pmg2000m Member


  • I'm high risk due to health issues, so I wouldn’t even consider going back to the gym until at least next spring, depending on how the situation is at that point.
  • Congrats on losing your first five! I was a bit tired when I first started too, but just try to let yourself get a little more sleep if possible. My energy definitely started picking up in a couple of months. Keep up the good work!
  • Thanks everyone! Those links to the USDA Database are definitely handy! I do prefer to weigh my meat raw, and I guess I need to pay attention to the lists when they say they are cooked.
  • I have a smoothie every day that I add flax oil, and coromega fish oil (orange flavored), and also chia seeds. I also use about 2 cups of baby spinach and 1 cup strawberries/blueberries, protein powder & greens powder. I can tell the difference when I'm not getting my healthy fats, like if I travel & miss my smoothies for…
  • Of course you will weigh more after eating & drinking. It's best to weight yourself in the morning after using the bathroom, before you eat anything. Also, don't panic with the day-to-day numbers, as they will fluctuate based on water retention... weekly might be better timing for tracking progress.
  • It's helpful to weigh and log your food to see how much you are actually eating. It helps you keep on track, and also stay in the recommended balance of carbs/fat/protein. Also, you may be able to cut your cardio down to 30 minutes 3 times a week (instead of an hour), and use that other 30 minutes to do some strength…
  • I try to bring a tray of veggies & hummus (or fruit salad), if you're able to contribute additional food without offending. Otherwise, I just try to stick with the meat and veggies/salad, and only have a taste of something like pasta salad. Nothing wrong with enjoying some nice leg of lamb :)
  • Thanks for letting me know that I'm not the only one who deals with people like this. I do know that I'm doing the right thing for myself, and I'm stronger & healthier. It's just hard to deal with people who are obese, and think that the overweight category is normal... and that normal is too thin.
  • Wow, you look amazing, and it's so nice to see you just glowing with happiness! You are an inspiration :smile:
  • I guess that's what was so annoying about the comment... I just sat down at the kitchen table to say hi & have lunch with several people, and they just looked at me and blurted out "you need to stop losing weight before you get too skinny". I just replied that I actually feel pretty strong & healthy, so I'm going to keep…
  • Thanks Jenn, your first sentence actually made me laugh :) It's so truthful! Misery does love company, huh? I'll have to just keep feeling good about where I'm headed, and try to ignore the comments. At least I have a super supportive husband, who is very proud of what I am accomplishing after so many years of dealing with…
  • I still have my belly fat, but I figure that the ab exercises are helping me have a stronger core... and then hopefully will make an appearance as the fat goes away. I'm curious to see what others think...
  • Accurately tracking and sticking to my calories & macros.
  • I feel pretty good with 40 carbs/ 30 fat/ 30 protein. I think the MFP default had me at 50 carbs to start, and I seem to do better with a little less carbs.
  • Would your insurance cover physical therapy to get you started with exercise? Depending on what you have available where you live, a physical therapist can help show you exercises that can help you get stronger & won't worsen any disabilities that you have. Sometimes insurance will also cover a visit with a dietitian.…
  • Good question, it depends on what you consider a "cheat". If I have an event where I know I may eat a bit more, or have a drink or two, I consider that day a "maintenance day" and eat what would be maintenance for me. This would usually mean maybe 500 or so additional calories above my weight loss plan, rather than the 500…
  • That doesn't work for everyone. If I ate back my exercise calories, I'd be gaining weight. I lose only a pound a week, and I eat about 1300 calories per day... and do not eat back exercise calories. If you're not losing (or if you're gaining), you may be eating back too many calories. This app tends to overestimate how…
  • Please listen to the suggestions above & start counting your calories. Also remember - Calorie counting will help you lose the weight... but it's also helpful to keep track of your recommended amount of carbs, fat, & protein. For example, if you fill your calories with mostly carbs, and not enough protein & healthy fats,…
  • I had chub rub even at my smallest, which was probably about 110 pounds - size 4. I always had to wear bike shorts under dresses to avoid chafing. Some people will always have it.
  • No reason to be ashamed! We're all human, and we tend to slip around sometimes. Good for you for coming in here to talk about it, and being ready to get back on track. A good role model doesn't always have an easy path... it's important to show how you move forward even if you have a few obstacles :)
    in ashamed! Comment by pmg2000m May 2015
  • About 1 to 1.5 pounds per week, and it's been pretty consistent for 3 months. I'm sure it will slow down soon, as I'm about 10 pounds to my goal weight.
  • I don't lose weight if I eat my exercise calories, but I know that some people are different. I've been losing about a pound a week for the past 3 months, and I'm happy with that... so I'm going to stick with what works for me.
  • 15 pounds since starting in early February... about 10 more to go
  • Thanks so much for sharing your pics and story. It's obvious that you've worked hard and you look awesome! I agree that sometimes we're just too tired, and it's ok to let ourselves rest a day or two... as long as we get back to working hard to be in the best health possible. After years of dealing with a chronic illness,…
  • I believe that the only thing these do is make you lose water weight, and it will go right back as you eat and drink again. These do not help you lose fat. I don't think it has any permanent benefit, which is why people will tell you not to waste your time with it.
  • I used to love Hamburger Helper when I was a kid. I liked the stroganoff one too. I grew up on so much processed food, it took me a long time as an adult to get used to the taste of fresh food. I used to love it, even frozen dinners like Salisbury steak! Now I can't handle the processed stuff anymore. I don't know if it's…