Food intolerance? Do you have similar symptoms?



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I doubt it's food intolerance.

    Food intolerance's are very different symptoms, often more like having a nasty virus.

    Your description of food intolerance is a generalization. I am intolerant to dairy and soy; the dairy gave me serious stomach problems and sent me to the bathroom a lot, headache, but soy felt like I had some terminal disease with nausea, low energy, (doctor tested me, passed all tests, symptoms disappeared after I cut out soy). I've had nasty viruses before, and soy and lactose intolerance do not feel that way to me.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    hupsii wrote: »
    Tracking what you are eating may help you doctor diagnose what is going on. I don't think coming to a message board for a potential medical issue is the best course of action

    yes, eventually I will have to see my doctor, I guess ...

    You guess?
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    If you are always bloated and it is a food intolerance then it would have to be something that you eat very regularly. The best way to be sure is to see an allergist/immunologist and be tested.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    edited May 2015
    hupsii wrote: »
    Just looking at your diary there's a real imbalance in the macros - unless you are doing a lot of intense exercise - the carb load is quite excessive. That may explain the fat accumulation in the area you speak - visceral fat gains are most noticeable in the abdominal regions and based upon your description - that sounds like it. Another is your protein intake - it's way too low. I really doubt your lean body mass is that low. You need to up your protein intake and reduce the carb load - make those even out for the calories you believe you need to ingest to lose fat weight. Hope this helps.

    thanks for your advice. As I have a history of kidney stones, I have to be careful with protein so that's a bit difficult.

    I've also had a kidney stone ( a large one that kept me in the hospital for 3 weeks and I had to have surgery to remove it), my urologist basically said that there is nothing diet wise you can do that will lessen the chance of having kidney stones. He said in the past they would tell people to change their diets and they would still get kidney stones because it is largely genetic. There have been studies done on it and people who develop kidney stones generally do not stop developing them because they change their diet. He advised me to drink plenty of water so that if I do develop a kidney stone it is more likely to get flushed out before it gets too big.

    I agree with your protein being too low, and I had the same bloating issue when I was eating too many carbs. I've cut out bread completely and now get the majority of my carbs from vegetables/fruits. I believe I have a gluten sensitivity, because when I eat too much wheat I sometimes get stomach cramps that are so bad I am doubled over in pain. I have my carb goal set around 35% now. No more bloating, no more stomach cramps. *This doesn't mean that this is what is causing your issue, but it is worth trying to see if it helps you.
  • yapdog
    yapdog Posts: 33 Member
    It could be ibs or food intolerance. You should ask your GP and if not go for a food sensitivity test.
    I always suffered badly from constipation and bloating. It got so bad after every time I ate. I went to GP was tested for celiac and it wasn't that but they did say I have ibs. I went to a health food store/ clinic and got the food sensitivity test. I'm intolerant to wheat rye and barley (strange as I'm not a celiac) but I've been eating gluten free for 2 years and I've never felt better.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Also, I know this is a gross question, but do you have constipation along with the bloating? If you do, you may benefit from a fiber supplement, which can help move things along. A lot of times trapped wind is caused by constipation blocking air from escaping.
  • AKFitMom402
    AKFitMom402 Posts: 2 Member
    Symptoms of a food intolerance can vary greatly. If you have a true food intolerance, that can absolutely cause bloating. Keep in mind, a food intolerance and an allergy to a food are two different things, so if you went to an allergist, a food intolerance wouldn't show up. My son and I got food intolerance testing done last year, as he has always had digestive problems along with some even allergy like symptoms (only peanuts showed up when he got allergy testing). For me, it was always stomach pain and bad bloating. Gluten and milk both showed up as positives for us so for the most part we try and follow a gluten free diet and stay away from cow's milk (I use soy, he uses coconut). When I used to eat regular ice cream, it would literally look like I was pregnant afterwards. Yogurt and cheese is o.k. for us in limited amounts. There could be a lot of reasons for your bloating but I definitely wouldn't rule out a food intolerance.
  • Toadstool_
    Toadstool_ Posts: 120 Member
    As akfitmon402 has said above, food intolerance symptoms can really vary. Mine cause bloating, severe abdominal pain and sudden tummy upsets. Your symptoms could be due to an intolerance or IBS. You could try keeping a food diary and jot down any symptoms you get, you may be able to work out the pattern if it is food related.
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    Hey guys
    Thanks so much for your replies. This is really helpful. I have eaten now one week without dairy but nothing has changed. So, I will try no seeds this week. I am reluctant to se my doctor just yet, as usually I get some prescription drugs from him and the side effects are often worse...

    I will google IBS
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    Like someone else mentioned, you are heavy on the carbs and also heavy/over on sugar for many days. Personally, when I eat too much sugar (fruit), I get bloated. I also get bloated from chewing gum or consuming too much yogurt.

    Ok, I will pay attention to this.
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    I think it is possible you may have intolerance and may have digestive issues. You maybe are too heavy on carbs which can ferment in the belly when you have digestive issues.

