
I've lost 14lbs now and it feels really different to me, even though it doesn't seem like a lot. Losing weight scares me!! I feel like something else should change too - new hair, new clothing style, I don't know - I just feel a little lost about it. I feel like I'm losing ME and it scares me.

So now, I'm seriously scared of self-sabotage. I've done this before and I DO NOT WANT TO DO IT AGAIN. I get a craving and go with it, not realizing that I don't really want that item, it's me stopping myself from changing into something new and scary.

Does anyone have words of support and wisdom for when I get to feeling like this? I kind of had the same thing years ago when I quit smoking - like who will I be without it??



  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    It appears you have two sets of issues...

    First, you have not prepared your self for actually changing...pysically and mentally...and emotionally. Have you ever looked in the mirror and imagined you smaller, your facial features smaller... etc...? If not then you may have jumped on the band wagon without a real set of goals..

    And it appears that your relationship with food has not changed..

    All I can say is that once you have your mind straight and your goals straightened out the rest will follow. Its seems that all this is mental and some more soul searching is needed as you continue down this path.
  • tugmd
    tugmd Posts: 12 Member
    I've lost almost 14 lbs (.4 to go, lol)...I'm loving shopping in my closet, wearing those clothes that didn't fit any more. I agree with Azuraen...change is a good thing :-)

    In the end...YOU will be YOU, just a better version of YOU!
  • hillemary
    hillemary Posts: 19 Member
    YES! Please add me! I haven't managed to lose this much no matter what I've tried for the past million years so it feels SO good! And yes, change is very good - I like change. I'm just feeling a little shaky about it, lol!
  • hillemary
    hillemary Posts: 19 Member
    And I think acknowledging it like this, publicly, and talking about it is already making me feel more confident in going forward!!! I'm so grateful for MFP!
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    I've lost 40+ over 2 years and I am a completely different person than I used to be. It's been hard on relationships and things have changed. My husband commented the other day on how I used to just lay on the couch when I got home and never wanted to do much. Now, I exercise, love to socialize and meet new people, and my general outlook on life has changed.

    There is a huge emotional component to losing weight, it's part of the process, but if you WANT to lose the weight, you have to go through the head games along with everything else. It takes time, be kind to yourself. Take a break if you need to, but don't go backward. There were days I allowed myself to just eat at my TDEE just as a reset. You will find it's all worth it in the end, you will have more confidence about who you are and what you can accomplish, and it does change you! Celebrate your successes and be patient with yourself. MFP forums helped me a lot, because you find out here you're not alone on any weight loss issue that might arise.

  • hillemary
    hillemary Posts: 19 Member
    It's really nice to hear your thoughts on this, 1Cor1510! I appreciate you sharing and I look forward to succeeding!