briandap1 Member


  • What is with people and eating 1200 calories?
  • It may not just be Quest bars, but anything where the net carbs differ from the gross. Maybe it doesn't matter and carbs are carbs, period.
  • I usually don't count them. It's too difficult since you don't know how much doesn't get absorbed, how much cooks off, and so on. It doesn't seem to affect the outcome of my weight loss.
  • This is correct. You would actually subtract the Dietary Fiber from total carbohydrates and calculate.
  • Definitely buy a food scale for your kitchen. This will make all the difference and help you keep portions under control. I didn't think this was important until I spend $12 on one and it makes all the difference in the world. And welcome!
    in Hello Comment by briandap1 July 2015
  • Bought this one: Works great, has a Tare feature, no problems at all.
  • I stopped drinking soda on January 4th, so about 4 months ago. I haven't even tasted any, not even Diet (which can be worse for you). It feels good, but I miss it.
  • Bought a bag of these yesterday to try. Very good. I'll most likely make my own next round.
  • I guess a good guideline is 5% or less, in grams, of your total caloric intake daily: I would also think this is for added/refined sugar.
  • It's not that I'm fully against them, I don't want to add any more than I have to. I try to keep my dairy and nut intake to once a day (somewhat lactose intolerance doesn't help either). Do you have a good recipe for the tzatziki?
  • This I already do, forgot to mention it!
  • I've been watching sodium lately since it would make me retain water. I try to keep it pretty low if possible.
  • I eat mushrooms daily, whether in a salad, in stir fry, or just sauteed with my meat dish. I've been using baby bellas for some time how versus the white caps.
  • Since I eat eggs in the morning I didn't want to do hard boiled in the afternoon. But I occasionally swap out oatmeal with blueberries in the AM so this is a good idea. Avocado I tend to have with lunch or dinner, though mid-day is nice, never thought of it. There are some good options here I never really thought of, thank…
  • And research shows that sweating more does not mean you are burning more.
  • I can see the diary. No offense, but you're eating fast food almost every day. And if not every day, it's something else with loads of sugar or carbs. You may not be eating enough since each day you have 800 calories or so left.
  • Also note that when you read reviews of people who like Shakeology they often say "If you're interested, click this link and buy it through me." Classic pyramid scheme *cough* Isagenix *cough*
  • After looking into protein powders I was taking Orgain for a bit. It's best when using a blender and using about 16oz of water to make sure it isn't chalky. From what I found, if a protein shake tastes good, it's most likely not very good for you. To make it taste good means they need to add things like sugar and…
  • I researched this a bit and you are better off taking a natural vitamin, such as this: Most vitamins, like Centrum, are loaded with synthetic vitamins and minerals which your body…
  • Another food I had to do some research and testing on was steel cut oatmeal. Serving size is 1/4 cup dry, but how much is that wet? I make 2 cups of oatmeal with 8 cups of water in a crock pot every 8 days or so. It yields me 8 cups plus a little extra, so now I know 1/2 a cup is about 1 cup cooked. Before this I was only…
  • Same here. I would just use MFP and estimate if it was a cup, half cup, or something around there. Though at work I don't have my scale with me, so I Googled if there was a calculation for figuring out how much flash was in an average avocado. Apparently 60-70% of an avocados weight is the flesh, so weight it before you…