2 day Fast - Kick Started my weight loss



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    sullus wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    Bunch of negativeness coming on these forums. Just because you don't agree with something.

    Welcome to the internet and different opinions. Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it would work for everyone else. And to be fair, you asked if other people fasted or did what you do. You've gotten mostly no's and 1-2 yeses. If you didn't want peoples' opinions, you shouldn't have asked.

    And you don't need to eat 1200-1400 calories as a 26 year old male to lose weight. I'd suggest giving this a read:

    Yes/No and saying they don't because they believe it's not healthy is an opinion. Just because you say people "have the right to an opinion" doesn't excuse their judgment.

    Yeah, the idea that the human body needs sufficient energy to function and that a male body needs more than 1,200 - 1,400 to retain muscle mass is just a wacky "opinion" that we picked up by putting too much faith in the government.

    When I went from 300+ down to 220, I did it with a regimen of weightlifting and cardio. I averaged about 1500 calories a day, and a "high" protein day would have been 90-100g. I had my body fat estimated using both calipers and an ultrasound before and after this process. Both times, my lbm was estimated to be 185 lbs. Its harder to lose muscle than a lof of people on here seem to think it is.

    I'm glad it worked for you, but it seems very low to offer as generally acceptable for males. OP says he is eating 1,200 to 1,400 a day and if he is eating mostly non-starchy vegetables, I don't know if he is getting as much protein as you did.

    Plenty of protein, I monitor my protein intake daily in my own log i created in excel. Sometimes I have to much. You need to understand the 1200-1400 doesn't include my workout in which I burn 500-700 calories. That I eat and make up for. Possibly more depending on how much in weight training.

    So you meant you were NETTING 1,200-1,400, not eating 1,200-1,400?
  • JaimusWilliams
    JaimusWilliams Posts: 84 Member
    skullshank wrote: »
    skullshank wrote: »
    skullshank wrote: »
    A few weeks ago I wanted to eat less. So I went on a 2 day fast. Drank Coffee, teas, and lots of water. It was hard I gave in once or twice to a yogurt.

    After it was done I started by eating only veggies so I can keep my stomach small. So far it worked like a charm and has helped. I no longer need to eat huge portions to help me get full. However, I know I can eat much more. I am trying to find the line between a good full and a bad full.

    Has anyone else fasted?

    i dont understand how eating veggies keeps your stomach small.
    please explain.

    Not small, easier to digest so you don't expand your stomach with heavy foods. Veggies like spinach, zuccini, kale. Not potatoes, those are heavier.

    you dont mean small, you mean easier to digest?
    but then you say heavy foods expand your stomach.
    son, what the hell are you talking about?

    Ok... Mr. Wise Guy.....

    It's known that when you fast your stomach shrinks and in light of that it makes you eat less. Now after a fast is done... Your best bet is to eat vegatables due to the high fiber and it makes you feel fool faster. After fasting it's not wise to eat heavy foods. If you'd like to learn more ab a book and read.

    lol ok.

    while the stomach does have an elastic quality to it, it wont "shrink" in 2 days. it will remain deflated and empty until you fill it up again and then it will go back to the size it would be regardless whether you're filling it with kale or jelly beans.

    and if youre lifting (DYELB), you may find that adding protein will help you retain your LBM (as well has keep you satiated) and carbs will give you the energy you need.

    you seem to have it all figured out though.

    Since I have not even once mentioned that I didn't eat carbs or protein than you are only speculating. There are plenty of vegetables and nuts and/or breads out their that provide carbs and protein. Originally I stated that I got out of the fast on vegetables. I'm not on a vegan diet. Perhaps a 50/50 vegan one.


    So again, what is the point of "shrinking your stomach" with vegetables if you are going to "make it bigger" with non-vegetables? Assuming these things are even possible.

    PS, how does veganism even enter into it? Vegans eat carbohydrates and protein just like everyone else. There are many plant foods besides vegetables.

    First off I was talking about FASTING here. Everyone is stuck on this vegetable thing? I mean come on now really? I said I BROKE a fast with eating vegetables. I didn't say that's all I consume.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    Bunch of negativeness coming on these forums. Just because you don't agree with something.

