readyornot1234 Member


  • @lesdarts180 - Happy Birthday. You must be an awesome person because your birthday falls on one of the best days ever - International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
  • @seilidhe - happy belated birthday!
  • I cook up a large batch of chicken soup with veggies and then freeze it into individual servings. That way if I get home late, or something else interferes, instead of just eating whatever I can put my hands on, I simply defrost a portion. I usually get about 10 servings out of a large chicken. When I get down to 3…
  • Friday, September 17 Tracking: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes, walk 60 min, full body stretch warm up 10 min, core 10 min, cycle 45 min, cool down ride, post ride stretch, focus flow yoga - 10 min Pass days to date - 4
  • I am so sorry to hear this. Please take care and get well soon!
  • Thursday, September 16 Tracking: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Full body warm up 10 min, core 10 min, lift upper body 20 min, arms and light weights 10 min, stretch 10 min Pass days to date - 4
  • I love reading everyone’s NSVs. NSV - I don’t have a handicap placard for my car anymore. I haven’t had to use my cane in the last 18 months. I chased my 3 year old granddaughter around the house today because she wanted me to be the big bad wolf and blow the house down - and I could do it(chase her I mean, not blow the…
  • Hi @SModa61 - hang in there. And then get back here!
  • Tuesday, September 14 Tracking: Yes Calories: under but not great choices. I couldn’t figure out why I was on such a sugar kick until I realized I had forgotten to take my iron for the last 3 days. Exercise: Yes, walking bare minimum of intentional. The days have been a bit busy. Pass days to date - 4
  • Monday, September 13 Tracking: Yes Calories: over Exercise: Yes, walk Pass days to date - 4
  • Sunday, September 12 Tracking: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes, walk Pass days to date - 3
  • Grandson’s birthday. Great day. Pass day. Topic - everyone experiences great joys and tremendous tragedies throughout life. I like life best when it’s more neutral and when people ask what’s new, I can reply - nothing at all. It’s in this zone that I feel I have control (yeah, I have control issues) and actually can chose…
  • I have gained and lost so much weight over many decades. I was either dieting, planning a diet, or epically failing at a diet. I tried to avoid medications for my autoimmune for years and thought I could control it with diet but other than restricting calories, I had other ideas. After numerous discussions with my doctors…
  • @mshawski - be well and take care.
  • I weigh every other day or so just to make sure I am staying within a 3 pound or so range. I also weigh in the morning before and then the morning after eating takeout or at a restaurant. The fluctuation in weight is amazing when I eat out and it reminds me that I can enjoy myself but to make somewhat reasonable food and…
  • Wednesday, September 8 Tracking: Yes but had to reconstruct and guesstimate Calories: No - and that’s okay - I enjoyed my moms birthday celebration guilt free and surprisingly (or perhaps not so surprisingly because I am building great habits here) wasn’t over by too too much. Scallops with some type of delicious risotto,…
  • Snacking - i seem to be reaching for nuts to tide me over and nuts seem to be in everything lately. My stomach is not happy about all the nuts. I need to pay attention to this. Tuesday, September 7 Tracking: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes, mowing lawn 3.5 hours, yard work Pass days to date - 1
  • Pass day. Monday, September 6 Tracking: Yes Calories: over, I haven’t used food for comfort in years. I have no idea what was up with me today but whatever it was, I was not in control Exercise: Yes, Full body warm up 10 min, core 10 min, lift lower body 20 min, stretch 15 min, golf 9 walk Pass days to date - 1
  • I find the daily topics thought provoking and the responses well thought out. Thank you to all those taking the time to create the topics and for all of the responses. I find myself reading responses, doing a bit of research, and incorporating new things quite often. I exercise to maintain (and hopefully build) muscle,…
  • @LazyBlondeChef - my almost 60 knees are not doing any kind of HIIT exercises anymore. No jumping up and down except for jumping jacks and sometimes high knees. My lunges are seriously modified and probably qualify more as a split stance than a lunge. A few years ago I pushed myself thinking I just needed to try harder.…
  • @JillyBT - my thoughts are with you. What you are going through is painful and both mentally and physically exhausting. Going through the grieving process while our parents are still alive is … I have no words. The anticipation and our need to have them present is overwhelming. Be kind to yourself and know that you are…
  • For me, it is tracking. I had no idea I was eating so much before I started to track. At first tracking was a time consuming pain but now it takes just a few minutes for each meal. I pretty much eat a rotation of the same things and that makes it even easier. Plus it helps me to make sure I’m eating enough protein or I…
  • Friday, September 3 Tracking: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes, full body warm up 10 min, core 10 min, lift full body 20 min, full body stretch 10 min, chest and back stretch 10 min Pass days to date - 0
  • I’m trying the no complaining thing. I made it 5 minutes. I became more aware during the day which is a good and a bad thing. Man, I’m whiny. Thursday, September 2 Tracking: Yes Calories: under with some exercise calories Exercise: Yes, full body stretch warm up, cycle 45 min, cool down ride, post ride stretch Pass days to…
  • September goals - more walks (weather not as hot so I can get back to a few walks a week chasing a little white ball - if I zig zag, always unintentionally, I get more steps - @doubleplay_643 😎) - get back to daily meditation - Find ways to start paying it forward @debys137 - I love your goals. I am going to work on…
  • It sounds like many had a good August goal wise despite all that is happening around us. I am learning that I can control some things like what I eat and staying active and that is helping me to not feel so overwhelmed in other areas. No winner’s circle but I am still here and weight is back on a downward trend. I feel…
  • Monday, August 30 Tracking: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes, full body warm up 10 min, core 10 min, lift lower body 30 min, lower body stretch, cycle 30 min, cool down ride, post ride stretch, focus flow yoga 10 min Pass days to date - 7
  • @chinkiri - i am so happy you got to finally see your kids!!!!! 😎😎😎 Saturday, August 28 Tracking: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes, dancing - 3 plus hours Pass days to date - 6 Sunday, August 29 Tracking: Only in my head Calories: definitely Exercise: No. was away for weekend and in car all day. Pass days to date - 7
  • Friday, August 27 Tracking: Yes Calories: under Exercise: Yes, stretching, walk 4.5 miles Pass days to date - 6
  • Hacks - I make a big pot of chicken soup and then freeze individual portions. Whenever I am short on time, I grab a portion instead of just eating everything and anything I can find. I try to never run out. I also have an emergency kind bar or something on my person when I leave the house just in case plans change or I get…