    I would not discount your accupuncturist as they do go to school for nutrition and know quite extensively the body systems and go to school as long as a dr.

    the distended belly can also be caused by candida which if you have this is very hard to get rid of. They feed off sugar, carbs. Yogurt and dairy. But you can research that.

    I b s is another possibility or wheat intolerance.

    Thanks - I will google LBS and candida
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    Symptoms of a food intolerance can vary greatly. If you have a true food intolerance, that can absolutely cause bloating. Keep in mind, a food intolerance and an allergy to a food are two different things, so if you went to an allergist, a food intolerance wouldn't show up. My son and I got food intolerance testing done last year, as he has always had digestive problems along with some even allergy like symptoms (only peanuts showed up when he got allergy testing). For me, it was always stomach pain and bad bloating. Gluten and milk both showed up as positives for us so for the most part we try and follow a gluten free diet and stay away from cow's milk (I use soy, he uses coconut). When I used to eat regular ice cream, it would literally look like I was pregnant afterwards. Yogurt and cheese is o.k. for us in limited amounts. There could be a lot of reasons for your bloating but I definitely wouldn't rule out a food intolerance.

    Yes, I think that food allergies are more severe than a food intolerance.
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    Also, I know this is a gross question, but do you have constipation along with the bloating? If you do, you may benefit from a fiber supplement, which can help move things along. A lot of times trapped wind is caused by constipation blocking air from escaping.

    Not really but thanks for the suggestion
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    hupsii wrote: »
    Just looking at your diary there's a real imbalance in the macros - unless you are doing a lot of intense exercise - the carb load is quite excessive. That may explain the fat accumulation in the area you speak - visceral fat gains are most noticeable in the abdominal regions and based upon your description - that sounds like it. Another is your protein intake - it's way too low. I really doubt your lean body mass is that low. You need to up your protein intake and reduce the carb load - make those even out for the calories you believe you need to ingest to lose fat weight. Hope this helps.

    thanks for your advice. As I have a history of kidney stones, I have to be careful with protein so that's a bit difficult.

    I've also had a kidney stone ( a large one that kept me in the hospital for 3 weeks and I had to have surgery to remove it), my urologist basically said that there is nothing diet wise you can do that will lessen the chance of having kidney stones. He said in the past they would tell people to change their diets and they would still get kidney stones because it is largely genetic. There have been studies done on it and people who develop kidney stones generally do not stop developing them because they change their diet. He advised me to drink plenty of water so that if I do develop a kidney stone it is more likely to get flushed out before it gets too big.

    I agree with your protein being too low, and I had the same bloating issue when I was eating too many carbs. I've cut out bread completely and now get the majority of my carbs from vegetables/fruits. I believe I have a gluten sensitivity, because when I eat too much wheat I sometimes get stomach cramps that are so bad I am doubled over in pain. I have my carb goal set around 35% now. No more bloating, no more stomach cramps. *This doesn't mean that this is what is causing your issue, but it is worth trying to see if it helps you.

    Thanks for your suggestion. About the kidney stones, I came across this :
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member

  • kamber13
    kamber13 Posts: 249 Member
    Like mentioned above, you certainly could have a food intolerance. I have lactose intolerance and celiac disease (gluten intolerance). My symptoms are severe bloating (with burping), cramps, diarrhea, skin rashes, intestinal pains, and general malaise. I'm not sure why someone would write that can't be a food intolerance.

    But like others have mentioned... see your doctor and have them recommend a gastrointestinal specialist to see. I treat my intolerance through homeopathic methods... diet changes and natural flushes. I was on prescription medications, but the side effects were worse than simply making life style changes.
  • AKFitMom402
    AKFitMom402 Posts: 2 Member
    One other thing that has helped me a lot is a good quality probiotic. This can help with any digestive issues, bloating, etc.
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    I think it is possible you may have intolerance and may have digestive issues. You maybe are too heavy on carbs which can ferment in the belly when you have digestive issues.

    I would not discount your accupuncturist as they do go to school for nutrition and know quite extensively the body systems and go to school as long as a dr.

    the distended belly can also be caused by candida which if you have this is very hard to get rid of. They feed off sugar, carbs. Yogurt and dairy. But you can research that.

    I b s is another possibility or wheat intolerance.

    I looked at the candida and the symptoms are very much what I experience. I will look further into this. Thanks again for your reply !
  • Magenta529
    Magenta529 Posts: 100 Member
    I had an employee once who looked like she was pregnant because her belly was so much wider than the rest of her body. People would ask her all of the time when she was due, that is how pregnant she looked! I'm not sure if what you are describing could look like a pregnant belly but it kind of sounds like it. She also burped a lot and felt nauseous a lot.

    In the end she wound up having an ulcer, it was pretty bad. She wasn't experiencing pain for a few months while she had the large belly, burping and nausea. When pain began and worsened quickly she finally went to see a dr. And was diagnosed with an ulcer.

    Just an idea...
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks Magenta529