    Welcome to the internet and different opinions. Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it would work for everyone else. And to be fair, you asked if other people fasted or did what you do. You've gotten mostly no's and 1-2 yeses. If you didn't want peoples' opinions, you shouldn't have asked.

    And you don't need to eat 1200-1400 calories as a 26 year old male to lose weight. I'd suggest giving this a read:

    Yes/No and saying they don't because they believe it's not healthy is an opinion. Just because you say people "have the right to an opinion" doesn't excuse their judgment.

    Yeah, the idea that the human body needs sufficient energy to function and that a male body needs more than 1,200 - 1,400 to retain muscle mass is just a wacky "opinion" that we picked up by putting too much faith in the government.

    Actually, me being overweight helps me have the energy when I fast. It is burning fat and I make sure to lift to try to keep a balance. I have seen my strength improve. Now if I was already at my "BMI" I wouldn't be able to stick to the same calories. I would need to adjust it or else I'd be to skinny. Now, everytime you eat your body needs to focus on digesting food that you put into it. In turn that takes away from your body trying to fight bacteria and infections etc. You ever notice when most people are sick they don't want to eat? It's your body telling you it needs to heal. They're are many many more benefits to fasting. I'm just scratching the surface. I have read many books on all different diets and fads and life styles. Everything from fasting to people drinking their own urine... Yes people do that, and that's good for them if they like it.

    Saying that digestion takes away from your body's ability to fight off disease is ridiculous. Digesting vegetables is no different than digesting any other food. Digestion is one of those basic body functions that is automatic, like breathing, or your heartbeat. Are you saying if I hold my breath a lot my body will be able to fight off disease better?

    And "At my BMI" isn't really a thing. BMI is a scale meant to give population averages; it's not a foolproof chart for individuals.

    How much weight are you trying to lose?

    Actually vegetables are healthy due to the nutrients they contain. I said not having any food in your system aids your body to fight disease. IE fasting. I originally said after a fast I like to end it on vegetables since it helps my digestion. If I add meats into it and go to quick it makes me feel not so good. I should have of cleared that up. My apologies.

    So...the fact that I ate more while I had a cold (maintenance rather than deficit) meant absolutely nothing and I just magically got better more quickly? Depriving your body of calories (aka energy/fuel) makes you less likely to get sick???

    Alright then. A guy on the internet said it so it must be true.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    skullshank wrote: »
    skullshank wrote: »
    skullshank wrote: »
    A few weeks ago I wanted to eat less. So I went on a 2 day fast. Drank Coffee, teas, and lots of water. It was hard I gave in once or twice to a yogurt.

    After it was done I started by eating only veggies so I can keep my stomach small. So far it worked like a charm and has helped. I no longer need to eat huge portions to help me get full. However, I know I can eat much more. I am trying to find the line between a good full and a bad full.

    Has anyone else fasted?

    i dont understand how eating veggies keeps your stomach small.
    please explain.

    Not small, easier to digest so you don't expand your stomach with heavy foods. Veggies like spinach, zuccini, kale. Not potatoes, those are heavier.

    you dont mean small, you mean easier to digest?
    but then you say heavy foods expand your stomach.
    son, what the hell are you talking about?

    Ok... Mr. Wise Guy.....

    It's known that when you fast your stomach shrinks and in light of that it makes you eat less. Now after a fast is done... Your best bet is to eat vegatables due to the high fiber and it makes you feel fool faster. After fasting it's not wise to eat heavy foods. If you'd like to learn more ab a book and read.

    lol ok.

    while the stomach does have an elastic quality to it, it wont "shrink" in 2 days. it will remain deflated and empty until you fill it up again and then it will go back to the size it would be regardless whether you're filling it with kale or jelly beans.

    and if youre lifting (DYELB), you may find that adding protein will help you retain your LBM (as well has keep you satiated) and carbs will give you the energy you need.

    you seem to have it all figured out though.

    Since I have not even once mentioned that I didn't eat carbs or protein than you are only speculating. There are plenty of vegetables and nuts and/or breads out their that provide carbs and protein. Originally I stated that I got out of the fast on vegetables. I'm not on a vegan diet. Perhaps a 50/50 vegan one.


