20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Bathroom walking, Marie!!! ;) Haha!!

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Marie, you could get one of those tiny Ben & Jerry's ice creams, once it's gone it's gone. :smile:
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Agree with Ray..it's better than dealing with a big carton left in the fridge.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I Started dPing that with Hagen daas ice cream. Instead of buying the whole pint I will buy the little 10 bite tiny cartons. So if I eat the whole carton it's no big deal as opposed to eating the whole pint in one sitting
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    :D One of my favorite authors, Gretchen Rubin, writes about how people can fit loosely into the categories of being either abstainers or moderators. Abstainers (that's me) can't have one bite of a lot of things because one bite leads to another. I am fine with absolutely no ice cream, pizza, chips, etc. but once I have a bite, I have no control over how much more I have. Moderators (that's not me) can have a single serving of ice cream, pizza, chips, etc. and be satisfied and happy. It helps to figure out what category you fit in.

    <3 Barbie

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Luckily I'm learning to be a Moderator. I have a kind of chip that I could just eat the entire bag of, but I measure out just 10 of them and have it with breakfast some mornings. I love them, and I love that I can still eat them.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Agree with Ray..it's better than dealing with a big carton left in the fridge.

    But the gluten Or I would pay the price. I would have to worry about.

  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi Folks

    Its been a while since I last posted but I have been reading everyday!

    I reached my 55 days log in today!

    I will be away this evening for Easter until 8th April so will make my final postings now if that okay...

    I lost a total of 11lbs for this challenge - I was up to 13lbs at one point but added a pound or so this week (not sure why) Nevertheless I am happy and proud of what I have achieved. If I can the same (or better) in the next challenge I will be a very very happy girl!

    I have also lost 4 inches from my stomach and an inch from my waist ;-)

    I will be starting the next challenge in a good place knowing I am making good choices and will continue with my exercise which I hope will boost my weight loss!

    Before heading off on hols this evening I would just like to thank each and everyone of you on this thread - you have been the best support anybody could ever ask for!
    Connie/Marie/Tami/Ray/Cristina/ to name a tiny few you have been great and have each taken the time help with with my journey!!

    See you in the next challenge!

    Happy Easter Everyone!

    Faye x
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    I'm going to use the same log as you Marie!

    How many days did you log in? 31 days
    How many days did you plan and complete your food plan? about 20 days I'd say
    How many days did you move your body in some form or fashion? Walked to work and back every day (1h 30 minutes walking a day) and in the last week I've started yoga classes every morning.
    How many times did you choose something healthier than you would have a month ago? I would say maybe 15 times. I've been trying to pick the healthier options
    How many times did you choose a different place to eat out based on better choices offered?
    Didn't really eat out
    How many times did you pass up something in the grocery store that you would have. A good few times
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Good morning everyone! So excited to begin our new challenge on Monday. Hoping for at least 11 lbs lost for this challenge and then... 20 for the next challenge! Love reading everyone's posts.

    Barbie, your weight loss is so impressive! Congratulations on achieving your goal. How long have you been maintaining your loss?

    Have a great day friends!

    Becky in MD <3
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Thursday!

    Faye..congrats on your 11 pound loss for the challenge. It has been noted!

    Sparkle..glad to see you found the log useful!

    Becky..I think mine will be around 11 pounds, too. I'm holding out for a few more days!

    Barbie..I think I am an abstainer..can't have it in the house or eat a serving of something that requires opening a bag...chips, cookies, crackers, etc.

    Got a late start this morning..dog walked, dog to groomer, grocery store while out and still did not get everything because I did not have my list :s ..whew! Now I am going to do a yoga DVD..need to stretch.

    Have a great day and stay strong!
    <3 Connie
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning Everyone

    Becky, Good job on losing 11 pounds, mine will be around 7 pounds.

    Barbie, I am definitely an abstainer. I am going to have to even get rid of my mini chocolate chips.
    I did fine with my small portion for weeks but as of late they have given me trouble, so away with
    the chocolate chips.

    Faye, So happy for you losing 11 pounds.

    Connie, Glad you are going to have a good loss too.

    I so wish I could do a better job of controlling my eating when having stressful situations going on.
    Thought I was past that until this week and found out I returned to the same old behavior.
    Ready for a restart on the July Challenge!!! :D

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2015
    Whew Connie a busy morning.

