cb2bslim Member


  • Audio: Karin Slaughter "Cop Town"
  • I'm 5'6". I've been around 130 lbs since last October. I'm still wanting to get down lower. I did it the summer of 2016 but the weight crept back on with lack of logging :( or misbehaving. :p * Maintenance cals - 1750 (what MFP gave me) * Normal exercise routine- 10 min treadmill warmup, lift weights 3x week, mowing with…
  • I didn't want to waste money on the downsizing. I had some diaper pins I used for exercise pants. I purchased exercise clothes when I went from xl to medium. Second hand stores for rest. 99 cent sale days helped out a lot. You look hard enough, you'll even find name brands with original tags.
  • I love having fun friends. Comedy makes losing weight easier. ;) Sending you a FR.
  • 100% agree. This will show your true trend and will never have you second guessing your number. When I toured a gym, I asked if they had a scale. If I remember correctly, she told me they didn't have one because it would need calibrated all the time. I personally would not trust public scales. Kids tend to jump on them…
  • I cannot sleep if I'm hungry. I was perfectly happy saving calories at the end of the night to eat 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and 2 saltines. I would eat it right before bed every night. Later it turned into pb and apple. Since I was eating deficit, I lost my weight and never lost sleep over it;) Healthy fats/protein =…
  • I love pb&J on whole grain bread. banana, pb and whole wheat wrap. baked potato, shredded cheddar, and broccoli. veg cheese omelet. egg/chicken salad.
    in Lunches? Comment by cb2bslim July 2017
  • Not sure about the year contract since I cancelled after a year in. I had no fee when I cancelled. They just warned me to do it before the auto payment occurred and so I was not to be hit with another monthly payment. Ask the questions before you sign.
  • I really enjoyed planet fitness. I only quit because it was too hard of a drive and then I felt rushed to get back home. I was a no-show for the most part but when I was there, I easily spent 2 hours there. The cable machines are wonderful. The cardio machines were better than I had at home. At the time I was a member, I…
  • I forgot about the walking fitness videos. I did these a lot when I couldn't make it to my treadmill.
  • If you like the dvd but one exercise is hurting you, then just replace the certain menacing movement with something else. I do that a lot since there are certain things I cannot do. Key is to keep the heart rate up. I like YouTube FitnessBlender workouts which there are many to choose from. More often, they will show you…
  • Kudos to your sensational weight loss!! You are going to love weight training! I started lifting when a pal asked if anyone wanted to do the The 30 Day Dumbbell Plan from MFP's fitness blog. Now I have my own little gym in the basement. For the most part, I gather my workouts from bodybuilding.com's 12-day LiveFit plan. I…
  • I'm also 44 and started weight training last September. For the first time in my life, I see muscles in my arms! I love bodybuilding.com site. They offer lifting and eating plans. What I like is they show quick tutorial videos for each workout AND they will offer alternatives if you don't have access to certain equipment.…
  • I will follow this. They make a knife necklace that can be held down firmly with your sports bra. I bought a flip belt in hopes a small firearm would fit but it didn't work out and if it did fit, I couldn't access it quickly. I've been searching and everything either seems to be full coverage and not breathable which will…
  • When I lost my first 30 lbs, I started getting dizzy and my sight was blacking out for a few seconds. I had a lot of tests done (bloodwork, stress test, tilt table, glucose, MRI. I'll break it down with the three most important tests/counsel. Tilt Table Test. I had to fast for this and I'm not a big water drinker and I…
  • I normally don't have the time to read everyone's meals. In addition, I don't want to get hungry right before I go to bed. lol I tend to only "like" and not comment on my friends diary even if they are over in calories. The way I see it, they are logging to make themselves a healthier person and staying true to themselves.…
  • I'll be 44 this year and have been lifting for 6 months now. I only have one child and find it difficult at times to work out but I aim to get a least 2 workout sessions completed for the week. I also started in the 170's. Even though I have lost the bulk of my weight, I'm still trying to slim down some more in the…
  • I was at 173 lbs and I'm 5'6", age 41 when I started. You definitely can lose just weighing food, counting cals and eating less. I only walked on the treadmill for exercise because I do not have an active lifestyle. You mentioned "healthy" in your title. I'm a firm believer in changing your eating lifestyle to keep the…
  • I belonged before and enjoyed it immensely. I only cancelled due to personal home issues and ended up getting weights for the home. Each gym is different (equipment and gym members) so I suggest you ask for a tour and see for yourself. Cardio, machines, free weights, ab rooms, full body workout room...you cannot go wrong.…
  • Congrats on your loss so far :) You got this! Make it a lifestyle change that you will enjoy!
  • You look wonderful!! Congrats on your weight loss! You and I just about started out at the same weight. I was 173 lbs when I started. I'm now trying to get rid of the stubborn tummy and thigh fat. I'm currently hanging in the mid 120s and loving it. I lack cardio but have been lifting weights. Add me if you like :smiley:
  • I started out as a US size 14. I didn't buy clothing for each size I dropped because it didn't look super baggy on me. I lived in fitness clothing for four months. I was in desperate need of clothing and remember a wonderful shopping experience. I tried on a US 10 and need a US 8. A big happy dance was done in the dressing…
  • @PixelPuff I love this YouTube video. When people ask me how I lost the weight and then immediately reject the idea when they find out it involves some work, I 'll then describe this video to them. A really eye opener with a big "wow" factor.
  • I absolutely love this site. People ask how I lost my weight and I share. Once I get to the part of logging and weighing food, they shut it down quick. These people want magic. Well, there is a magic method of losing and it's "you". MFP, as awesome as it is, is just an excellent helpful tool to set you on the right road to…
  • So far, I have read/listened to 1 through 6 of the Zombie Fallout series by Mark Tufo. If you like funny post Apocalypse genres, this one keeps me wanting more.
  • First congrats on your weight loss! I went down an extra size with 15 pounds so I would hold off on the big shopping spree if you want to get more bang for your buck. I went from size 14 to 4, so I needed clothing during the weight loss. I waited until I was a size 8 to start bargain shopping. This is what I did: 1. Second…
  • I noticed it in everything: scale, measurements and clothing. I had dropped 11 lbs the first month. The first two weeks, my weight dropped 8 lbs and my workout tops were not as snug. I was able to notice it a whole lot just looking in the mirror. I kick myself in the butt because I didn't accurately measure my waist until…
  • Throughout the span of 20 years, I eventually found myself with 70 extra pounds by the time I turned 40. I never did pay any mind to my weight so I had no specific weight to aim for. Therefore, I aimed for the middle of what the BMI charts said was "normal". Once I met that goal, I set mini goals until I reached the final…