Darlow70 Member


  • Saying "you need to learn how to eat" is such a loaded statement! Knowing and doing are two different things. If we HAD willpower and just "need to eat a nutritionally balanced diet" why in the world would we need to lose weight in the first place?? Why are you even here? LOL!!! Give me a break... really.
  • Insert is driver's license pic from 10/2014 - main photo was this morning. Started IF and going to the gym on April 1. Love this way of life!!!
  • Can't wait to see the transformation by next summer!! It's only been 2 months of working out and intermittent fasting, so I'm thrilled with the changes.
  • I do intermittent fasting (IF) on a 16/8 schedule instead of 5:2 - I fast from 8pm to noon the next day. It's working extremely well for me and I don't feel at all deprived! I eat a lot fewer calories and don't even notice. Here's an fb group that is very informative and helpful to learn more:…
    in 5:2 diet Comment by Darlow70 May 2015
  • One word of caution - be extremely careful with alcohol consumption afterwards. Someone very, very dear to me had surgery and because of the new, rapid absorption, she became an alcoholic. She only ever drank wine. Now, she can't seem to let it go of it despite meetings, embarrassing falls, etc. She never had the…
  • It's really nice to hear your thoughts on this, 1Cor1510! I appreciate you sharing and I look forward to succeeding!
  • And I think acknowledging it like this, publicly, and talking about it is already making me feel more confident in going forward!!! I'm so grateful for MFP!
  • YES! Please add me! I haven't managed to lose this much no matter what I've tried for the past million years so it feels SO good! And yes, change is very good - I like change. I'm just feeling a little shaky about it, lol!
  • Orgain has some very good flavors and are extremely healthy compared to most. Amazon by the case pricing is reasonable...
  • My Shine does sync with MFP automatically. If you choose swimming as your 'activity' extra in settings, then you just triple tap your Shine to let it know you're starting that particular activity. If you use the rubber sports band that comes with it, I'd seriously take extra steps to not lose it. I only wear it on my…
  • For those final pounds, a LOT of people are able to tackle them through IF (https://www.facebook.com/groups/799235153498663/?fref=nf) I personally love it! I have way more than the last few pounds to go tho :)
  • If you cut out gluten, you won't be tootin' <sorry, I HAD to say it, definitely not my usual type of thing to say :smiley: >
  • Mine (Misfit Shine) suddenly stopped syncing with MFP even though they're still connected. I even disconnected and reconnected and still nothing :(
  • Thanks very much for the replies! Glad I remembered to check back here, lol!
  • Hi! How do you get the shine to communicate with MFP in the first place? I lost my Shine and have another one ordered and would like to 'hook' them up :wink:
  • Hi, Everyone! I'm totally brand new and need people around me with goals to lose weight. Help! lol I'm trying intermittent fasting and recently started going to a gym for the first time in my life (in my 40's). Please add me so it doesn't say I have no friends anymore :) I can be very encouraging, I hear!