Not a meal but, 11 cups of broccoli equals the number of calories in a regular size Snickers bar.
Good luck! Fun fact for you, 11 cups of broccoli equals the same number of calories in a regular size Snickers bar. So if you want to snack, veggies can be a filling, low-calorie option. Maybe not as good as a Snickers bar, but it's still tasty.
Don't worry. We've all fallen off the horse more than once, myself included. 10lbs by August is easily doable. Just figure out how many calories you need to eat each day and make sure to get in your exercise so you're in a deficit, and you're off! Best of luck!
Just do some squats to work your glutes.
I second this. However, I enjoy eating "cleanly" so I mostly eat chicken, fish, and eggs just about every day. I follow IIFYM, so I can and sometimes do mix it up as long as I hit my macro numbers. And it works for me.
Alcohol (Hurricanes, Hand Grenades, Jesters, etc.) too haha. But seriously good food! Johnny's Po-Boys is a good spot!
This. Also, you won't look like a bodybuilder even lifting heavy. Women don't build muscle like men, but unfortunately it's a very common thought that women shouldn't lift b/c they will develop a bulky, manly figure.
Wow good work! Keep it up!
Yup. I will be sometimes running at 1am but I take a well-lit route and I live in a relatively safe area. But I'm also a guy so statistically I'm at less of a risk. Just be smart about when and where you run.
I agree about the portion sizes. Once I started weighing my food, I realized I was eating too much for my goals. And I can relate on the Easter candy thing. Only I can't really resist. I have a little bit, but these cookies are my main weakness. I eat too many for my own good.
I would say definitely no. They are just vitamins.
No need to worry. That usually happens to most people. I have always heard it is best to aim for losing 1 to 2 pounds per week, so you're on track! If you lose weight too fast, you might be more likely to gain it back quickly when you finish dieting, or so I have heard. But, if you want to lose closer to 2 pounds per week,…
The 6 pounds lost in one week indicates that most if not all of the weight lost was just water weight.
I do. But I basically only drink water, Arizona Diet Green Tea, and Gatorade (only when I need it for a workout). I'd track a milkshake or something like that too if I made ig myself. Oh, and I track protein shakes and even the occasional alcoholic beverage.
I second this.
Same goes for me.
I follow IIFYM, which you may have heard of. If not, it stands for If It Fits Your Macros. Another name for it could be flexible dieting. Basically, you can eat what you want as long as whatever you eat fits into your macronutrient (protein, fats, & carbs) numerical targets. It works for me for sure! I'm approaching 10…
Like what others have said, try adding some nuts and other healthy fats. I really like peanut butter and 2 2tbsp of Jif is 190 calories. Easy addition right there. I pretty much eat like you, just in larger portions and just a little more snacking. Every morning I have eggs too, but instead of 2, I have at least 4 (omelet…
You could try reducing your calories a little, like by 100 or 200 and see how that goes after a while. Or, keep your calories where they're at and just exercise more.
Lifting heavy for sure.
Welcome to MFP! It can definitely help you achieve your goals of you stick with it. It's helped me thus far.
I had an accidental cheat day that started with one meal. I ended up eating around 3,000 calories that day. Oops. :/
I have too many. But "Can't Be Touched" by Roy Jones Jr. is a good one.
I don't think they go away. They just kind of change in color/fade with your skin tone. I wouldn't worry about guys caring about them. If you're relatively fit, it just shows where you came from and the progress you made. Think of them as gym battle scars lol. A lot of guys like girls who are in good shape and will respect…
No golfing for you today. We have errands to run.