My_Butt Member


  • I'm in the same boat. I'm a die hard exerciser, and I haven't been able to do anything for about 2 months now. I've been throwing up constantly and dropped 30lbs in less than 2 months alone. I'm even currently sitting in the waiting room for bloodwork. They're now checking for celiac disease. Health is more important than…
  • You can lose 1kg in a week easily. Especially if you said the 3 gained was due to water and late night eating.
  • That's too vague. You need muscle tone there as well. Someone underweight from an eating disorder with a low body fat still won't show abs.
  • I must have read the same article cause I remember seeing that you'd have to drink about 18 cups a day to see a metabolic increase. Haha.
    in Green Tea Comment by My_Butt August 2017
  • My abs are visible at more than 22% body fat, but I don't carry fat on my stomach area keeping those easily visible. I have a very active job, do cardio with 5lb ankle weights, 10 minute ab workouts with 10lb ankle weights, weight lift, yoga, and 30-60 minutes of my 7lb hula hoop on days I feel lazy. I eat about 2k…
  • I'll support you! I've been alcohol free for all of 2017 since taking my Buddhism practice more serious (abstain from drugs or alcohol so you can stay present in the moment).
  • A heart monitor will give you the most accurate results, but you can always guesstimate by searching the internet for those specific workouts.
  • In a weight loss sense, I've always followed CICO because I'm a foodie and enjoy eating. From a healthy perspective, I tend to eat 80/20 meaning 80% of the foods I choose are healthy so I can get vitamins and minerals.
  • To get my stomach in shape, I do a lot of core workouts. Surprisingly, yoga and cardio seem to be my best combination.
  • I have a VERY active job in a warehouse where I take up to 40,000+ steps a day. However, over half of the warehouse workers are considered 'overweight' with a few probably in the 'obese' range as well. That's where I see it all comes down to diet. They'll drink 3 bottles of pop, have fast food for lunch, and visit the…
  • Everyone seems to know when I'm on a diet, but I'm a foodie and eating is a hobby. So I get offered food a lot but sometimes I just gotta say 'no thank you, I'm back on a diet.' Simple as that. It's the easiest way to not give in to temptation AND allow the people around you a chance to offer support.
  • I thought the same. However, I'll occasionally switch up my diet just to experiment. I'm a carb lover and did Carb Cycling with a friend just to see the results (my job is too active to go low carb and I experienced 'keto flu' and had to quit after 2 weeks).
  • 29 and want to lose about 20 more pounds.
  • Geeky girl here! Love comic books, manga, anime, Kpop, and have 20 tattoos with 7 from Legend of Zelda, a Halloween Pikachu and Togepi, and a Batman Bat Signal on my finger.
  • Since I'm a Buddhist, I abstain from alcohol and almost always order water. I'm up front right off the bat with my friends that I'm either 1) watching what I consume or, 2) my religious reasons for not drinking. They tend not to push too hard for me to drink or eat with them. For the food aspect, you can have everything in…
  • Oh, I don't burp much anyways (until recently, I burp after everything I eat now.) And it'd be nice to take some time off work to rest and relax anyway (silver lining).
  • That's where mine is: center and a bit to the left. I've noticed pains beginning in my back as well. My GE appointment is aug 10, so we'll find out soon enough.
  • The doctor said it's not gallbladder since that's on the other side than where the pain is. But a lady I work with said she had pain in her back when she had problems with her gallbladder. I'll just see what the GE says once I finally get in there.
  • My grandma had one and she couldn't keep food down. That's why my mom suggested that. The pain used to come and go, but since I work in a hot warehouse, I assumed that pain was a cramp from dehydration. It's now to the point where it never stops hurting and I'm barely eating anymore due to nausea. And they gave me a…
  • Everyone knows I'm on a diet. Whenever someone new rolls up at my work and says 'why do you need to diet? Look at you!' I simply tell them 'I look this way BECAUSE I'm on a diet.' If there's ever a question about diet or fitness, my coworkers/family/friends always come to me.
  • When you're at this point, you have plenty of things to focus on to see if that 'click' will happen. PROBLEM: Eating too many calories OPTION 1: try drinking more water. You may actually be thirsty, but your feeling it as hunger. OPTION 2: seeing foods as 'good' and 'bad' sets you up for failure. The moment you have a…
  • I always gain about 5lbs during that time. And I'm ravenous 10 days prior to it, so I tend to gain a few pounds anyway. But since I recognize what my body is doing, I repeat 'I'm not actually hungry, it's because TOM is coming.' Then I try to find something to do to occupy my time.
    in TOM gain?! Comment by My_Butt July 2017
  • Swimming! If you get tired, you can just lay back and let the water massage you. Plus, you're not putting pressure on your feet, or any of your joints even. My fibro doesn't bother me, but my mom has a really hard time with it. She'll garden for a day then have to rest for 2. But she never feels exhausted or sore after…
  • I'll switch over to tea and honey during weekdays and save my coffee for weekends. The benefits of honey (even though still sugary) doesn't have that crash I experience from sweet creamers.
  • I thought about using an antifungal cream, but didn't know if that would mess up anything when I FINALLY go to the doctors. Maybe I'll buy something just to see.
  • I've read that too, but when I asked my roommate, he just pointed out several round rashes on my lower back. So no tree.
  • I was just recently diagnosed hyper since other doctors said the nodules were just "fatty tumers", anxiety was a separate mental thing, and my weight loss was from "hyperactivity and overactive lifestyle". The mental aspect, I found yoga to be a great healthy way to combat stress, anxiety, and anger when I do it often.
  • This one is on my back.
  • Here's some. The big one is the size of a thumbnail.