HorrorGeekLiz Member


  • I have a FitBit and I have negative adjustments enabled. I have my activity level set at sedentary because I have a desk job. What I have found, through the FitBit, is the negative adjustment usually only lasts through through about 2k steps as a daily total. So, in other words, you'd have to stay in bed all day to…
  • If you had stopped for a moment to realize a grammar test has absolutely nothing to do with trying to lose weight, you'd have realized that was the joke.
  • Devil's Rejects was brilliant on so many levels - the biggest thing to me was he took the most vile, evil characters imaginable and made you feel empathy for them. That's amazing talent right there. Second, as pointed out, he does do some amazing soundtrack work. Third, his love of horror just shines through. Each film he…
  • He nailed the whole 70's witch movie homage. Visually, it was brilliant. While I have nothing but love for Sheri Moon Zombie, but that girl cannot pull off the dramatic scenes. It was painful to watch her performance. Plus, the ending was too far into the ridiculous. Sorry. It was just not worth it. The book was pretty…
  • Goodnight Mommy was outstanding! Creepy as hell! (German with English Subtitles)
  • Can I say how happy I am that my people have a forum? B) Most of what I would say offhand without knowing someone's preferences have been covered, but let me reiterate a few points: 1. Session 9 - if you haven't watched this super creepy movie, it is a MUST SEE. 2. If you are a diehard horror fan, Human Centipede is worth…
  • It wasn't different. It was practically a remake of Cannibal Holocaust. Eli Roth, while I give him props for Cabin Fever and Hostel (only because the idea of that "club" is scary) but he relied way too much on gore and cheap vomit tactics rather than anything scary on that one. It wasn't awful, but he's slipping.
  • You're insisting on warping my word choice as if I had used it like I was advertising some gimmick. From the article: "“Detox” is a legitimate medical term that has been turned into a marketing strategy". If I had used the word "abstain" would that make you happier? All I said was stop eating them for a week - which is…
  • I was quite clear - it was an opinion based on personal experience. Everything I said, as written, is correct. Nowhere did I state this was scientific fact. That being said, detox is not nonsense. Addicts everywhere will support that statement. If you feel only detoxing from sugar is nonsense, anyone who has experienced…
  • There are many widely varying opinions on artificial sweeteners - from them being completely harmless (doubt it) to the most detrimental thing you can eat (also doubt it). I am of the opinion that artificial sweeteners probably aren't good for you, but neither is diabetes. If you absolutely cannot get your sweet tooth…
  • I have always been of the opinion that since potatoes are a naturally growing vegetable, they get the thumbs up. Unless you have diabetes and have to monitor your carb intake strictly, there is no reason to avoid the mighty potato. It has vitamins and nutrients just like any other vegetable. If it fits within your calorie…
  • It's only insane if you work 9 - 5 and go to bed at 10 pm. You don't know her schedule (though her husband did clarify it above, I'll assume you didn't see his post when you replied). It's a 24 hour world. People have all kinds of crazy schedules.
  • First - are you mobidly obese? Second - do you have a FitBit that measures HR? I'm in the morbidly obese range. As I lose weight and become more fit, this is going to change, but I was ready to throw my Charge HR out because I swore it was giving me way too many calories. Then I remembered exercise afterburn. I realized my…
  • I have everything from Harry Potter colouring books to large swear words. There's hundreds on Amazon. I'm sure there are some in the highest of adult categories, but I haven't been inclined to google for them. ;)
  • Colouring has worked wonders. More than I could have anticipated. It's really strange, but after 5 minutes of colouring, I feel the calm all over.
  • I second all of this. I just went through this too. Instead of beating myself up, I just decided to slack off for two weeks without going hog wild. I slept in, skipped the gym, ate crap. The last few days I kept reminding myself it was a break, so I was mentally prepared to get back on the wagon. And I stuck to my…
  • This is a huge pet peeve of mine and I wish this phrase would die already. Muscle does not weigh more than fat. One pound is one pound whether it is muscle, fat, bricks, or feathers. Muscle is less dense than fat. It takes up less room. It still weighs the same.
  • I love Matilda! That cake did look awesome LOL. I wish I could have something ruin cake for me. That's a prime binge food for me! For the record, I do not recommend The Green Inferno to anyone. There's just no reason to punish yourself like that. But Stand By Me is an incredible movie and is a Must-See. Killer Joe is -…
    in Ewww Comment by HorrorGeekLiz March 2016
  • I'm Liz. I have had a life long battle with depression and binge eating. I was taught to be ashamed of how much I ate from pretty early on, and that started a lifelong unhealthy relationship with food. I ate "normal" in public (basically tiny portions so as not to "seem like a pig") and then binged in secret. In my teen…
  • I was recently watching a horror movie called The Green Inferno. Loosely speaking, it's an homage to the old movie Cannibal Holocaust. I made meatloaf and mashed cauliflower for dinner. It was a poor combination and I couldn't eat my dinner once the movie got into full swing. I've never eaten blueberry pie since I saw…
    in Ewww Comment by HorrorGeekLiz March 2016
  • They probably do have health risks, but they aren't nearly as bad as the risks of continuing smoking. I quit with them. I used them for 2.5 years before finally ditching them and nicotine all together. And when I did that, I still had a binge period. It's awful, but sugar cravings are a withdrawal symptom. Vaping provides…
  • Giirrrrrrrrrrlllll - I have BEEN there! 20 years, pack a day-er. Here is my honest opinion - for three days while the nicotine makes it's exit - just eat. Eat whatever keeps the cigs out of your mouth. But ONLY THREE DAYS. The urge won't stop after that, but that's all the pity eating you're allowed. Move to carrot sticks…
  • However, to the OP - no carbs means no fruits and no vegetables which means no nutrition. What is the point of being thin but not healthy? PROCESSED carbs = bad. Whole food carbs = good.
  • This (what is hopefully) auto-correct is extra hilarious if you've seen The Green Inferno. I'm not recommending anyone watch that movie..at all. But I know my fellow horror fans are out there who have seen it already and know what I'm talking about.
  • I'm not 100% strict, but it is the diet I'm following. I'm allergic to milk, so I can't eat dairy anyway. I don't mind ditching the grains, but I will occasionally eat rice. I refuse to give up white potatoes (I hate sweet potatoes, and it's a whole, natural food. I refuse to accept it as a bad.) or peanut butter (though I…