Anita_Newbody Member


  • Hi. I just joined this group. What a great post. Last week I was driving my dd home from school and there was an awesome cloud in the sky. She took several pictures of it, and we laughed when she took them b/c it was hard to get a good picture without trees getting in the way. so when I see the pictures of the cloud I…
  • Hi Shie1- I would like to also commit. I too have a water intake issue. I am starting today. I have yet to really begun my water intake, but I have faith that I will start soon and my goal too is to lose 5 pounds . but since its already the 13th of the month, I will say by October 13- that I hope to lose 5 pounds. the ns…
  • Well today is 9/13/15 and I am 145. So I have slowly gained my weight back. I am starting back again today. Seems like every one of my posts state that I am starting back. good grief anyway I got sick last night so I have to start back there is no excuse this time. no worries. I have food from before, its just a matter of…
  • Hi guys, Its me again. Went off NS in June.. I was 125... and now 3 months later I am at a whopping 145. DAMNIT!!!!!!! So I have ordered my NS and plan on getting back on track today. I got sick last night. From all the junk food I have been feeding myself and that was pretty much the last straw. That and none of my…
  • Hey Roger, Yeah its me. I think I was Neubody before. I don't really remember. Nice to see you again, and look forward to following your posts.
  • Thanks eku0 - I thought that was you (vix). Thanks for welcome. Hope your day is fabulous. I think it will be a lazy day today. Just bloging online. Maybe will go outside to get some sun, as its looking to be a beautiful day. My dd doesn't have a laptop and likes to use mine. So if she asks I will take my kindle and go out…
  • thought I would jump in and hold myself accountable. weigh in today 138. am up from 126 in may. went on vacations every week, so have to get back started. I started today back 100% have eaten all the junk food in the house and will not purchase anymore. Lets see where am next Sunday... hopefully, I believe this to be…
  • Good Morning eku0 - Just sent you a friend request. I was on this board a few times over on the NS site. I have been on NS since 2008. Losing and gaining losing and gaining. and just as before. This last stint I started 3/2014 at 162, and as of last month I was 126. went on vacation and vacation and vacation and gained…
  • Good Morning Everyone. I see this thread is probably buried somewhere deep in the threads and no one will find it. But If I have to be the only one here, so be it. I am starting up this week. In May I was 126 and now I am 138. Oh my what have I eaten? What have I not eaten is more the question. I have to stop making…
  • Good morning to no one in particular. How can you be among hundreds yet feel so alone. whatever. So this weekend was up and down. I am in a good spot right now so I don't mind that I went off plan this weekend. I am back on plan and ready to maintain this week. I wont lose any this week but if I gain anything it will only…
  • Hi guys joining your discussion today. Trying to find a place here. My weigh in today was 126.0 even steven. Up a bit from last week (125.8) but I didn't get my water in this week.
  • Good Morning, Its official they have closed down the site. I feel all alone. I felt alone before, but now I really feel alone. I will try and find other sites but its not the same. At least with ns when you blogged even if no one answered you saw how many viewed it. Here the blogs are buried so deep no one ever views my…
  • I weigh on Saturday, unless I don't like the number and then I will weigh again on Sunday. But the results this week were down a pound.
  • I'm not too sure about this site. What do you guys think about it? I went looking for other NS groups, and there isn't a search tool for the groups, so it takes a long time to look through all the groups. and then I went to a discussion board and OMG seriously the discussions were ridiculous. One read where a girl (her…
  • Wow that is awesome!! Inches are great to lose!!! You'll be in a lower pant/dress size soon, if not already!!!
  • I weighed yesterday is that still OK?
  • Welcome Pam, I am so glad you are here. I wanted to start this thread because on NS it was quite clear that there are some that lose weight quite quickly. But since they are shutting the boards down, perhaps that is why. Here we have no idea how the majority of people are doing. Its just a pick a board type of thing. Its…
  • Welcome Nightingale, You can do it. I figured this is just my food now. and I don't eat other food. That is my mind set. I really don't have a time frame. I just needed to lose the weight to get healthy. My Dr. said I had to lose the weight or else.... I didn't want to know what the or else was. SO I started NS and a year…
  • Hi and welcome I started March of 2014 also!!!! You have lost a lot of weight!!!!!That is so awesome!!! The holidays were rough for me too. I really didn't lose anything from like October to January. I too was up and down. But I contributed it to vacation and holidays. I went off plan just about every month and I enjoyed…
  • LOL - Hang in there. Try and eat just your ns food, but try and eat every 2-3 hours, maybe that will help with your hunger. and of course theres the water. I have found that if I start the day off drinking my water and keep drinking it all day I am less likely to be starving (I will still get hungry) but not the starving…
  • Rissana, I am 5"0 even steven. I am a tad bit older at 46 and started out at 162. So I know what your going through. I am a super slow loser, and it has taken me a year to lose 35 pounds. I am not at the official goal that the websites say I am suppose to be at, but I am at 127 right now. Yes it took me a year, but the…
  • Roger, I found you!!! So I guess this is the place huh? I will look around and if I have any questions, I definitely know who to go to!!!