JaimusWilliams Member


  • Use to get them all the time. I barely get them anymore. Losing weight helped and cutting back on foods filled with sodium/ overly processed (like fast foods.) Also eating much more veggies seemed to help. However each person is different. Maybe try different approaches and see what starts to reduce them?
  • slight headache for me.
  • Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite, got me going and helped me shed some pounds with good diet/exercise.
  • Wean yourself into black coffee.. I use to drink with cream/sugar. Than decided I wanted to cut back on sugar/cream. So i started using the "flavor" creamers. Then I would use less and less and overtime i got use to the taste.
  • I get the organic romaine lettuce (usually it's a bag of 3 heads.) Use containers for the veggies and usually prepare it right there on the spot. Always fresh!
  • I love lifting. I do both. First I was doing mostly cardio and do a little bit of lifting. Now I keep it even with both and have seen greater results. Both is definitely the way to go for me!
  • I use to love the elliptical until i came across my new favorite machine, the cross trainer elliptical! Such a good workout. I switch off and I do like to do the regular elliptical for 20 minutes first to warm up but my feet tend to fall asleep like others have stated.
  • I know that feeling. I work real hard during the week for the most part and on the weekend I try my hardest but those beers always seem to find their way into my stomach. I just love the taste of it. If I don't eat before I drink I tend to eat bad foods. You can definitely drink but it slows down weight loss. Then I wake…
  • I haven't even seen the Salted Caramel. Just Peanut Butter Cup, Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, and Cookie Shake. I don't want to try the basic flavors like choc/straw/vanilla. I have a feeling they would be exceptionally plain. I haven't seen the chunky versions either. I really want to try the Mint Chocolate kind
  • Taking pictures has definitely helped me! I'm in the same boat. Lost 22 pounds myself and barely anyone noticed. However, taking pictures I can and my wife can notice the difference. Plus I have people commenting at the gym at how hard I am working and to keep it up (which feels awesome). I know the reward will come…
  • Great advice! #5 happens to me on days I feel tired. I tell myself I am going to do a light workout and end up having one of the best workouts!
  • Do you mean the cardio machine? I put it under Elliptical since it's a form of the elliptical machine.
  • I forgot about that one. I use to drink Soda like it was water! Now if I have some it makes my teeth feel like they are decaying. I too enjoy a nice Jack and Diet Coke on occasion. My next task to cut back on is beer on weekends!
  • Getting to ride on Roller Coasters again!!! My chest was to big before and I couldn't fit in the normal seats. I had to wait in another line to sit in the "more roomy" seat. No longer being embarrassed!
  • Hahahaha I actually enjoy them. I rarely ever eat pasta anymore. Once in a great while. Can't really say I miss it. I will still eat normal ice cream on occasions. But this will be good when it's hot out and I need something cold! My son even enjoyed the Cookie Shake one!
  • I tried it. The cookie shake was decent. I didn't mind it at all. Flavor is a little bland but not to bad. Only issue I have now is that all the stores that carry them have crappy basic flavors!
  • Thanks for the advice/input. Much appreciated! Will definitely have to give it a go. It does sound like a great base for a smoothie or something.
  • Yeah I agree the smell is horrible when opening the bag. Once you prepare them and simmer them they come out quite good. Add canned tomatoes (no salt added), low sodium chicken broth (or water and no sodium chicken stock.) Some spinach, 1/4 cup of white wine. Let it simmer for an hour (season it up however) then add a few…
  • Makes sense, most things that look to good to be true are. I may need to try it though. Hopefully I can make it an acquired taste like I did with the Shirataki noodles hahahah.
  • Yeah, I enjoy drinking on weekends also. I tried to switch to lighter options (vodka and tonic.) It's those tastey beers that get me (love blue moon!) I've still been able to take off 22 pounds in the past two months (60 in the past year and a half) with drinking on weekends (I try not to go overboard. ) I like the advice…
  • Sorry I wasn't more clear. It was a poorly written. I forgot everyone interrupts everything differently. It was never meant to say that I eat only vegetables all day, every day. ONLY to break the fast. I wouldn't be able to only eat vegetables alone forever i'd get tired of them. However, beans, chick peas, etc. Are all…
  • First off I was talking about FASTING here. Everyone is stuck on this vegetable thing? I mean come on now really? I said I BROKE a fast with eating vegetables. I didn't say that's all I consume.
  • Plenty of protein, I monitor my protein intake daily in my own log i created in excel. Sometimes I have to much. You need to understand the 1200-1400 doesn't include my workout in which I burn 500-700 calories. That I eat and make up for. Possibly more depending on how much in weight training.
  • Since I have not even once mentioned that I didn't eat carbs or protein than you are only speculating. There are plenty of vegetables and nuts and/or breads out their that provide carbs and protein. Originally I stated that I got out of the fast on vegetables. I'm not on a vegan diet. Perhaps a 50/50 vegan one.
  • People don't drink urine to lose weight. They do it because they believe putting back bacteria into their body will help it fight off the same bacteria. Or something along those lines.
  • Actually vegetables are healthy due to the nutrients they contain. I said not having any food in your system aids your body to fight disease. IE fasting. I originally said after a fast I like to end it on vegetables since it helps my digestion. If I add meats into it and go to quick it makes me feel not so good. I should…
  • I eat food all day.. I just don't eat 2000+. I reach those numbers on the weekend. I don't typically eat meat during the week. I eat, I get full. Why force myself to eat more if I don't feel the need to?
  • Actually, me being overweight helps me have the energy when I fast. It is burning fat and I make sure to lift to try to keep a balance. I have seen my strength improve. Now if I was already at my "BMI" I wouldn't be able to stick to the same calories. I would need to adjust it or else I'd be to skinny. Now, everytime you…
  • I got rid of pre-diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure once I started occasionally fasting. For weeks I only ate once a day and never felt better. I didn't eat just junk though. I ate veggies, nuts, and fruits and some meat.
  • Yes/No and saying they don't because they believe it's not healthy is an opinion. Just because you say people "have the right to an opinion" doesn't excuse their judgment.