20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Happy Birthday, Janice!

    Becky, I hope your son is able to keep his finger. :/

    It's deceptively sunny out today. It's so cold! I'm really trying to not turn the heat on, but it's 60 degrees in here. I get cold and hot easily though. :P
    I'm really loving the ladies in my apt. office. Another one came over to me yesterday and went on about how much weight I've lost. Haha, I love it! They are so nice, I appreciate them so much.
    I need to get myself off the couch and out from under the blanket and get to the gym soon, have homework and cleaning to do today.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, happy weekend!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello losers!

    Another sunny day but we have a dusting of snow and it just won't let up. I have had snow on my birthday and that will be April 4th. We shall see this year.

    We are having company for dinner tonight so my menu is; Cornish hens, wild rice, green beans with slivered almonds. French onion soup to start and cannolies for dessert and coffee.

    Anxious to finish this challenge and sink my teeth into the next one. Best of luck to the
    final finish for everyone next week !!


    Marie - Safe travels
    Becky - Sorry to hear about your son, hope all goes his way at the doctor.
    Stephanie - Nice loss keep up the good work.
    Vicky - A nice loss of 25 pounds, congratulations hope you meet your goal.
    Welcome to all the new people.

    Ontario, Canada

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Thank you everyone for my birthday wishes, its been a good one so far.
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    happy birthday Janice!! sounds like it has been a wonderful celebration :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I remember now you are taking the family skiing Have a great time.how many kids do ou hAve?
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie -I'm not the one going skiing, I remember someone said they were. I have 2 kids, a son 32 and a daughter 27. I turned 55.
    Slw19- I have more plans tomorrow with my 3 older sisters, we're going out for lunch, having barbecue. Its a birthday weekend.
  • eileenjez
    eileenjez Posts: 38 Member
    Like so many of you I'll be glad when this winter is over and it warms up again. I am so looking forward to going out and walking after dinner. One of the nice things about living here is that when summer comes the sun stays up to almost 10 pm. Makes for a great time to walk. My week has been great. I have a loss of 1.6 lbs. Total so far 7 lbs. This is a first for me. It seems like I have been trying to loose for so long and the scale has never budged. The meds that I have been on haven't helped either.

    SW 185
    CW 178

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Great loss, Eileen! It's great when the scale finally moves.
    I can't weight til the warm weather comes back, either! We had a few really nice days and then we got flurries yesterday. And it was so cold today, it's crazy!
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,523 Member
    Eileen. Way to go. So glad you are seeing results.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,523 Member
    Shirley-Thanks for the congrats. I just try to take it a day at a time! MFP is really helping to keep me accountable.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi everyone. I honestly can't wait for this weekend to be over. I finally walked over 7000 steps today. And I'm feeling it. I spent all day yesterday baking cookies and very rich frosted brownies for a bake sale for our local ballet company that I have two girls enjoying. So after I delivered 16 1/2 dozen cookies and 8 dozen brownies I volunteered to help with a Girl Scout activity that lasted 3 1/2 hours. Then after that I took my mother who is having vision problems shopping at Walmart for 3 hours. I came home ate dinner and took my family to a fundraiser basketball game. And there was a swim meet at our local swimming pool so The pool was closed to the public today and I really missed my swimming today. Tomorrow after 2 pm I will be able to go swim for a while. I can't wait. And for as crappy as I ate today I was amazingly under my calories. I had a 20 oz hot chocolate from a coffee stand. A burger from McDonald's. And Chinese food for dinner. And a snickers bar to eat with my antibiotic. For some reason I feel like crap. I normally eat way better than that. I hope tomorrow I will feel normal again.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,523 Member
    It is just one day! You will get back on track since you know how bad today made you feel. Good luck!
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I am glad to hear that you sounded down in the dumps a little bit this morning. Your lunch sounds good. must get me dome cottage cheese.Tenpets Is those all your kids in your profile? Nice looking bunch.
    Marie <3
    In answer to your question I have not the faintest. But surly someone here knows. I just barely know how to get on the computer
    Hi everyone. I honestly can't wait for this weekend to be over. I finally walked over 7000 steps today. And I'm feeling it. I spent all day yesterday baking cookies and very rich frosted brownies for a bake sale for our local ballet company that I have two girls enjoying. So after I delivered 16 1/2 dozen cookies and 8 dozen brownies I volunteered to help with a Girl Scout activity that lasted 3 1/2 hours. Then after that I took my mother who is having vision problems shopping at Walmart for 3 hours. I came home ate dinner and took my family to a fundraiser basketball game. And there was a swim meet at our local swimming pool so The pool was closed to the public today and I really missed my swimming today. Tomorrow after 2 pm I will be able to go swim for a while. I can't wait. And for as crappy as I ate today I was amazingly under my calories. I had a 20 oz hot chocolate from a coffee stand. A burger from McDonald's. And Chinese food for dinner. And a snickers bar to eat with my antibiotic. For some reason I feel like crap. I normally eat way better than that. I hope tomorrow I will feel normal again.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Sunday!

    I'm just peeking in before heading out to church..will come back to read all the posts.
    Have a good one and stay strong!

  • Kenea993
    Kenea993 Posts: 63 Member
    Happy Sunday! It's been super busy and I got a lot of walking in yesterday between the renaissance fair and working. I feel so much better than earlier this week and it's so tempting to weigh myself but I told myself I'd wait until tomorrow. Sorry I haven't been checking in lately and I don't have much time now but congrats to all the great losses!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Janice a=i th ta was goin skiing.ink it was Stephanies
    janic have a great time at the birthday gee together. you have 3 sisters. I do not enven have one. I ended up ith 3 brohters. Aread lost 2 of them. so It just my younger brother and me.

    have a wondeful Sunday.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Thank you, everyone for the well wishes for my son. When we visited yesterday, I looked at the injury and am hopeful (yet skeptical) that the tissue will revascularize and heal well. If not, they can try a skin graft or even grafting the injured area to the finger next to it. They suture them together and the blood supply from the healthy finger builds new tissue on the injured finger. Once it heals, they simply separate the two fingers with a scalpel and suture each up. It's really an amazing technique.