    I just bought a new cookbook Call Low Carb So Simple by Elvira Krebber all of her recipes are 5 ingredient. or less. Low carbs and , gluten free I am ansious to get time to sit down to read it. Just what I need.
    Breakfast will be egg omelet gluten free toast. , apple sauce. Coffee.

    we have gather everything together for our trip. Pocket cash, medications. us old folks needs a drug store to take all of our med.jerry my husband is ansious to go to. And thankful he does not have to drive. me too glad he does not drive up to Missouri.. Alice will be out Saturday to go to Kathy's for our Easter egg hunt Dinner.
    Sunday we pack and double check our list to be sure we are not leaving anything behind. Which I know ewe will.
    I will be ready to start the 4th of july challenge Monday with a bang.
    Have a great day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Nancy I too am ready for a restart on Monday I have one haywire this last couple of weeks.
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi everyone,

    i think the weight loss i see is SO IMPRESSIVE! i have been struggling to lose any weight for a couple of years! my resolution on jan 1 2015 was to be better balanced and i feel like i have done many things to achieve that goal! as connie says, it is not all about the scale. its's about our mental state as well. we went out to dinner last night and the sodium can just kill me!

    i think 20 lbs in 4 months is great if you achieved it but any loss is AMAZING or even if you just wanted to become better balanced. i am going to post my loss on sunday or monday once i get home. looking somewhere between 5-7lbs. i am SO HAPPY with that and looking forward to the next challenge with this great group!!

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Faye, that's a great loss! Try to weigh yourself again on Saturday or Sunday, that pound you put on might just be fluctuating water weight! :)
    I'm looking forward to weighing tomorrow, I hope the scale is generous in it's loss. I'm feeling "not good enough" again a little as far a loss so far, just because I will be around relatives on Saturday. I'm working on it though. I'm counting on the scale to validate my success and give me a confidence boost. I'm really curious as to what I'm at now.

    It's a very rainy, stormy day here today, with severe thunderstorms scheduled for tonight. My poor little cat is super sad today because there's no spot of sunshine to lay out in. All she can do is stare out at the rain. Well she's really not going to like next week, because we're supposed to have 5 days straight of rain and storms.

    I'm trying to decide if I'll walk or drive to the gym today. It's really pouring down, but I always felt driving to go walking was almost like cheating, haha. I'll see what it's like in an hour.

    I'm really looking forward to the final weigh in for Easter, and I'm super excited to start the 4th of July challenge! I hope to blow it out of the water! Twenty more pounds should put me in the 130's, and that's exactly where my ultimate goal is located, so I'm really excited to get there!

    I hope everyone else is getting sunshine today! Have a healthy, successful day!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2015
    Congratulations to Becky and Faye on losing 11 pounds. You are awesome!!

    Connie - I am with you, I can't have any of those eats in the house either. No cookies, cakes, crackers,
    chips and the list goes on. Ice cream is my downfall and has been since I was a kid. A very hard habit to break. The only way those enter the house again is when I have company.

    I am going out to dinner tonight, another retirement dinner for my husband but just our good friends and us not a big group. Of course tomorrow is weigh in day so I am not expecting a loss after dinner tonight. I will not have bread or dessert so that might help. I will be glad when all these dinners are done. My hubby and I just talked this morning and decided no more eating after dinner. No snacks.
    I know when we stick to it we do lose weight. So starting the new challenge on Monday I will be here with bells on!

    Happy Easter everyone! I will let you know if my daughter has the baby, our first grandchild, since her due date is Monday.

    Enjoy the day.

    Ontario, Canada
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited April 2015
    Marie..you crack me up with the "old folks need to take a drug store"! My hubs is a walking drugstore, too. I am thankful to only have one prescription drug to take. That's one reason I'm so intent on eating right and exercising. :D

    Steph..you are so right about "balance". I had not considered that, and it makes so much sense. It will be added to our monthly checklist!

    Ray..you have done well, and the fact that you are dedicated to getting healthy and fit validates your efforts.

    Nancy.. I'm hanging by a thread. I want to eat, eat, eat and have been doing a lot of self-talk to keep myself in check. It would be so easy to eat this entire weekend knowing that we will resart Monday, BUT then it will take a week or so to get the water weight off..sigh...

