Any fellow college students trying to lose weight?

I'm trying to lose weight and it would be nice to have some friends to keep each other on track and just see other people's progress! I know the spring semester is almost over, but there is still plenty of time to diet and workout to see results (:


  • mhanispeedy
    mhanispeedy Posts: 50 Member
    YES me .... we can be god friends :)
    trying to loose 40lbs hope i can get to that level
  • onlyadrizzle
    onlyadrizzle Posts: 60 Member
    Awesome! I added you as a friend!(: I'm trying to lose 20 more pounds, I've lost 10 so far but now I'm really getting serious about it!
  • LaraArmstrong16
    LaraArmstrong16 Posts: 10
    edited March 2015
    I'm trying to lose around 20 pounds so that i can join some of the university sports teams next year!
    WTLGL Posts: 2
    Cool.. I am in. i am trying to loose 30 pounds.
  • allisonmichelle20
    yup! college sophomore here! trying to lose ~20 pounds, give or take.
  • eviester
    eviester Posts: 2 Member
    College Jr mostly trying to maintain and get my butt to the gym more! I need more hours in the day.
  • onlyadrizzle
    onlyadrizzle Posts: 60 Member
    Ugh yes i wish there were more hours in the day! It would make everything so much easier!!
  • a_amanda92
    a_amanda92 Posts: 4 Member
    Ohhh yea College senior!!!!!! 70 lbs for my wedding next year i need to lose!
  • fardilametavia
    Hello there! I'm on my senior year and need to lose 15lbs for my graduation gown! :)
  • deeqo2015
    deeqo2015 Posts: 12
    Im deeqo. I am college junior. I am trying to lose 30ibs by June for my wedding. I would love to be friends with anyone.
  • XC_Guitar17

    Yes, I'm also in college. But I run cross country and I'm in track season right now, and then once spring semester ends (April) cross country training will start back up again, so I'm not trying to lose weight. My goal is to tone up - to strengthen my weak core and arms, which my coach has told me is basically the holy grail of me becoming a better runner.

    According to coach,
    Strong core = being able to take longer strides which = running faster.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you. Feel free to add me.

  • SunshineSwirl
    SunshineSwirl Posts: 14 Member
    Started this past fall, after being a SAHM for 10 years. I had no problem working out before starting, but since, I have to make deals with myself that I can't go to the gym unless I complete assignments and read the night before. So workouts don't always tend to happen. Plus, eating well has gone down hill since starting because of exhaustion. I no longer take my workouts or proper eating for granted! Looking forward to the end of the semester so I can get back to the gym consistently, without feeling guilty.
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Yep! I'm about to be a grad student and I want to lose another 45 lbs. I've been here for a while now and I'm just getting restarted (again) after realizing that I have depression. So I'm learning to work around that, working 40+ hours a week, and being a full-time student.

    Definitely looking for more friends, so add me if you want!
  • baileyh_
    baileyh_ Posts: 23 Member
    Yes, I am a college student and in the same boat :)

    If anybody here is interested, I'm actually going to be starting a Spring challenge/accountability group on Facebook the first week of April to prepare for summer. I'm using Beachbody programs (I've been using them since 2011 and have lost 30 plus pounds) and we'll be checking in daily with our workouts and meals, asking questions, getting and giving support and motivation - I'll also be giving daily recipe and snack ideas since nutrition is often the hardest part. And I'm giving away some free prizes throughout the group :)

    If anyone is interested just shoot me a message and I'll send you my facebook page. :) Good luck to everyone <3
  • onlyadrizzle
    onlyadrizzle Posts: 60 Member
    Sounds like a good idea!
  • valkoffe41
    Add me! I go to the University of Mississippi & I'm trying to lose 20 pounds by the end of June for summer!
  • nateandrews
    Yup, I'm a sophomore trying to get into shape. Gonna start taking advantage of the gym on campus now
  • TessaDear
    TessaDear Posts: 8 Member
    I'm a freshman :) I just started here, I'm trying to be healthier and work off some pounds.
  • clairscare
    clairscare Posts: 45 Member
    I'm enrolling in the fall and need to lose weight to keep off diabetes so I'll add everyone in the thread!
  • gaby_1qb
    gaby_1qb Posts: 4
    Hi! Grad student, Would like to lose 45 lbs . Add me!