I actually almost signed up for a Tough Mudder this year but it probably won't happen
A 10K is the next race that I'd like to do. Just gotta get my mileage back up there.
Thanks for the responses everyone! I'm gonna start looking at classes next week. Should be fun!
Yup, I'm a sophomore trying to get into shape. Gonna start taking advantage of the gym on campus now
I'll add some folks!
That's great to hear! I'm glad it's worked out for you
I could use some motivation!
I've heard about yoga and meditation being great at improving life outside of the class, which is very exciting. Good to hear it's done well for you!
The mental benefits are one of the things I'm really looking to get out of it
An introductory series sounds perfect. I'd be into that. Haha, true. I would only be worried if I wasn't going into a beginner's class
Good to hear! Stay motivated!
Thanks Bailey! I'm definitely going to look into classes. I'm sure my University has a few I could join.
That's good to hear. I was most likely going to go that route.
Make sure to set goals for yourself and tackle them one day at a time. Stay motivated and you can pull it off!
Sorry to hear about your loss. You've got a great mindset, so keep going!
Reminds me of my brother's marathon training. I'd like to get to that mileage eventually.
Ha, I did the same thing. Exercising in the cold is awful. Glad it's getting warm again!
Stay motivated and you'll reach your goal easily! Best of luck
Every bit of motivation helps!
Hi! I'm looking to lose around 20ish myself.
Is this your first time regularly exercising? You might just need to build your stamina up. I remember feeling very fatigued when I started running before I could even hit a mile, but it became less and less of an issue the longer I kept at it.
Sounds good! Thanks! And good luck! Keep up with it! It's great That's awesome. Good luck! Nice, how far do you usually go? I'll try! Good to hear, keep up with it!
Hey, good luck! Remember to keep yourself motivated and committed. Just have to have the right mindset and you can pull it off.
Hi! I'm looking to lose a few pounds and get back to running regularly. Stay motivated and you'll hit your goal for sure. Good luck!
Hi! I'm trying to lose some weight as well (around 10-20 pounds, basically what I put on when I took a break from exercising last year). Pay attention to what you're eating and stay active every day and you'll pull it off. Good luck!
Hey! Good luck!
20, sophomore Political Science major. I live off campus so no dining hall food for me, but I tend to eat out a lot at other places. The calories of restaurant food can be insane, so I usually only eat lunch and dinner. Now that it's getting warm I'm finally getting back into running again, which helps.