Magenta529 Member


  • I whole heartedly agree with you OP. I have realized that it's just not realistic for me to have certain foods around or eat them on a regular basis because for me they are triggers for binging. So I don't keep icecream in the house, definitely no "itso" of any kind. Because when I do, one portion becomes 20.
  • Yes! This happens to me every single time I increase my workouts. It's a combo of water retention and inflammation in my opinion. Usually about 6 weeks after I'll see a big drop in weight and notice a difference in my physical size and look. You know how guys always say they want to look "swoll" (no idea the spelling of…
  • Hi everyone! I'm Lauren, I've been up and down my whole life but mostly up. Recently I've noticed a big change in my mind set and have lost and kept off 32 pounds since January. I have found myself at a loooooong plateu! So I'm looking for motivation, and ways to change up my routine and make sure I stay dedicated to the…
  • Hmmm I like the idea of not spending money and trying the listerine bottle trick! Logging my weight isnt a problem, I just hate that it never changes until I lose 2 pounds. I would be interested in the body fat percentage but sounds like it's not accurate and not worth the money. Thanks everyone!!
  • Raspberry Sherbet. 110 calories in half a cup!
  • Bahahahaha! ^this!
  • I have taken Wellbutrin for depression for about two years now. I only began losing weight 6 months ago after determining that it was something I needed to actively do. If you already struggle with anxiety, make sure to be very self aware when starting this drug. You may want to keep a journal so you can track your…
  • When you log into MFP after midnight every night, just to make sure you don't lose your streak if you get busy the next day.
  • Yup same here. I usually have a protein bar in the morning and then save my meal for dinner. If I'm eating throughout the day I tend to eat more and feel hungry all the time. I'm pretty active during the day too because of work, usually get 12-18 thousand steps in per day, I don't feel hungry till I stop going.
  • I was surprised too at the adjustments my fit bit charge HR wound up giving me over my Fitbit zip. I was plateauing and when I switched over and started eating back more of the calories I was burning I started losing again. I thought it was way to high, but trusting it seems to be working!
  • This happened to me a while back, I ordered to clip replacement directly off the fit bit website for $8.
  • I don't see a percentage on mine, but I'm only looking at the app on my phone, perhaps I have to log in on the computer to see the percentage? My average amount of sleep is just less than 7 hours. Which I feel is pretty good. My sleep rythym is off so i usually go to bed daily between 2-3:30 am. So getting an avg of 7…
  • I also have intense dreams, but usually only when I'm feeling stressed. I hate it, because I wake up and feel even more stressed because of whatever was happening in the dream. Often they are sad, or very frustrating, or involve a lot of problem solving.
  • I reckon its vibration that does it - do you use a food processor or similar in the kitchen?[/quote] That's really interesting. I always thought my zip didn't get all of my side steps that info in our little tiny kitchen. But the Charge tracks about double the paces. It's so small, there's a lot of bending, reaching,…
  • Just keep tracking calories on MFP, soon you will start to learn the best "bang for your buck" calorie wise! Stick with it, and keep up the good work!!
  • I just got the Charge HR. I really like it so far, but I used to have the zip, and the big thing I've noticed is that by doing my normal activities I get more steps and more calories burned with the charge vs. the zip. I own a restaurant and spend a lot of time as the cook which doesn't require a lot of walking in our tiny…
  • I had an employee once who looked like she was pregnant because her belly was so much wider than the rest of her body. People would ask her all of the time when she was due, that is how pregnant she looked! I'm not sure if what you are describing could look like a pregnant belly but it kind of sounds like it. She also…
  • I had a dr. Recently recommend this combo to me and it works almost every time! 1000 mg acetaminophen and 750 mg ibprofin. Taken at the same time, within 30-45 min I see a big difference in pain level or headache or whatever is ailing me. He said there's some kind of science chemical reaction with that combo that he…
  • I'm with you. I struggle to lose if I'm not exercising, no matter what my calorie deficit.
  • HA!! You made me literally laugh out loud
  • I've had my Fitbit zip for 2 years now and it works just like the first day I got it! I did have to purchase a new sleeve/clip for it about 1 month ago, but that was to be expected with daily use.
  • Club soda is a life saver! I add some lemon most times, and it's just really satisfying. It makes me feel like I'm having a snack, and makes me feel full quicker if I drink it before a meal.
  • I would like to sign up too, thanks!
  • I tried Isagenix for a while. They tasted really good and I liked all of the vitamins that I was able to get from them. Like many said, I did not find them satisfying for a meal, but a good snack or maybe for breakfast. But I prefer a zone bar for breakfast, the chewing is nice! Another reason I have found shakes helpful…
  • I'm struggling with this majorly right now! Part of the reason I struggle is because if I give in to a craving or make a mistake it then increases my cravings! It's so easy when I'm in all or nothing mode, but getting into that mode after the newness, excitement and resolve has worn off is almost impossible. I am lookig to…