    So again, what is the point of "shrinking your stomach" with vegetables if you are going to "make it bigger" with non-vegetables? Assuming these things are even possible.

    PS, how does veganism even enter into it? Vegans eat carbohydrates and protein just like everyone else. There are many plant foods besides vegetables.

    First off I was talking about FASTING here. Everyone is stuck on this vegetable thing? I mean come on now really? I said I BROKE a fast with eating vegetables. I didn't say that's all I consume.

    This is, literally, what you said on the first page: "After it was done I started by eating only veggies so I can keep my stomach small. So far it worked like a charm and has helped. I no longer need to eat huge portions to help me get full."

    You said that fasting shrunk your stomach and that eating vegetables kept it small. If you eat non-vegetables -- and those are the things that expand your stomach through digestion (which is what you seemed to be saying in your posts) -- how will your stomach stay small? If your stomach doesn't stay small, what was the point of shrinking it?
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    edited March 2015
    skullshank wrote: »
    skullshank wrote: »
    skullshank wrote: »
    A few weeks ago I wanted to eat less. So I went on a 2 day fast. Drank Coffee, teas, and lots of water. It was hard I gave in once or twice to a yogurt.

    After it was done I started by eating only veggies so I can keep my stomach small. So far it worked like a charm and has helped. I no longer need to eat huge portions to help me get full. However, I know I can eat much more. I am trying to find the line between a good full and a bad full.

    Has anyone else fasted?

    i dont understand how eating veggies keeps your stomach small.
    please explain.

    Not small, easier to digest so you don't expand your stomach with heavy foods. Veggies like spinach, zuccini, kale. Not potatoes, those are heavier.

    you dont mean small, you mean easier to digest?
    but then you say heavy foods expand your stomach.
    son, what the hell are you talking about?

    Ok... Mr. Wise Guy.....

    It's known that when you fast your stomach shrinks and in light of that it makes you eat less. Now after a fast is done... Your best bet is to eat vegatables due to the high fiber and it makes you feel fool faster. After fasting it's not wise to eat heavy foods. If you'd like to learn more ab a book and read.

    lol ok.

    while the stomach does have an elastic quality to it, it wont "shrink" in 2 days. it will remain deflated and empty until you fill it up again and then it will go back to the size it would be regardless whether you're filling it with kale or jelly beans.

    and if youre lifting (DYELB), you may find that adding protein will help you retain your LBM (as well has keep you satiated) and carbs will give you the energy you need.

    you seem to have it all figured out though.

    Since I have not even once mentioned that I didn't eat carbs or protein than you are only speculating. There are plenty of vegetables and nuts and/or breads out their that provide carbs and protein. Originally I stated that I got out of the fast on vegetables. I'm not on a vegan diet. Perhaps a 50/50 vegan one.

    youre right...i did assume, based on the fact that you said you eat "light" vegetables. my bad.

    can you explain what a 50/50 vegan diet is? do you eat half the meat/eggs/dairy you used to? do you eat meat/eggs/dairy for only 12hrs of the day?
    are you relying on nuts for your protein?

    you're making this far too complicated, holmes.
    you have 66 more lbs to lose. that should come off pretty easily in the beginning. why not stick with a healthy caloric deficit and stop complicating it with fasting, and 50/50 vegan lifestyles, and light vegetables?

  • JaimusWilliams
    JaimusWilliams Posts: 84 Member
    skullshank wrote: »
    skullshank wrote: »
    skullshank wrote: »
    A few weeks ago I wanted to eat less. So I went on a 2 day fast. Drank Coffee, teas, and lots of water. It was hard I gave in once or twice to a yogurt.

    After it was done I started by eating only veggies so I can keep my stomach small. So far it worked like a charm and has helped. I no longer need to eat huge portions to help me get full. However, I know I can eat much more. I am trying to find the line between a good full and a bad full.

    Has anyone else fasted?

    i dont understand how eating veggies keeps your stomach small.
    please explain.

    Not small, easier to digest so you don't expand your stomach with heavy foods. Veggies like spinach, zuccini, kale. Not potatoes, those are heavier.

    you dont mean small, you mean easier to digest?
    but then you say heavy foods expand your stomach.
    son, what the hell are you talking about?

    Ok... Mr. Wise Guy.....

