DuckReconMajor Member


  • As for me, I quit soda about 7 years ago. At the same time I stopped getting Large of everything at fast food places and started getting Medium. I went from 250lb to 200lb pretty quickly. After a while I went back to eating everything in sight but I had lost the taste for soda. I only gained 10lb back. Even at my worst…
  • I'm sure someone has mentioned this already but I don't understand how it can be a texture issue when there are hundreds of different veggies and ways to prepare them of just about every texture there is! Also I'd do searches on "ways to sneak veggies into meals" or something along those lines to where you can't even tell…
  • Went to Texas Roadhouse last night and got peanut dust and oil all over my only clean pair of size 34 Dockers. Freaked out until I decided to try on my old 32's. They fit! And they're much more comfortable than the 34s have been recently.
  • I lost weight chewing/eating slowly before I started logging my food. I still use those slowing down techniques sometimes, for example when I'm at a restaurant with others and want to make the food i've pre-logged last as long as I can so I'm not the first one finished just watching others eat.
  • The Waterboys
  • Hey @collegenerd20 how have you been doing on this? coming up on my first month of stronglifts and wondering how your continued progress has gone
  • Is the Google Fit app giving a calorie adjustment the way the FitBit app does? Can I use a Moto 360 to replace my FitBit for this purpose yet?
  • The Surge only shows you text messages, so not full smartwatch capability. So I am sticking with my (albeit goofy) Charge HR and Pebble setup and wear a watch on each arm.
  • Yeah. I do put it in a plastic baggie and stuck it in my pocket when going to a waterpark, but that won't work as well when doing actual swimming.
  • Same here. I take mine off when I shower and wash it with generic Cetaphil on mornings where i work out. Haven't had irritation issues.
  • This happened to me. I got my shirt mixed up with my dad's once, which was medium. And it fit very nicely! Great feeling
  • ugh yes this! GOAWAYFACEFAT
  • I used to blend together protein powder, spinach/kale, and berries if i had them. Now I drink Soylent for breakfast. It's very satisfying, more nutritionally complete, and much easier to prepare. People freak out about it thinking you have to replace your whole diet with it but really it's just a very nutritious easy meal.…
  • Hello Sharon and welcome. I wish you luck. You don't have to eat 3 meals. If you want to lose weight, the number of calories you eat is what is important. Other things, like how many meals you eat a day, are where you figure out what works best for you. Maybe one meal a day helps you stay within your calorie goal. Maybe…
  • Yeah man, I think everyone in this thread can agree, we've been there. I plateu'd pretty hard at 190, but rode it out and like i mentioned earlier i'm almost another 10 lb down. The scale is not going to be kind in times like this lol, in times like this make sure you're graphing your weight out and looking at trends, and…
  • Congratulations! How tall are you? If you are about 6ft 1in then we are both trekking the same path. I was 250 at one point, at the start of this current loss attempt i was 220 and my goal is also 170. I have been hovering in the low 180s. I never thought I would get this far and I keep reminding myself of that as the last…
  • It's normal to weigh more and less and more as your weight fluctuates throughout the day/week. If this bothers you weigh yourself weekly or find a way to keep track of a trend of your weight over time (like if you've got a WiFi scale or a FitBit account with your recorded weight)
  • By "healthy" do you mean "low calorie"? These days maybe they'll have some boxed salads at the concession. or maybe get a hamburger/hotdog and don't eat the bun.
  • This isn't a thread for not-cool guys? :frowning: Have not tried Quest bars but saw a good Slickdeal on the cookie dough ones so I picked up this set of 3 boxes. If you've got American Express card there's a deal where you can get $10 back, and you can get $15 off if you use this code they gave me BGS25 Yeah I know I sound…
  • yeah, those kinds of soups and salads are a godsend when trying to fill up on a low calorie count. Gives that weird feeling of "why am i full and haven't blown through my calorie goal?"
  • In general you're going to see variation on any scale you use. Typically it's better to stick to one, but if you aren't worried about 100% perfect accuracy you can log the entry for your mom's scale, just know if you'd weighed on yours it might be different.
  • Slickdeal on Relaxed Fit Dockers pants, right after I was able to fit into Classic Fit 34s :angry: So whatever, I order Relaxed Fit 32s. They fit! And they feel good!
  • This is the main thing that got to me in this post. Any others who have been here a while who can comment on this?
  • *goes out and buys one hundred cases of coke*
  • Yeah i did this at the waterpark in a plastic baggie then saw Karla say it above for shopping cart and was like "why didnt i think of that?"
  • Yeah when I have to use a basket i do this too, but usually unless I am picking up a lot of stuff/bulky stuff I just carry everything. Also those little Kroger baskets that are like half the size are more fun to push around than to pull so sometimes i just say screw it and let the steps get missed.
  • I made a link for you in my quote. You can link it, what happened is the forum tried to embed it as a YouTube video when you actually linked your channel. But I watched a few and was wondering: are you bench pressing without a spotter or a power rack? isn't that dangerous?
  • I have problems keeping within my goals on weekends, especially when spending time with family, which is the environment i gained weight in to begin with, but I'm getting better at it. Just make sure you continue to log everything, even if it means you are going way over your goals. Also, if you have Android MFP app, go to…
  • Glad to hear it's working for you. I bought a Withings WiFi scale to use with Trendweight and I love it so far. I am hoping my usage of these 3 things will make maintenance easier for me too when I get there.
  • Great post A++++++(continue writing on chalkboard) Yeah another huge point, I may regain all this weight in the future. But I'm going to know why I regained it, I'm gonna know it's my fault, and I'm gonna know how to fix it again. As are most of us here. That puts us leagues ahead of others. Yeah I read somewhere that the…