Dosse1320 Member


  • Thanks craigo3154 for your insight on action vs motivation. Totally agree that action comes first then the motivation follows. Back onboard with my UAC people. Lots of “sick days” and “out of province” visitors since I joined on April 1st. Onward and upward.
  • I eat the extra calories given through exercise. I just do not feel well otherwise.
  • April 2: Yes 3xs
  • Exercise: Yes Tracking:Yes Calories: No Over by 250 calories. This was Day 3 of traveling from Palm Springs to home; 27 hours total trip. Fast Food quickly racks up the calories. Pass Day #1 already. Sheesh!! This is going to be tough but I am determined to still make The Winners Circle!!
  • Hi everyone. I am back and looking forward to a great April!!
  • @luluinca Exciting times!! @craigo3154 Totally agree that exercise cannot out do a bad diet. Exercise for me keeps me feeling good which then keeps me wanting to keep my food intake in check. A food diary is key.
  • What I learned is too much down time during the day leads to boredom which then leads to snacking. Tomorrow I have planned a pretty full day. Yay!! I did a brisk walk for an hour at the mall with a friend. Walking with a friend who walks as fast as me is fun.
  • It's Wednesday and I got 10,000 steps in today. My Garmin let me know this morning that my past Wednesdays show a pattern of low activity. I was so stunned. Yikes. I got on the treadmill and did almost 80 minutes of walking. My Garmin should have good things to report back to me next Wednesday. Yay!!
  • @luluinca Thanks for sharing your story and photograph of you and your sister. Really beautiful. Keeping her with you makes both of you feel safe. You are on a hard journey together. Sounds like you have good distractions planned.
  • Sheesh. I had written a response to @craigo3154's great question but not sure what happened. Quick recap. My husband and I did the low fat diet for years. It started in 1994 when my mom had bypass surgery and we certainly did not want to get heart disease. Fast forward today. I have lost heart with all the claims of what…
  • Yesterday my NSV was walking outside after supper in the snow and the cold. We've had snow for a week. It takes me a bit of time to shift gears from going from fall to winter. Now that I have done one walk outside and I am ready to do more. It feels good to have this UAC to lean on. Thank-you @craigo3154 and @RangerRickL…
  • Love the photos! I think both photos apply to my relationship with my 3 siblings. We stay connected through phone calls, texts or emails on a weekly basis(we all live in different parts of Canada). Mostly we get along and accept each other's differences. Not living in the same city/town makes it easier to not get on each…
  • @craigo3154 No pass days is super incredible. You are an upholder; adhere to outer and inner expectations. Gretchen Rubin writes about the 4 personality tendencies (upholder, obliger, questioner, and rebellion). I am an obliger but I so wish I was an upholder. @trixsey1 You sure put in a lot of miles. Outstanding!!…
  • Hi, My name is Dolores and I have reached my goal weight. I started this group in April and love everything about it. Our leader @RangerRickL is amazing and one of our other members @craigo3154 is unbelievably knowledgable about health and fitness. Both of these guys keep me focused and wanting to do better. Welcome new…
  • Love the bear dance @RangerRickL In winter, I basically do the same kinds of activities except I go indoors. Walking is my main activity. When it gets too cold, snowy or icy I go to a nearby mall and walk. This particular mall has free underground parking which is a real plus. Also, because it is close by, it is convenient…
  • It's been a full week of babysitting. My son-in-law has gone to China for 10 days so my husband and I have cranked it up a notch to help our daughter look after her 2 young ones. Not going to be in the Winner's Circle; babysitting really throws a wrench into my healthy habits. We r resting today which feels sooo good.…
  • The photo you posted made me laugh @RangerRickL. That's quite the pose. Very high winds in Saskatchewan yesterday; up to 113 km per hour in some areas. Lots of fallen trees!! A pass day today! Tired and wanting sugar! Urrr!!
  • A beautiful warm fall day here in Saskatoon Saskatchewan. No need for a jacket. Woohoo!! Did an hour of strength training today at the gym, did some housework, looked after my granddaughter for an hour(easy peasy) and visited a friend at the hospital. Tracking and calories were good. ✅
  • A good day. Walked 6 km with my buddy. Lovely weather for fall. We may even have highs of 21 degrees Celsius this week. Very unusual for Canada.
  • @SimonsChange It has been a real pleasure doing this journey with you. Thank-you for your commitment and inspiration. Best of luck with your new adventure/basic. Best memories of fall in Saskatchewan Canada was harvest time. I fondly remember bringing coffee and cake to the field for my dad, brother and hired man around…
  • Thanks @joyinlife77 @craigo3154 and @RangerRickL for the great suggestions regarding higher calorie/protein healthy foods. @joyinlife77 You are doing an amazing job with your daughter's specialized diet AND your daughter is teaching you soooo much( the perks of parenting/lessons from your children).
  • "Where does fat go?" I had no idea until I read @craigo3154 and @RangerRickL's posts. Thank-you guys for being such great health/fitness teachers. You guys are the best!!
  • @craigo3154 Congratulations on your awesome numbers!!! Job well done. The good news is that you are continuing to practice your new lifestyle /healthy habits even though you have reached your goal weight( and of course that's the difference between diet and lifestyle).
  • Today is Thanksgiving day in Canada. It is a day spent with family and friends. The main entree is turkey. Some families eat/serve ham but most have turkey. Gobble gobble!! Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadians in UAC.
  • @RangerRickL Mondays (the beginning of a new week) are a powerful way to make a fresh start. New beginnings offer us a chance to make a change (a do-over/fresh start). Gretchen Rubin ( author of "The Happiness Project" etc) refers to this as the clean slate strategy for habit change. It is a very powerful strategy. Good…
  • A cold day here in Saskatoon. We got a few snow flurries around noon. Brrrr!! Did a 6km brisk walk this morning.
  • @RangerRickL Happy to hear your mom is resting comfortably. This has been a very emotional and physically demanding time for you. Hard when one's parents become old and fragile. Thinking of u.
  • @craigo3154 I understand your "beyond angry" feelings towards your vandalized car. My daughter was rear ended by a drunk 50 year old man in a corvette 2 weeks ago. It caused a 4 car pile up. No one was hurt/ no whip lash. However, her car was totalled. Very very upsetting!!! They(my daughter and husband) borrowed one of…
  • Congratulations @SimonsChange. It has been a pleasure having you in the UAC. I will miss your posts. Good luck with your future endeavours. A good day. 11,391 steps( housework, babysitting and a 6km walk). Tracking okay. Calories good.
  • Thanks @loopydo2017 for the website with free HIIT routine. Thanks @craigo3154 for sharing how walking can be tweaked into HIIT. Going to incorporate that in one of my walks this week. Woohoo!!