melg51 Member


  • Thanks guys!! Sounds like it might be useful to log but not to take it as gospel!
  • If my kg to lb conversion is right, I think that's too aggressive for your 8 pound goal. That's about 1lb/wk, right? You really should try .5lb/wk. It can be slow going, but with 8 pounds to lose, that's just how it's gonna be. Of course, if you are eating to maintenance once or twice a week, you're getting closer to that…
  • Right now you have a 500 cal deficit a day, for 3500/wk. If you eat at 1800 twice a week, you now have a 2500 cal deficit. So that's still a deficit and you should still lose. Eating to maintenance twice a week will not mean you maintain. Unless you are wildly inaccurate with logging.[/quote] Thanks so much for doing all…
  • Thanks for your help. So if my maintenance is 1800, as long as I don't go over that on my "bad days" (once or twice a week) then I shouldn't be putting on any weight? I just won't be losing it either?
  • Thank you!!
  • I'm going to look Sauerkraut up! I haven't heard of it!
  • Yes, I would usually just exercise but for the next few weeks the gym is taking a back seat as I'm writing my dissertation - so I'm quite sedentary! Which is probably not helping with wanting to eat out of boredom etc! Thanks for the advice though!
  • My maintenance according to mfp is 1800, which seems quite high!
  • What would you call a "really good breakfast?" :)
  • Great! Thanks everyone.. Even if I can't see it on the scale it's nice to feel like some progress has been made!
  • I am 69kgs, want to get down to 65 kgs! Definitely want to tone up as well!
  • I tend to drink a lot of water so that's not a problem!! Just looking to get a bit more information on the matter :)
  • Thanks! So say I've had the weekend "off" I haven't logged and probably eaten way over my allowance. When I weigh in tomorrow will a weight gain be actual weight?
  • I also have this issue :(
  • It's a victoria sponge so don't think there can be too much variation thankfully :)
  • Wow, ok that is interesting - thank you. I am certainly learning a lot here, I had the awful attitude that as little calories as possible was the way forward.. I am now seeing that it definitely is not! I think a slower approacher is better because I am less likely to 'fall off the wagon' as they say. thanks for all your…
  • thanks. I had adjusted to 0.5 KGs a week and so now can eat 1320 a day. It says if I stick i'll lose 1.5 kg by April 20. Slightly slower than I would have liked but I suppose this is a long haul thing and I don't want a quick fix that can be broken easily!
  • That baby is mine!!
  • Thanks guys. Just discovered the recipe builder .. that thing is genius!! Thank you!
  • Any answers would be appreciated
  • After a week and a bit on here I've been influenced into purchasing some digital scales to hurry my weight loss along.. Hurrah. But I have a question. So I am saving some calories back today so I can have a slice of cake later. This cake is homemade.. (by someone else) HOw would you say is best to record this?
  • Thanks guys. I am currently on a health kick aiming to lose around 4kgs. I love fruit and veg but love my occasional treat too. I think by restricting myself I crave it more? So maybe allowing a small treat everyday will actually be beneficial, as long as it's in my range!
  • Maybe you could project your "cold hard truths" into something motivating for the people who need a bit of help? You are obviously capable of losing weight and you've been through it. When you were at your biggest and struggling, would someone saying what you've just said helped you? No. You've just said it comes from…
  • Thanks guys :) I am usually quite disciplined on my own. it is when I am around others I sort have this "calories don't count' mindset. For example, this weekend I have a family birthday which will involve buffet style food. How can I stop myself just mindlessly going back and back? I also find it hard to track this sort…