dksmith20110 Member


  • Welcome Brock!!
  • WOW! This group had been relatively inactive for a while but was looking through all your stories above. You CAN and must do it! I started here and have logged everyday for over a year. I am currently down 150 lbs. Happy to share with anyone interested. I went from obese to helping with diabetes and weight loss seminars.…
  • Agree with all...don't give up! You can do it.
  • We are here to help! Anyone in this group send me a friend request. I have traveled this road. I started at 387 and the week officially hit 150 lbs off. Best wishes for your success kiara
  • Welcome! You can do it! I am not necessarily against surgery as a last resort, but I have been able to lose 150 lbs (so far) without it and so glad I did it that way. Wish you the best, and we are here to help and share. I started at 387 officially but suspect I may have been closer to 400.
  • Welcome Gerrit. We are all traveling this road together and all are at different stages. I started at 387 lbs and now I am down to 265 and counting. You have taken the first know you have to do something and you started. Great! Let's go!
  • Welcome! This group is not the most active, but I have met some great people here that are all in the same place or at least started there. I have been doing this since April of last year starting at just a little under 387 lbs and now have lost over 113 lbs of it. For me the reality that I would likely not live much…
  • I use Pure Protein brand shakes to supplement on days I don't get enough protein. It is mostly protein and added carbs are minimal. Use it to try to keep my protein intake at or near 20%. Of course, spread your proteins out over the day, not all in one meal, so supplement a low protein (higher carb) meal.
  • From what I have seen with FitBit that MFP can connect to the FitBit web site so if I enter an exercise manually in MFP, the amount recorded in MFP automatically by FitBit will auto-adjust downward next time I sync my tracker to the web site. I don't know if Garmin has something similar. If not, then yes, perhaps it will…
  • By the way, I was 387; down to 297 so far. So yes, I can relate. My health really went downhill when I went above 350 after turning 50. But now it has dramatically improved.
  • We can all relate! You have taken the biggest step. You know you have to change this and yes, you are in the right place! Way to go on the walking and getting moving. Start logging your eating and working toward your goals. Set a short term goal to start. Best of luck to you my friend!
  • Sent you a friend invite. I started at 387. 55 year old male. So far I have been able to do this without weight loss meds or surgery. Logging alone does wonders in helping me know what I eat. Gradually been able to increase activity, mostly walking, but up to 60 mins per day from inactive over 6 months. Now around 299 lbs…
  • Way to go Michelle.
  • Can't agree more Charles. Loss of mobility happened to me too, and it is a prison. Way to go! I started almost exactly six months ago at 387, and I'm not certain, but guessing I was at or over 400 at one point. I finally said enough is enough and got going. Today I am at about 81 lbs off (almost to 300). Your note is…
  • When I started, just looking down to the end of the hall seemed overwhelming when I thought about walking to the other end. Now I am consistently walking 2-3 miles at once. No longer have to ask for a table instead of a booth at the restaurant.
  • Welcome Jen! Great start! I started at almost 387 lbs. back in April, and just weighed in this morning at 308. I am a married man in my 50's and have been over 300 for well over 15 years. If I can do it, you can! Send me a friend request if you want.
  • Welcome Jesse. I started at 386.8 lbs and now down to 321, probably 319 or better by tomorrow at my next weigh in. Congrats on your success so far! Hope we can all mutually encourage one another. I am a married male, almost 56 yrs old. David
  • Probably not too aggressive. Not uncommon to lose a lot your first week. I lost 8.8 lbs my first week, then it moderated from there, a big week, several small losses, then a bigger one has been my trend. As long as you trend down and don't eat some dangerously low number of cals.
  • We are here, but this group sometimes goes a while between posts. I have been on a severe plateau the last 3 weeks myself. This is mostly due to not staying consistently under my calorie goal and also because my activity has been nil while dealing with getting a recurrence of a plantar's wart taken care of by the foot…
  • Wow, your story and situation are almost identical to mine! I just started my weight loss journey in April. Started at 387, but sure I was up around 400 or more at one point; now around 350. Your story is inspiring me to keep it going. Thanks for your post!
  • Thanks for the inspiration! Very awesome!
  • SW: 386 CW: 354 GW: 185 Started about 10 weeks ago. Logging and tracking eating in MFP has been the only way I can do it, plus I weigh in every week at a wellness center to keep me accountable and on track. My health and desire to stay around and live a more full life without so many limitations is the motivation.
  • It never worked for me.
  • James, the trouble is that gradually, and we often don't notice it happening, too high a percentage of carbs makes you start to crave more carbs. Our bodies are just wired that way. True, calorie intake is the key, but as someone pointed out, too many carbs can trigger sugar imbalances (spikes between high and low) which…
  • Garin, I am in a similar situation as you. I started a 386 and eight weeks later I have made it down to 354. I know this is going to be a very long road. As big guys, we have an advantage early on. We burn so many calories even when sedentary that we can still lose a lot just by starting to log and really count what we eat…
  • Hey all. I agree with the quote above: "...we don't have any other choice but to make it a lifestyle change." I just started my journey 3 weeks ago at 386 lbs and down to 369 so far. I literally got to the point where I realized the time was now or I will be dead. As my cardiologist says "i am a ticking time bomb." But…