e9196tep Member


  • FYI guys. Winter and vitamin D Deficiency go hand in hand. I'm chronicly low. If I don't take 50,000 iu weekly my levels will bottom out. I have RA and need to get my levels way up still. Ask your family physician for testing and get those values up! Read up on it. If you're low pain gets worse. Evette❤️
  • My daughter has pcos. First of all let me say I'm sorry you have to go through this. From everything I've learned one mainstay in controlling weight is lowering carbohydrates with particular emphasis on sugars. Flour, potatoes, white rice etc. the reasoning behind this: simple carbs and sugars increase cortisol which in…
  • Walking 4 miles is great! You should be very proud of your accomplishment! I injured by lower spine over 10 years ago and had a surgery that failed. It was devastating to no longer be able to train like I used to. I've had numbness and nerve compression issues but physical therapy helped me very much. If I didn't have…
  • Topimax helped with my neuropathy. It doesn't make you gain weight.
    in Neurotin Comment by e9196tep August 2015
  • Freeze the Oreos in serving single serving size. If you can't hang then stop buying them. I have 2 college kids in the house. Junk is unavoidable. I must resist or allow it in small portions. Work it into the macros. It can be done!
  • Northwest Houston
  • You are right Karlotta! I started MFP back up right after you I think. I haven't gotten to the point where I can drop all those carbs yet but I have reduced. MFP suggests 50% which is (for my height and activity level) 150 carbs per day. Im trying to get it down. I'm around 130 now. I know it's high still but fruit, ahh! I…
  • Yes, new normal. RA, thyroid disease, degenerative disk disease, OA mixed, L4-5 bone in bone. New has been evolving. It is what it is. Better to have some control and diet will help you feel better.
  • Good for you! You need your body to live but sometimes it doesn't work right. Its
  • I understand. With friends to motivate you there is hope. Also, being a younger woman the loss should come easier than you think. A low sugar diet can help inflammation. College stress and work stress combined with college student eating habits are just plain unhealthy! Time take care of you.
  • If you haven't gotten out much you can add small bursts by doing isometric type exercise during commercial breaks. Your core is extremely important to keep strong. Rubber band is excellent for that. Another is an exercise ball (if you have room) just sitting and balancing during your favorite tv shows will build you up.…
  • I was on it for years for neuropathy. Went to new rheumy in November. She told me to stop taking it. You know topimax can help with neuropathy. Also as migraine preventative. First time I tried it I got vertigo but lost a ton of weight. Had to change when I lost insurance. It didn't work the second time.
    in Neurotin Comment by e9196tep April 2015
  • Flowergypsy, What finally worked? I start Enbrel next week. Just got steroid injection Tuesday. I've been going into a flare about 2 weeks ago and it hit hard Monday. Also take Plaquenil. Doc says it's not enough for me. I haven't gained any weight. Lost the 5lbs of prednisone weight the first month. It's hard but resist…
  • I feel so hungry over the last few days!!! Argh! Waiting for biologic approval from insurance. I don't know if it's the prednisone or just me. Maybe just anxious. Idk. Not losing but not gaining either. I guess I should count my blessings huh?
  • I'm in this group! RA, OA, DDD, Hypothyroid and others. You may add me to your list if you wish. I could use an ear once in a while. I'm willing to lend mine. Haven't been getting out much. Taking prednisone and plaquenil while waiting for another biological insurance approval. My husband has taken on extra work to pay for…
  • So very sorry Cookie. You are very brave! I can relate to the things you've said. I've heard endo is either a type of birth defect or possibly be auto immune in nature. If your mother has issues the the odds are higher that you may also have auto immune problems. I had endo. Excruciatingly painful. Hysterectomy helped but…
  • My daughter has just been dx with PCOS and doesn't sweat. She does turn bright red and overheats though.
    in I Hurt Comment by e9196tep March 2015
  • I can agree about craving sugar. I avoid giving in by keeping a healthy go to snack of fresh strawberries and Dannon Greek 100 yogurt. I mix a cup or so of the fruit with the yogurt and I can say it helps.
  • Depends on the condition. I went through several doctors and many years. All started over 15 years with endometreosis. Many times we have illness predicating on our genetics which reveal themselves over time through environment. Example: alligator nests compile of all male embryos. If there is a tempature increase of just…
    in I Hurt Comment by e9196tep March 2015
  • So sorry sweet girl. Been there, done that. One piece of advice? Go to the doctor with list specific to physicians practice. I know you're overwhelmed but just know you must keep from crying. They want to dope you up with anti depressants if you are slightly emotional. I'm not saying they don't have their place of course.…
  • RA sucks. Prednisone is a mixed blessing am I right? Just listen to your body. Slow and steady may not win the race these days but I can say surviving to the finish line is my top priority.
  • Gosh do I qualify! I wish I didn't have to but oh how life throws lemons! RA, mixed OA, DDD, Heriated disk, military neck, thyroid disease, gall stone, migraines and it all started with Endometriosis. I'm only 49. Don't feel sorry for me though. With great tribulation comes experience which fosters faith and in faith there…
  • I have also been incredibly stubborn. Pain is very personal. One cannot determine the degree of pain another endures. I have pressed on with daily requirements regardless of pain. I reasoned mind over matter to my own detriment. Since there is no bone poking out of my body or blood gushing from a wound it is easy for…
  • Topimax in some cases does have a side effect of weight loss. The first time I took it I lost weight over a 3 month period. About 30lbs. Keep in mind if you change to something else then go back to topimax the side effect is not likely to occur again. This was my first hand experience. Good medication for migraines never…
  • I've been on whole body steroid injections and started on low dose 5mg prednisone 3 weeks ago. Also, I have begun Humira injections 2 weeks ago. I have been craving sugar. My drug of choice? The evil deliciousness of gummy bears! WHY!!? Since starting pred I gained 5lbs. I'm at least 50lbs overweight which creeped up over…