    It's known that when you fast your stomach shrinks and in light of that it makes you eat less. Now after a fast is done... Your best bet is to eat vegatables due to the high fiber and it makes you feel fool faster. After fasting it's not wise to eat heavy foods. If you'd like to learn more ab a book and read.

    lol ok.

    while the stomach does have an elastic quality to it, it wont "shrink" in 2 days. it will remain deflated and empty until you fill it up again and then it will go back to the size it would be regardless whether you're filling it with kale or jelly beans.

    and if youre lifting (DYELB), you may find that adding protein will help you retain your LBM (as well has keep you satiated) and carbs will give you the energy you need.

    you seem to have it all figured out though.

    Since I have not even once mentioned that I didn't eat carbs or protein than you are only speculating. There are plenty of vegetables and nuts and/or breads out their that provide carbs and protein. Originally I stated that I got out of the fast on vegetables. I'm not on a vegan diet. Perhaps a 50/50 vegan one.


    So again, what is the point of "shrinking your stomach" with vegetables if you are going to "make it bigger" with non-vegetables? Assuming these things are even possible.

    PS, how does veganism even enter into it? Vegans eat carbohydrates and protein just like everyone else. There are many plant foods besides vegetables.

    First off I was talking about FASTING here. Everyone is stuck on this vegetable thing? I mean come on now really? I said I BROKE a fast with eating vegetables. I didn't say that's all I consume.

    This is, literally, what you said on the first page: "After it was done I started by eating only veggies so I can keep my stomach small. So far it worked like a charm and has helped. I no longer need to eat huge portions to help me get full."

    You said that fasting shrunk your stomach and that eating vegetables kept it small. If you eat non-vegetables -- and those are the things that expand your stomach through digestion (which is what you seemed to be saying in your posts) -- how will your stomach stay small? If your stomach doesn't stay small, what was the point of shrinking it?

    Sorry I wasn't more clear. It was a poorly written. I forgot everyone interrupts everything differently. It was never meant to say that I eat only vegetables all day, every day. ONLY to break the fast. I wouldn't be able to only eat vegetables alone forever i'd get tired of them. However, beans, chick peas, etc. Are all great sources of protein and carbs.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    skullshank wrote: »
    skullshank wrote: »
    skullshank wrote: »
    skullshank wrote: »
    A few weeks ago I wanted to eat less. So I went on a 2 day fast. Drank Coffee, teas, and lots of water. It was hard I gave in once or twice to a yogurt.

    After it was done I started by eating only veggies so I can keep my stomach small. So far it worked like a charm and has helped. I no longer need to eat huge portions to help me get full. However, I know I can eat much more. I am trying to find the line between a good full and a bad full.

    Has anyone else fasted?

    i dont understand how eating veggies keeps your stomach small.
    please explain.

    Not small, easier to digest so you don't expand your stomach with heavy foods. Veggies like spinach, zuccini, kale. Not potatoes, those are heavier.

    you dont mean small, you mean easier to digest?
    but then you say heavy foods expand your stomach.
    son, what the hell are you talking about?

    Ok... Mr. Wise Guy.....

    It's known that when you fast your stomach shrinks and in light of that it makes you eat less. Now after a fast is done... Your best bet is to eat vegatables due to the high fiber and it makes you feel fool faster. After fasting it's not wise to eat heavy foods. If you'd like to learn more ab a book and read.

    lol ok.

    while the stomach does have an elastic quality to it, it wont "shrink" in 2 days. it will remain deflated and empty until you fill it up again and then it will go back to the size it would be regardless whether you're filling it with kale or jelly beans.

    and if youre lifting (DYELB), you may find that adding protein will help you retain your LBM (as well has keep you satiated) and carbs will give you the energy you need.

    you seem to have it all figured out though.

    Since I have not even once mentioned that I didn't eat carbs or protein than you are only speculating. There are plenty of vegetables and nuts and/or breads out their that provide carbs and protein. Originally I stated that I got out of the fast on vegetables. I'm not on a vegan diet. Perhaps a 50/50 vegan one.

    youre right...i did assume, based on the fact that you said you eat "light" vegetables. my bad.

    can you explain what a 50/50 vegan diet is? do you eat half the meat/eggs/dairy you used to? do you eat meat/eggs/dairy for only 12hrs of the day?
    are you relying on nuts for your protein?

    you're making this far too complicated, holmes.
    you have 66 more lbs to lose. that should come off pretty easily in the beginning. why not stick with a healthy caloric deficit and stop complicating it with fasting, and 50/50 vegan lifestyles, and light vegetables?

