VisofSer Member


  • The more consistent you can be with diet and tracking it, the better the results you will attain. At approximately 24 weeks to the 1st of July, you are looking at a range of 12-48lbs being possible. As 48lbs would be a constant 2lbs loss per week, every week, from the coming Monday onward that is a pretty unlikely result.…
  • As a rule, you should set macro goals as a % of intake or a gram per pound or kilogram. The baseline is 0.8g/kg or 0.36g/lb. You generally need more when you are in calorie deficit, and when you are more active, especially with resistance training. So as a starting point, aim for 1g/kg. That being said: * How long have you…
  • I love mochas, and in general I am a coffee fiend. A long black is an Americano. No(Do you really count 2-6kcal?) calories, no milk, just espresso and hot water. If you are just coming away from using milk, add cinnamon to it. It tastes lovely, and if you have enough it helps reduce blood sugar.
  • Trust, but verify.
  • These BF% measures are electric impedance measurements which are done by passing a small current through your body and measures the resistance to the flow of electricity from one sensor(handle in this case) to the other. These are not very accurate due to how strongly your current water and mineral content affects the…
  • I prefer my FitBit Charge HR and find it more accurate than the polar loop and my older fitbit one, but that may just be my experience with it. For full clarity, the Jawbone UP has a 12.2% error margin so your 6,000 steps could actually be between 5,268 and 6,732 steps. What I would suggest is measuring and entering your…
  • I moved from a FitBit One to a Polar Loop and then up to a FitBit Charge HR. Definitely love it, the strap design was a big reason why I chose the Charge. And for reference points on tracker accuracy, if a little dated, here is a small comparison table of the error percentage: BodyMedia FIT: 9.3% Fitbit Zip: 10.1% Fitbit…
  • First, it is generally a bad thing to eat less than 1,200 for anyone so please do not do that even though I can appreciate you feel frustrated by the stall. The last pounds and percentages are always the hardest to reduce, especially if you have been on a deficit and have progressive reduction for a long time. From the…
  • I weight daily, but only pay attention to weekly changes. I like having the data points for trend weight since charts and graphs are a little more motivating than pure numbers.
  • When I hurt my right knee I found the thick, plush rug in my lounge to be enough padding to do kneeling press ups. Strong resistance bands like the ones from iron woody or my protein really help fill in the gap if wall press ups are doable, but decline or kneeling are too difficult.
  • Outstanding information in this topic. Something that I think is worth emphasising is do resistance training as soon as possible. This more than anything other than good protein intake will help the weight loss be fat loss instead of muscle or other lean body mass.
  • Keto has said everything I would on this and more. All I would add is be extra intense tomorrow. The adaptation phase can be slightly accelerated the sooner your glycogen stores are emptied.
  • We all start somewhere. Walking is excellent and you should continue that. In fact, here are some ideas on making it a progressive program as well - Evaluate and then Select. Beyond this, modify any exercise that seems useful down until you can do it. If no other abdominal work is available now, this will do - Ab Vacuum.…
  • Go one better and actually contact Lyle on his forum here - Rapid Fat Loss As this is both in his book and elsewhere regarding it described as an extreme, short term diet, and a PSMF(Protein Sparing Modified Fast), how long were you on it, did you change any element of it from how it was described(if so why?), and were you…
  • This is part of why I like trendweight. Even on a day when I gain weight, I get to see my trend is still going down and it helps remind me that a slip does not destroy a trend.
  • For eating below maintenance and doing resistance work 4+ times per week, at 270lbs I would say you have a minimum slot of 0.7g/lb which works out to 189g. Aiming for 200g makes for a nice even number, ensures adequate intake if you use any low quality sources, and is about 29% of a 2,8000 calorie diet coming in at 800…
  • If you experience seasonal impact, particularly if you are high in the north such as Canada, UK, Northern USA and Europe, look into supplementing D3 on a daily basis. A lot of the effect comes from insufficient sun exposure, which is impossible once you're higher than 47-50 degrees. Try 2,000-5,000IU a day and see if it…
  • This would not be exercise, but your activity level. If you have similar exertion on a daily basis for a regular period of time, then mark it as your activity. As rabbit says, using an activity tracker will you give you a more accurate picture of what this is.
  • Use a stove/hot plate/fire instead.
  • I did this as well. The general rule is anything over 2lb/wk is water weight. This may not be true if you are obese, doing sufficient resistance work, or the deficit is massive 50%+ as hill said.
  • I am not familiar with what t25 or piyo are, but a few points come to mind: - Measure your food by weight, not volume - Be more strict about intake for 1-2 weeks, then have a re-feed meal - Exercise is for health, recomposition, and calorie partitioning, not gross weight loss
    in Stuck Comment by VisofSer November 2015
  • I wish you strength, discipline and consistency. Keep making smart choices about eating and activity and you'll be a success story soon. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Discipline and consistent action to keeping a negative energy balance with sensible cardio and compound movement resistance exercise.
  • You may find this table of squat strength standards as provided by Lon Kilgore, PhD interesting: This was sourced from ExRx here.
  • It has already been said that you should eat more on training days in line with the level of activity you perform. Beyond this, increasing your protein intake generally reduces hunger and depending on how you hunger levels run through the day, a workout day can be a good time to skip breakfast and have a larger meal…
  • The bywords for fat loss and body recomposition are patience, consistency, discipline, flexibility and acceptance. You have your goal, now break into smaller ones so that you have steps to succeed on the way to your final aim. Branch those smaller goals into multiple aspects and behaviours that you can lay out in a weekly…
  • I'm in Herts, feel free to add. Similar boat as you, not a fresh start for me, but the time has long past that I was serious about my body and health.
  • MFP will generate enough details for you to get up and running calorie wise. What is far more important is: - Have you decided what you want to achieve, and why you think you need a diet/lifestyle change? - If you have, is this decision clear, written, and then broken down into smaller aspects so you have a chain of…
  • Weight and fat loss is like any other goal. Specify what you want to achieve, then break it down into multiple smaller elements that are easier and faster to achieve so that you continue making process and are motivated by your own tracked success. You need to know what you want, and want it, then break it down and do it.…
  • See the above comments on the paunch being fat, and this will be more likely to draw it in rather than planks: