Phoenix4me18 Member


  • Hi all. Exciting day today. Got word just before 5am that my little sister is officially in labor at the hospital! Taking a lot to stay here and not book it up there. As long as she has the baby today we will likely head up there tomorrow. Such an exciting time and FINALLY some good news! Yesterday was a busy day. Despite…
  • Morning! Back in the office today. Really can't complain too much - only two days of trekking in (it takes me an hour to get to work) and the rest working from home. I am one of those real weird odd balls that would truly love working from home. I tell my husband all the time we have our roles reversed - he gets to work…
  • Morning all! Up at 5:45 to get in a workout before the day got crazy. LOVE morning workouts! Got in a solid hour on the treadmill which felt great. Last night was soccer night for DD and I spent an hour walking laps around the soccer park. I was able to walk my 6 laps faster and got them done in under an hour - which, is a…
  • Hi all. Great day yesterday. Food all on track, great 45 minute walk (at a faster speed!) as planned and lots of water. Really feeling great about the refreshed focus I have. So good I am going to reinstate weekly weigh ins. Having the monthly ones were nice as I was getting a bit obsessed with the scale and letting it…
  • Hi all! Whew. I think we might be into a bit of a more normal pattern with the family. Hopefully things will stay quiet for a while. My Grandma came home from the hospital and is on the road to recovery. She has some physical therapy to work through and a lot of dietary issues (she just found out about her diabetes) but, I…
  • Hi all. It has been such a WEEK this week! Thanks for all the support regarding my Grandma. She went into the hospital last week due to some faintness, irregular heart beat and sweating. After she was admitted they ran some tests and found that she had a 90% blockage in one of her arteries near her heart so they put in a…
  • Morning all! LOVE the name of the September thread!! I am excited to report my first totally clean day in a really long time yesterday. :-) It was a tough day to get through (my grandma is back in the hospital with some heart issues), along with some very strange hubby behavior at home, super stress at work and it was…
  • Hi all. Popping by quickly. The weekend was here and gone before I realized it! Friday night we went out with friends and were out wayyyyy too late. Which meant the kids were up super late, so, Saturday we all slept in until 9am! For us, that is super late. Typically everyone is up by 7am (with me leading the pack lol),…
  • Morning all! Did a combo of regular walking and incline walking last night. Thinking I will keep my running to every other day and do some variety on the days I am not running. Hit 120% of my activity goal on my Polar A300 yesterday. I get completely psyched every time I am able to over achieve on this. Thankfully it is…
  • Hi all! Been a super busy week, but, finally seems things will calm down for a while. The big focus has been on my little sister (S2). My younger sister (S1) (I am the oldest of three girls) and I have been planning a baby shower for S2 the last couple of months and this past Saturday was the big day! I have been working…
  • I hate nights of sleep like that. I would have opted for the additional sleep as well. I was reading an article not too long ago that talked about how to handle the sleep vs exercise struggle. It of course said you should always aim for a balance, but, that ultimately if you really haven't gotten much sleep it is better…
  • Hi all. Finally through the slew of birthday celebrations. DD turned 12 last week and my youngest turned 10 yesterday. Just have to get through getting the kids back in school this week and a baby shower for my little sister this weekend and then perhaps live can get back to "normal." lol My focus on health really has been…
  • Hi all. In recovery mode right now from a weekend where my emotions drove my eating choices. ;( Friday night my DD had planned to have her first ever "friend" birthday party. Out of the 6 of her closest friends that said they were coming only one showed up. She was completely crushed. I was so hurt for her and really mad…
  • Morning all. Well, Tuesday was the big weight day. I think I may have been overly excited for all my new weight equipment and didn’t really test the waters at all – I just dove straight in. The routine I followed started off as a “beginners routine” which then turned into “oh! I remember how we used to do ___at the gym…let…
  • Morning all! Despite being exhausted yesterday (was running on a little more than 6 hours of sleep for this 7-8 hour person) I went home, changed and got on the treadmill. My 2 minute jogging intervals are still proving to be challenging, so, I am planning to just stick with the 2 minutes until they become easy and then…
