HeatherCrazyCat Member


  • I lost 6 stone in 14 months through an "Everything in moderation" approach to food, and discovering which exercises I enjoy. The moderated foods included ZERO clean eating and PLENTY of rum and chocolate :-D Feel free to add me!
  • Everything I like is punk-driven, be it the Dead Boys, the Cramps, UK Subs or Hanoi Rocks, or the psychobilly bands I love like Mad Sin and Graveyard Johnnys.
  • It's reassuring to hear from other women on here! I have gone from 15st 4lbs to 9st 2lbs and while my saggy skin makes me sad, it's the saggy boobs that get me really upset. Back in my slim youth I was always a 34C, at my heaviest I was spilling out of a 38DD. Now I am a 34B but most of the cup is filled with saggy loose…
  • This thread is brilliant, and really interesting and thought-provoking. I have skimmed through some of the responses and they all vary so much, which is what I would expect as there are as many reasons as there are people in the world who have had this issue. For me, it was a right mixed bag of reasons. As a child I always…
  • I suffer from the dreaded Apple shape, and someone pointed me to this post, which I found to be helpful: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1161603/so-you-want-a-nice-stomach/p1 Hopefully you will be able to do more in the way of core exercises and lifting once your shoulder is better. Good luck!
  • Thank you so much, BecomingBane. I have a vegan friend who lifts heavy weights but I hadn't thought to ask her about protein sources. I struggle currently even with silly things, like I still have an injury on my leg from my foster cat that looks fresh at 4 months old, so I know I really need to get on top of this. I had…
  • I've not heard of Jillian Micheals before, thanks angelexperiment. I'm not too sure how I would get on with exercise videos at home as I'm a bit rubbish at motivating myself once in my house (outdoors or at the gym are no problem for some reason!) But I shall certainly look into her videos. They would be especially good…
  • Thanks, BecomingBane! Your help would be greatly appreciated :-) I am a lacto-vegetarian but try and go easy on the dairy for my own ethical reasons. My typical day normally includes Alpro soya milk, seeded bread and legumes as my main protein sources. Tofu features fairly often and I sometimes have meat substitutes such…
  • Thank you, strong_curves! :-) It sounds from the article as though I'm doing most things right... I struggle for protein as a vegetarian but am working on it, and am building up my weighlifting. I think I will just need to retain my patience (luckily that's not in short supply) - I'm in this for the long haul so I can't…
  • What a success story! Regaining control of your health and fitness is an awesome feeling, well done. Here's to many happy, healthy years ahead :)
  • Hello, and congratulations on your engagement! :) I hope that you and your future husband will have a long and loving life together. It sounds as though your fiancé will be a great help in reaching your goals, and it is brilliant that you are able to work out together and share a healthy lifestyle. The first week of…
  • @karenkasbi : I think that, once you lose weight, it can take a long time for your brain to catch up with your new self. I have read that it can take up to a year to adjust! Speaking from my personal experience, I'm part-way through my weight loss journey (21 lbs down) and keep forgetting I've dropped a dress size - I keep…
  • Your legs look fine! I'd kill to have legs like yours! Also, you are at the low end of your BMI, so losing more weight wouldn't be advisable. Embrace the person that you have become, and enjoy your new figure :)
  • That is a lovely way to look at it, thank you! :) I have spent a lot of time today focussing on the progress I have made, especially in terms of my fitness so far, and it has definitely helped me get over yesterday's dip. I may not yet have the strength I want, but my running has improved so I don't feel like I'm dying any…
  • Thanks so much both! It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one who struggles along this journey at times, and it's great to see how your positive outlooks have helped you overcome these situations. Don't you just love the forums, and the way we can help each other through these experiences? It's definitely my…
  • Hey, no problem, I'm glad to help :) I hope that you enjoy it!
  • Adding to the great advice of everyone above - how about if you use MFP to work out your current maintenance Calories, use that as your goal just for a few weeks while you get used to logging everything and seeing how you can make positive changes, and then moving down a little, bit by bit, from there? Or you could try…
  • Well done on making that positive change! If there is one thing you can be sure of, it is that as the weeks go by, making positive changes becomes easier as you see the difference these changes are making to your wellbeing. Honestly, it will come :) In the meantime, you can always try some swaps, so you don't feel as…
  • That's a good idea, Machka9 - I wish that I had been sensible enough to think the same way! Today is the first day (well, so far so good anyway) that I have not been starving all day since my return. I will see how today and the weekend go, and if I feel hungry again, I think that I will follow your lead and take a more…
  • Good Lord! I've just gone and snuck a look at your profile photos - what a fantastic transformation! Congratulations! I bet your kids are loving having such an active dad :)
  • I think you've done really well to maintain a weight that is so close to your target over a prolonged period, Franc127 - it is much harder to lose weight when you don't have a lot left to lose, isn't it? I'm lucky in the respect that I am still about 50lbs away from my target weight, so it's currently coming off quite…
  • Aww congratulations on your wedding, and I hope that you enjoyed your honeymoon, Queenmunchy! :) I think that gaining 2lbs over such an important and joyous event, while frustrating to you I'm sure, is minor in the scheme of things. It is hard to get your body back into the right mindset after a break though, isn't it? I…
  • Gosh, doesn't everyone look amazing in their "After" photos? You're all really inspiring! I haven't had my photo taken in so long as I am so ashamed of my size. I really should follow in your leads and take some photos through my journey - my face is where my weight shows the most.
  • Those are great tips, Dianne! I'm starving tonight after using up my day's calories, so I'll be bearing them in mind :)
  • Yeah, 1200 Calories is really tough, isn't it? :/ I started off with over 50lbs to lose, and began my weight loss journey eating 1200 Calories a day. For the first 2 weeks I felt horrifically hungry, but after that it was ok. I decided after my first month to go up to 1290 as I exercise 3-4 times a week, and was starting…
  • WOWZERS! I am so happy for you - you look great, and your family must be thrilled for you too! Being able to fully participate in family life must be the loveliest reward. I hope that you all have a very healthy, happy future :)
  • Well... I tried when I was 7, at some point in my teens, and at 28... ...My other half is so into cycling, I've bought this bike so I have to learn now heheh! If there's one thing I'm really missing about being on a diet, it's spontaneous trips to the pub. If I can learn to ride a bike this time, we can replace an…
  • Hi Alliegator! I have been calorie counting for 6 or 7 weeks now, and I remember the first fortnight was a living Hell! I just wanted to gnaw my own arm off, seriously! :o It got better after the first fortnight or so, as I gradually got used to eating smaller portions. For me personally, I find that I always feel much…
  • Good luck, sbostonRN! It sounds as though you have a great plan in mind for keeping yourself healthy. I just bought a bike at the weekend - I have decided it would be really lovely to go out on cycle rides with my other half, but at the age of 35, having never rode a bike before, I am terrified of how it will feel to ride…