    I think by "50/50 vegan" he means that he eats plant foods sometimes. It's an interesting definition of vegan, one that makes virtually everyone on earth at least part vegan.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    skullshank wrote: »
    skullshank wrote: »
    skullshank wrote: »
    A few weeks ago I wanted to eat less. So I went on a 2 day fast. Drank Coffee, teas, and lots of water. It was hard I gave in once or twice to a yogurt.

    After it was done I started by eating only veggies so I can keep my stomach small. So far it worked like a charm and has helped. I no longer need to eat huge portions to help me get full. However, I know I can eat much more. I am trying to find the line between a good full and a bad full.

    Has anyone else fasted?

    i dont understand how eating veggies keeps your stomach small.
    please explain.

    Not small, easier to digest so you don't expand your stomach with heavy foods. Veggies like spinach, zuccini, kale. Not potatoes, those are heavier.

    you dont mean small, you mean easier to digest?
    but then you say heavy foods expand your stomach.
    son, what the hell are you talking about?

    Ok... Mr. Wise Guy.....

    It's known that when you fast your stomach shrinks and in light of that it makes you eat less. Now after a fast is done... Your best bet is to eat vegatables due to the high fiber and it makes you feel fool faster. After fasting it's not wise to eat heavy foods. If you'd like to learn more ab a book and read.

    lol ok.

    while the stomach does have an elastic quality to it, it wont "shrink" in 2 days. it will remain deflated and empty until you fill it up again and then it will go back to the size it would be regardless whether you're filling it with kale or jelly beans.

    and if youre lifting (DYELB), you may find that adding protein will help you retain your LBM (as well has keep you satiated) and carbs will give you the energy you need.

    you seem to have it all figured out though.

    Since I have not even once mentioned that I didn't eat carbs or protein than you are only speculating. There are plenty of vegetables and nuts and/or breads out their that provide carbs and protein. Originally I stated that I got out of the fast on vegetables. I'm not on a vegan diet. Perhaps a 50/50 vegan one.


    So again, what is the point of "shrinking your stomach" with vegetables if you are going to "make it bigger" with non-vegetables? Assuming these things are even possible.

    PS, how does veganism even enter into it? Vegans eat carbohydrates and protein just like everyone else. There are many plant foods besides vegetables.

    First off I was talking about FASTING here. Everyone is stuck on this vegetable thing? I mean come on now really? I said I BROKE a fast with eating vegetables. I didn't say that's all I consume.

    This is, literally, what you said on the first page: "After it was done I started by eating only veggies so I can keep my stomach small. So far it worked like a charm and has helped. I no longer need to eat huge portions to help me get full."

    You said that fasting shrunk your stomach and that eating vegetables kept it small. If you eat non-vegetables -- and those are the things that expand your stomach through digestion (which is what you seemed to be saying in your posts) -- how will your stomach stay small? If your stomach doesn't stay small, what was the point of shrinking it?

    Sorry I wasn't more clear. It was a poorly written. I forgot everyone interrupts everything differently. It was never meant to say that I eat only vegetables all day, every day. ONLY to break the fast. I wouldn't be able to only eat vegetables alone forever i'd get tired of them. However, beans, chick peas, etc. Are all great sources of protein and carbs.

    Okay, so how will your stomach stay small? If non-vegetables make the stomach grow, what was the point of shrinking your stomach?
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    sullus wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    sullus wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    Bunch of negativeness coming on these forums. Just because you don't agree with something.

    Welcome to the internet and different opinions. Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it would work for everyone else. And to be fair, you asked if other people fasted or did what you do. You've gotten mostly no's and 1-2 yeses. If you didn't want peoples' opinions, you shouldn't have asked.