    We can do this.

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Thanks, Connie! :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Losing weight is the hardest job I have ever enter. in my golden years. used to all I had to say is diet and I would start losing. Not no more. Its going to take more than that. its going to take some strict balancing act to get it going., First thing got to be stricker with myself.

    yes Barbie you know I am an abstainer I watch you thru all of your weight lost back in 2008-thru 2009. We could count on you losing 3 lbs. a week. till you reach your goal. and Maintain it thru out the years ahead Amazing woman Lin came along and done the same thing.Her style was different than yours.But still lost 3 lbs a week. no one could ever match your record. of delectating's Knowing me what would you sagest I do? I am going to work up a plan and see what you think.

    My confession for today.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Connie, Yes we can. I have cleared my head and am on track today.
    I have tried to let go of some things that I just can't fix and that helped
    me to get refocused today.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2015

    I am going to follow the 1-1-1- plan.on the 4th of july challenge
    1 servings of protein, 1 servings good fat and 1 servings of carbs
    All the vegie I want lots of water
    two 1-1-1- snacks a day a few rules of mine. if I have salad I will count the dressing if I have pancakes I will count the syrup/ butter. Connie, Nancy Stephanie anything else would you change, I want to count everything I put in my mouth if I don't want to eat I will not eat.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    I'm staying with 1:1:1. The only change is more protein and a little less fat as suggested by the doctor.

    I'm tired and frustrated today but will forge ahead and not let that influence my eating...this, too, shall pass. :#
  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member
    edited April 2015
    eatless83 wrote: »
    Hi Folks

    Its been a while since I last posted but I have been reading everyday!

    I reached my 55 days log in today!

    I will be away this evening for Easter until 8th April so will make my final postings now if that okay...

    I lost a total of 11lbs for this challenge - I was up to 13lbs at one point but added a pound or so this week (not sure why) Nevertheless I am happy and proud of what I have achieved. If I can the same (or better) in the next challenge I will be a very very happy girl!

    I have also lost 4 inches from my stomach and an inch from my waist ;-)

    I will be starting the next challenge in a good place knowing I am making good choices and will continue with my exercise which I hope will boost my weight loss!

    Before heading off on hols this evening I would just like to thank each and everyone of you on this thread - you have been the best support anybody could ever ask for!
    Connie/Marie/Tami/Ray/Cristina/ to name a tiny few you have been great and have each taken the time help with with my journey!!

    See you in the next challenge!

    Happy Easter Everyone!

    Faye x

    No Problem...that's what it is about, helping each other!!
  • eileenjez
    eileenjez Posts: 38 Member
    I wasn't going to but since I've read these posts this morning you ladies and your loses are giving me the nudge I need to go downstairs and get on the treadmill. I really just feel like sitting here and falling asleep. I'm off to the treadmill knowing I'll feel much better when I'm through.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2015
    never never give up Eileen There is hope for everyone, even me.

    <3 Marie
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    I will stay with 1:1:1 it is definitely best for me. I will work on getting fewer carbs but will not cut drastically
    because I know I don't feel well if I go too low.
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    agreed with all my 1:1:1 people!! like i said earlier it is about balance and not deprivation. i'm ok if it takes a bit longer to get there :) we must feel good!!
    its snowing here!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,169 Member
    smiley-happy110.gif I started on MFP in 2009 and lost about 70 pounds before the end of the year. My doctor told me I'd lost too much weight so I slowly and carefully put 10 pounds on. I have maintained this weight ever since. My maintenance plan is just about the same as my weight loss plan. I continue to learn more about what foods I can eat in moderation and what foods I have to avoid completely. I weigh and measure my food and log it on MFP almost every day (I didn't log while we were on our most recent out of town trip). Even when I don't log my food, I avoid foods that are trouble for me.

    :D I started participating in the thread to support my long time friend, Marie. I had no idea how many wonderful new people I'd meet and learn from.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2015
    Barbie so glad you did join us. it went way past my imaginations most of these girls will be my forever friends. at least I hope so. . one of my friends I first met here when I first join just had her First baby name lilly. . She shares her with me thru facebook.So cute.seems like a new grandbaby to me.We met thru a thread I stared called jack Russell fans she has 2 little jack Russell and they adore lilie Lots of menories here.