    Well, I did pretty good with eating yesterday until we got home late and I ended up going over my 1300 by about 400 calories. Boo hiss. I've got to do better today! Had a nice chia seed, pear, banana, spinach, almond milk smoothie this morning for breakfast. Loads of fiber, vitamins, and minerals and just 200 calories! I plan to have the half serving remaining for lunch plus a protein.

    It's sunny here in MD today, but still very cold and breezy. I'd like to get out for a walk if it's not too cold this afternoon.

    Those going on vacation, enjoy!! I can't wait to hear the total weight lost for the challenge after Easter. Many of you have done so great with large losses. I'm hoping to do the same on the next challenge for July 4th.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Becky for the report on your son. My prayers are with him. and a speedy recovery
    Amazing what Doctors have come up with.
    we are up to 55 and heading for 84 tis afternoon.
    Take care
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,523 Member
    Marie-way to go with your weight loss. Keep up the good work!
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    yes it is my family that is going skiing tomorrow. unfortunately, my little son, who is twelve, has had a fever the last couple of days:( just trying to figure out what to do think my husband and daughter may go and we might stay home but I hope not. I do not actually ski but the rest of my family does. weather is suppose to be very nice in Colorado

    congrats to the losers!! hang in there to everyone else!! easter is around the corner!!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Home from church and it has been a very busy morning. My Sunday School care group was in
    charge of preparing refreshments for the class of about 40. I made sausage pinwheels and they
    were gone so quickly that I didn't get one (which was a good thing) but I did eat 3 cheese wafers
    that I made and don't have any idea how many calories in them. Guess I will pay with an ugly scale
    on Tuesday.
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
    Congrats on the loses.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Today was another sunny day, cool but really nice in the sun. I hope this week the temps go up so i can have a nice walk outside.

    Our dinner last night was good and tasty and our company enjoyed it. My DH got a nice set of wine glasses for our boat, his retirement gift.

    Today we went to pick up our skiis from our locker at the ski resort. So they are back home for another season. I hope next year we can get out more because we will be able to ski during week once my hubby is retired. We did celebrate a birthday, our patrol leader, turned 68. We used to be on the ski patrol for years and she is still the leader. So my hubby and I shared a piece of cake.

    Now back to tracking that cake and better things to come.

    Becky - Great to hear the results of your son's hand. It's amazing what they can do now.
    Stephanie - Good luck on getting to the ski resort.
    Eileen - Great loss, congrats.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Just got back alittle bit ago from lunch with 2 of my sisters, 1 of them was sick and did'nt go. We ate at a BBQ restaurant, it was really good, I brought home the rest of my food, I got full and didnt want anymore. After 3 days eating out I hope the scale isnt up to bad. It was a splurge, back on track tommorrow.
    Marie-sorry you lost 2 of your brothers, I also have a half sister, that lives in Tennessee. We're not very close, raised seperately. No brothers, I come from a long line of girls and my sisters had girls, I had the only boy.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,523 Member
    Just got home from our Palm Sunday potluck dinner at church. I did so BAD! I have not eaten that much in almost two months
    I have to get back on track tomorrow since I do not like this feeling of feeling so full. I know I will always have issues with food. Just have to start over in the morning.
    This is a marathon-not a sprint!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    Heree is the instruction that Barbie gave us years ao on using the glitter graphic that we used

    From Barbie

    Here is what I know about the nifty birthday images that I post on this thread. Here is the link to hundreds of birthday greetings:


    This website has graphics for all sorts of holidays and other topics

    When you find the image you like, click on it and it will get bigger so you can be sure you really like it Under the picture you will find two codes. The bottom on that is for a variety of uses including forums, is the one you want. Click on the code to highlight it then copy and paste it onto your post. I open the glitter graphics in a separate window so I can go back and forth easily.

    If you are going to do this, I suggest you allow yourself plenty of time in case you need to experiment or want to look at a lot of images or goof up or something.

    reposted by marie
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    my blender that I have had for the last 20 years just decided it was done!! I have been using it so much the last month. if you have and blender and like it, can you tell me what kind it is? I am in the market!! thanks.

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I just got the Ninja complete kitchen system, I really like it. You can purchase just the blender separately also. I believe they have 2 or 3 different styles/models of blender. The complete system comes with "bullet" style attachments though, so you can blend up a single smoothie to go, if you need to.
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    Hi everyone and happy monday! The clocks went forward here on Saturday night so I'm still feeling the effects of that today. Even though I'm pretty tired I still got up and went to my new yoga class this morning so I'm feeling pretty accomplished today already and it's only 9.30.

    I hope everyone has a great monday!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Monday and last week of challenge!!

    B) I hope everyone is doing well and are happy that you have made it this far in your commitment to better health! I know I am!

    B) Our challenge will end next Monday, April 6th. You can give me your total pounds lost as early as Friday, April 3rd.

    B) Our new thread 20 Pounds by the 4th of July, will begin Monday, April 6th, and I will post the total pounds lost on that thread Tuesday, April 7th.

    B) Please post your total pounds lost on THIS thread OR send me a private message.

    :) Vicky...it's okay..today is a new day. This is a lifestyle and potlucks happen. Do not beat yourself up!

    :) Janice..Glad you enjoyed yourself with family!

    :) Marie..gonna try the glitter signs..thanks!

    Have a great day, challengers!
    Let's finish strong!!

    <3 Connie