    And you don't need to eat 1200-1400 calories as a 26 year old male to lose weight. I'd suggest giving this a read:

    Yes/No and saying they don't because they believe it's not healthy is an opinion. Just because you say people "have the right to an opinion" doesn't excuse their judgment.

    Yeah, the idea that the human body needs sufficient energy to function and that a male body needs more than 1,200 - 1,400 to retain muscle mass is just a wacky "opinion" that we picked up by putting too much faith in the government.

    When I went from 300+ down to 220, I did it with a regimen of weightlifting and cardio. I averaged about 1500 calories a day, and a "high" protein day would have been 90-100g. I had my body fat estimated using both calipers and an ultrasound before and after this process. Both times, my lbm was estimated to be 185 lbs. Its harder to lose muscle than a lof of people on here seem to think it is.

    If you drop from 300 to a healthy weight range you have to lose some lbm. Your body adapted and added more of it when you became morbidly obese and now it will not need it.

    I get that. It's actually been really difficult to drop LBM for me, and I want to drop to about 165 lbs of LBM so I can approach 200lbs total weight at 20% bodyfat (I'm 5'9")

    There are a couple of issues with that statement.

    First I would ask, how are you measuring bf% because almost all estimates are wrong in doing that.
    Reaching 165 lbs of lbm, getting leaner and leaner that figure doesn't equate properly because 165 lbm is pretty much above your natural genetic ceiling for your height. So unfortunately the numbers are kind of off and maybe it's the way you get your fat tested and it throws off a plan like that.

    Measurements were done with calipers and some voodoo math, and with an ultrasound (measures the fat layer at the same sites as a caliper test) and some other voodoo math. I get that they are estimates. I am not swearing by those, nor am I really shooting for an LBM goal. I'm just pretty sure that for me to get down to 200 is going to mean dropping some not insignificant lbm as well.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    macgurlnet wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    Bunch of negativeness coming on these forums. Just because you don't agree with something.

    Welcome to the internet and different opinions. Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it would work for everyone else. And to be fair, you asked if other people fasted or did what you do. You've gotten mostly no's and 1-2 yeses. If you didn't want peoples' opinions, you shouldn't have asked.

    And you don't need to eat 1200-1400 calories as a 26 year old male to lose weight. I'd suggest giving this a read:

    Yes/No and saying they don't because they believe it's not healthy is an opinion. Just because you say people "have the right to an opinion" doesn't excuse their judgment.

    Yeah, the idea that the human body needs sufficient energy to function and that a male body needs more than 1,200 - 1,400 to retain muscle mass is just a wacky "opinion" that we picked up by putting too much faith in the government.

    Actually, me being overweight helps me have the energy when I fast. It is burning fat and I make sure to lift to try to keep a balance. I have seen my strength improve. Now if I was already at my "BMI" I wouldn't be able to stick to the same calories. I would need to adjust it or else I'd be to skinny. Now, everytime you eat your body needs to focus on digesting food that you put into it. In turn that takes away from your body trying to fight bacteria and infections etc. You ever notice when most people are sick they don't want to eat? It's your body telling you it needs to heal. They're are many many more benefits to fasting. I'm just scratching the surface. I have read many books on all different diets and fads and life styles. Everything from fasting to people drinking their own urine... Yes people do that, and that's good for them if they like it.

    Saying that digestion takes away from your body's ability to fight off disease is ridiculous. Digesting vegetables is no different than digesting any other food. Digestion is one of those basic body functions that is automatic, like breathing, or your heartbeat. Are you saying if I hold my breath a lot my body will be able to fight off disease better?

    And "At my BMI" isn't really a thing. BMI is a scale meant to give population averages; it's not a foolproof chart for individuals.

    How much weight are you trying to lose?

    Actually vegetables are healthy due to the nutrients they contain. I said not having any food in your system aids your body to fight disease. IE fasting. I originally said after a fast I like to end it on vegetables since it helps my digestion. If I add meats into it and go to quick it makes me feel not so good. I should have of cleared that up. My apologies.

    So...the fact that I ate more while I had a cold (maintenance rather than deficit) meant absolutely nothing and I just magically got better more quickly? Depriving your body of calories (aka energy/fuel) makes you less likely to get sick???

    Alright then. A guy on the internet said it so it must be true.


    More quickly than what? The control sample you don't have?