kriegmeister Member


  • Somatotypes are absolutely an effective way to get an idea of how a body might respond to certain macro breakdowns. Anyone who has spent enough time training people and bodybuilding will say so. Is it 100%? Absolutely not, but nothing is. I also like how you make all these assumptions of the OP's intent. How do you know it…
  • I'm not going to cite information and do a research paper. In the context of bodybuilding and carbs, not running or any other type of activity, OP asked about carb reduction. I replied that I thought 150g was as much people need, which indicates he would be fine cutting 33g of carbs out. I've seen guys run ketogenic diets…
  • Sure, if weight loss is your goal, keep eating whatever you want and do as much exercise to ensure your in deficit. You'll end up skinny fat like most distance runners. If body fat is what you want to lose while maximizing muscle retention (much better for all reasons) it can get a little bit more detailed than CICO.…
  • I would also look closely at whats in the tomato sauce. If your living gluten free then there might be enough in the sauce to cause an inflammatory reaction (combined with sodium).
  • Do you need me to explain it for you "tank"? For the most part, unless your on a cycle (Hormone Replacement Therapy - ie. On a steroid cycle) your body can only use so many carbs. I have found 150g to be the upper limit for most people. If you need me to break down the physiology then just ask....
  • I personally think 150g carbs is the most anyone needs unless your on HRT.
  • This is inaccurate. Different sugars have different chemical structures and are thus metabolized differently.
  • Make your own beef jerky in the oven. This is most awesome. $12 in London broil steaks equals $40+ bucks in natural preservative free jerky. Just have the butcher slice the steak.
  • You should ask your doctor to have your Grhelin levels checked for the hunger and a whole blood panel done. Imbalances and deficiencies in hormones can cause very real physiological effects (andro/meno-pause, PPD, cessation of HRT, etc.). Stimulants will wreak havoc on brain chemistry.
  • If you haven't heard about it check out Mark Wissen's Primal approach. Its incredible because the whole point of it is not to count carbs and to effortlessly bring your body into a state of optimal genetic expression. Basically, if you don't eat grains, legumes and other inflammatory processed carbs-and stick to vegetables…
  • Crystal Lite (1 packet tea + 1 packet lemonade + one gallon of water = life savor)
  • Its possible to be in a calorie deficit and not lose weight if insulin is chronically high. It depends on how much sugar and when your eating it. Just try to keep the bulk of sugar consumption around workouts if you can :)
  • Thats a massive amount of carbs and I'd cut it by at least half and replace those calories with proteins and healthy fats.
  • 14 pounds in one month is possible but not like that. "unhealthy" 2-3 times a week has an accumulative effect (2 steps forward 3 back) especially if those days provide a surplus of calories and salt.
  • This might be an aggressive approach, but I would recommend intermittent fasting and primal nutrition until you get back on your feet. Heres how it would work; allow yourself a 6 hour eating "window," were you can eat your food from say 2pm-8pm. This usually results in feeling very full and satisfied which'll prevent you…
  • Yeah, there are too many variables to consider (sodium, macros, age, exercise, etc.)
  • Progressive overload is more important for women than it is men. Most of my clients are middle aged women and respond very well to strength training. As others have said, anything in the 8-12 range is ideal for muscular development. But I think the hang up is the idea of heavy. I believe you just need to workout intensely.…
  • This Resting Metabolic Rate calculator is one of the better ones because it uses an average of 5 different methods. But Dianne and tigger gave good advice. I'll add that if your working on the last stubborn dozen pounds or so then you'll have better results manipulating your carbs than grinding yourself down with exercise…
  • If you're going the paleo route (eliminating processed carbohydrates, dairy and gluten) then you should be free to make up that calorie deficit with healthy fats. Olive oil, grass fed butter, avocados, coconut oil (rich in MCTs too) and bacon are all fair game. A handful of almonds alone (3oz) should make up that…