I was younger and didnt have thyroid problems. But I cant use that as an excuse, I have lost 51 lbs since the end of last February, now I just need to lose more.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    It sounds like you're doing really well in your journey. :)
  • GrayBon
    GrayBon Posts: 15 Member
    Good job.GrayBon

    Thank you
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi Faye~ I just wanted to tell you that I've been in your shoes.... Several years ago, I did a diet and Curves diligently 5 days a week but while I lost inches I couldn't get that scale to move for the life of me. Month after month! Ultimately it did catch up.

    How tall are you, and how much do you have to lose? Perhaps rather than going so low on calories, mix up your macros. You can PM or friend me if you'd like
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    eatless83 wrote: »
    Morning All

    I am 31 and struggle losing, so it's not just an age related problem :-)

    I really am not sure where I am going wrong lately?? I have stepped up my fitness and eating under 1000 calories a day but nothing is happening with the scales???

    I haven't lost hope (yet) and I know I am making good life choices but it can still be a bit frustrating at times

    But hey I am still smiling and feeling inspired by you all :-)

    I love reading all your success stories


    Faye.. I think you should be eating more especially with your activity level. I started eating a bit more because after my excercise, I was netting under 1000, too. Plus, I was so hungry last week! I've added more protein and fat not carbs, and I am not as hungry these last few days.

    I think all of us will encourage you to eat more.
    We are your biggest fans! <3

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Wednesday!

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. I am on my way to the gym today for training and the pool. It's supposed to be cloudy but warm today then rain and cold tomorrow. This has been one crazy winter for all of us, huh? But that's okay, challengers, because we are gonna use this day that has been given regardless of the weather, right?

    I'll check back later.

    Have a good one, make it count, and stay strong! (*)


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    smiley-cool05.gifWe are headed to Utah tomorrow for a long weekend that will include seeing lots of good friends, long meetings, and too many restaurant meals. We'll take the pets to boarding this morning and pack in the afternoon so we can leave the house very early to drive to the airport that's over two hours away. I love my wonderful routine at home but think that a change for a few days will be fun and different. I'll have my phone with me so I'll be able to check in with MFP without having to take the laptop with me. The hotel has a fitness center, I'll look for every opportunity to walk, and I know how to special order in restaurants to avoid all the high calorie "junk".

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington where the sky is clear and the moon is bright
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Happy Birthday Belinda

    One of our Littlie Angels.

    enjoy your day

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    Barbie what kind of weathger will you find in Utah?
    We are in for it again.tonight rain sleet snow ice the whole works

    When you get back you need to give us a lesson in ordering in restaurant.
    Don't know what happen but the scales jump up another 3 lbs this morning. I suppose it is my congestive hear failure So Will have to double my water pills this morning and I hate doing that for all the trips to the powder room. But it is necessary
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    Woohoo have fun in Utah Barbie! I'm going to be having a similar weekend this weekend! I'm going to stay in these wonderful old irish thatch cottages in old Killarney town with a large group of friends and my boyfriend. Should be a lot of fun but also will have to do a lot to try and keep up with my currently weight loss! I'm starting a new dietbet on March 10th as well after how successful that last one was.

    Happy birthday Belinda!

    Don't worry too much about it Marie. If you're doing the right this the weight loss will come.

    Now time to figure out how to not overdo it this weekend. Hopefully I can convince the boyfriend to get some serious walking in!

    Have a great wednesday everyone!

    Sophie (in cold and rainy Dublin)
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Happy Birthday, Belinda!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    <3 Barbie when you get back you need to give us a lesson on how to order in restaurant.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Age makes a difference in how many calories your body needs. Going
    to do some reaearch on it. I just seen Dr. phil dicussin a 20 20 diet Need to check that out too.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited March 2015
    o:) (*) Happy, Happy Birthday, Belinda!

    (*) Barbie, have a wonderful time. A change of scenery and routine is always nice. I am certain you will eat mindfully.

    (*) Sophie, that sounds like so much fun! I'm going to the movie this afternoon and have planned for my popcorn!

    (*) Marie...drink your water...that's what those pounds are.

    The sun is out and, it is 80 degrees!!!! CRAZY weather!
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Happy Birthday Belinda, hope you have a great one.

    Faye, Please don't lose hope. Most of us have our ups and downs with our weight loss. Just hang in there and make
    adjustments as you need to and your body will respond.

    Marie, Looks like we are in for another round of ice and freezing stuff!!! High around 80 today and high tomorrow 36!!!
    How strange is that???

    Hope everyone has a good Wednesday.


  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Wow, I wish it was 80 degrees here! We're getting drenched today, and supposedly getting 12 inches of snow dumped on us by tomorrow. I'm ready for it to be warm and breezy! Nothing is more motivating than nice weather.
  • Kenea993
    Kenea993 Posts: 63 Member
    Weigh in day for me!

    Sw 223
    Lw 212.2
    Cw 210.6
    Gw 203 (for challenge)
    Ugw 135

    Loss this week if 1.6 lb. Total loss 12.4 lbs :)
    Sorry excited I am sitting for that 20lb Easter! I have a wedding dress appointment in may and I want to stay of our married life healthy and I want to be the girl who can pull off a mermaids dress. That is my dream and goal. So excited!
  • Kenea993
    Kenea993 Posts: 63 Member
    We are getting hit with Ashley right now. I miss the warm weather and I live the snow lol. Can't wait till I can take my puppies back to the dog park. Just have to stay motivated in this yucky weather. Indoor exercise! Haha planning on getting on my elliptical a littLe later.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Wow, you leave a day and the posts are overwhelming! Everyone is doing fantastic!

    Great news for all the losers getting so close their Easter goal. I am waiting this week to get on the scale after vacation. Then I will see what the scale says and then I will be taking off vacation weight.

    Day 4 without running water, but the Town has been by and spray painted the snow where the problem is so hopefully we will have running water soon. Our neighbor has been wonderful for us to use his water, so now we can shower, do dishes and I did some laundry from before we left. Vacation laundry is waiting since it is summer clothes.

    We had freezing rain last night and our driveway was like a skating rink.

    Good luck to rest of you who are still trying to get to that goal.

    Congratulations to Belinda on your birthday! Barbie- enjoy Utah, I imagine they have snow.
    Congratulations Graybon and anyone that I missed.

    Ontario, Canada
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    Thank you all for your encouragement. :)

    Congratulations Pattykay33. I know it feels so awesome when you can tellnth we b difference in your clothes.

    We're almost there folks. Let's sprint to the finish line of this first run.