  • Morning all. Had a very busy weekend, but, was very productive at least. Saturday we went to a fitness resell store and I got a kettlebell, weight bar and some weights for it along with several things for DD's fall soccer. They had some weight benches there, however, for the price they felt a little flimsy. We checked out…
  • Morning all! Getting in my workout last night was a true struggle. I was tired and just feeling very burned out. Only three days of laser focus and I could feel myself just totally drained. Suddenly the world seemed to just be pushing in on me. My new motto with working out is "when you don't feel like working out those…
  • Hi all. Checking in. Mom had her first check up yesterday after starting her new chemotherapy routine. Thankfully, there was good news that came from it. All the test results came back and it showed that she had the "Philadelphia gene" which means the medication they chose for her should be the perfect match for the type…
  • Hi all. Had a good day yesterday. Though my eating wasn't fantastic I logged it all, so, that is a big step from where I have been. Also came home after stopping to visit with my mom and just desperately wanted to skip my workout. I have not been sleeping well and was just exhausted. But, the more I thought about it and my…
  • Thanks everyone for the kind words and prayers. It means so much to me. Friday I took mom to see her primary care doctor and to get her blood drawn. Her main doctor came in and basically said "what the heck happened??" He said she now holds the record for most shocking diagnosis. He reiterated how lucky she is to have…
  • Hi all. Sorry for the very extended absence. It has been a busy 30 days first with closing out my company's fiscal year. Just as I was getting out from under that stress we received some shocking news Sunday. My mom went in for some routine blood tests Saturday and received a panicked call from her doctor Saturday asking…
  • Holy smokes! There is no way I am catching up at this point! Last month of our fiscal year here at work. Only 7 days until I kind of get my sanity back. June is always a month that I kind of go underground and hide until the 4th of July and this year is no different. It has been more challenging with a variety of other…
  • Hi all. Popping through. Busy day at work today as we are in the midst of the last month of our fiscal year. Translation for non finance people = total craziness as people run around like they are wild zombies looking for any and every way to spend every dime they have in their budget (if they still have any left). Pretty…
  • Morning all!! Love the name of the new thread Mihani - very clever! I really like your goals for the month. They seem manageable and achievable. This weekend was the first weekend in a very long time that felt like a true weekend! Friday evening we spent some time on our deck reading and just enjoying the weather and…
  • Hi all! Last night was my daughters last soccer game of the season. Was really great to see her back out there. Very thankful she at least got to get in the last two games rather than being out for the whole season. Her heel seems to be holding up fairly well. We are still going to force her to take the summer off as I…
  • Sloth - LOVE that! WHN - "MBS" my mantra too. Glad to hear you are feeling optimistic about your run. Always a good place to be mentally. I am sure you are going to do great! Sabine - basics...yep...I think that is why this type of life appeals to me - it can be a very simple thing to adhere to when you really boil it…
  • Hi all! Well, what a whirlwind weekend! Managed to get my huge economics paper in on time Friday, spent every bit of my free time Friday night into Saturday morning pulling weeds, mulching the yard and cleaning the house. Graduation was wonderful. It was the happiest saddest day I have had as a parent. Seeing him sit there…
  • Hi all. Had a great day food wise yesterday - 100% ETL!! This was despite DH grabbing dinner for him and the kids on the way home from a late soccer practice. Was so proud of myself. I had a veggie stir fry and a kale mixed salad. At some point I want to make a big pot of lentil soup and have it on hand for dinners as…
  • Hi all! Whew. Was there a weekend??? lol Saturday we spent the entire day moving my little sister and her husband to their new home. It's a two hour drive to get to her, so, we left our house really early and didn't get back until about midnight. But, it was all worth it as we got every single thing moved, cleaned her old…
  • Hi all. Just popping by and will have to do a better post later! Spent the entire weekend working on nothing but fun stuff. Got homework done Friday so I literally had the whole weekend off. Saturday the hubby and kids took me out and bought me every flower, vegetable and fruit I needed for the yard. We spent the rest of…